回复: 怎么买房屋保险啊?TD INSURANCE是最便宜的,没有保险经纪,需要你自己打电话去商讨保险项目。
回复: 怎么买房屋保险啊?谢谢,可以直接去TD找他们商讨,是这样吗?我朋友说请经纪的好处是可以规避一些风险,说保险公司的条款里很多陷阱之类,经纪可以帮助回避这些陷阱,真是这样么?我想知道保险经纪是如何工作的,他们是不是向多家保险公司询价,然后再来通知我。
回复: 怎么买房屋保险啊?就找个broker问问,很多broker公司都代理好几家保险公司的业务,让他们找个最便宜的公司给你好了。反正就这几家保险公司。
回复: 怎么买房屋保险啊?我现在已经找了一个broker问了,返给我两家保险公司的报价,都好高啊。我是否有必要再找一个broker问问呢,但是已有的这个broker很热心,觉得另外再找人问不太好啊。
回复: 怎么买房屋保险啊?90万的house,有报1400的,还有报900的含玻璃险
回复: 怎么买房屋保险啊?
Money saving discounts Get discounts that can help you save on your home insurance: .Claims free up to 15%BCAA membership up to 15%Age-related up to 15%New/renovated home up to 10%Concrete construction 15%Monitored intrusion alarm 5%Monitored fire alarm 2.5%Secured housing complex 15%Multi-line discount* $25Safe home+ up to 10%
*Multi-line discountSave $25 if you insure both your home and auto through BCAA..
+The Safe home discount . This discount is structured with a points system. The more safety measures you’ve taken around your home, the more points you’ll qualify for. Add them up, and see how much you save!.Burglar bars installed on all grade-level accessible floors - 25 pointsDeadbolts on all exterior or entrance doors - 20 pointsIntrusion alarm permanently installed and audible - 20 pointsSmoke/heat detector on each floor - 10 pointsFire sprinkler system professionally installed - 10 pointsElectronic water shut-off, professionally installed - 10 pointsElectronic natural gas shut-off, professionally installed - 10 pointsBlock Watch member - 5 points.Here's how you save: 55+ points: 5% 75+ points: 10%
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回复: 怎么买房屋保险啊?谢谢各位
回复: 怎么买房屋保险啊?90万的house,有报1400的,还有报900的含玻璃险点击展开...请问这个90万是房子的购入价还是重建价?其他价位的房子是不是乘上相应系数就可以大致估算保费?另外,大家购买地震险吗?
回复: 怎么买房屋保险啊?mark
回复: 怎么买房屋保险啊?
Money saving discounts Get discounts that can help you save on your home insurance: .Claims free up to 15%BCAA membership up to 15%Age-related up to 15%New/renovated home up to 10%Concrete construction 15%Monitored intrusion alarm 5%Monitored fire alarm 2.5%Secured housing complex 15%Multi-line discount* $25Safe home+ up to 10%
*Multi-line discountSave $25 if you insure both your home and auto through BCAA..
+The Safe home discount . This discount is structured with a points system. The more safety measures you’ve taken around your home, the more points you’ll qualify for. Add them up, and see how much you save!.Burglar bars installed on all grade-level accessible floors - 25 pointsDeadbolts on all exterior or entrance doors - 20 pointsIntrusion alarm permanently installed and audible - 20 pointsSmoke/heat detector on each floor - 10 pointsFire sprinkler system professionally installed - 10 pointsElectronic water shut-off, professionally installed - 10 pointsElectronic natural gas shut-off, professionally installed - 10 pointsBlock Watch member - 5 points.Here's how you save: 55+ points: 5% 75+ points: 10%点击展开... 非常谢谢!
回复: 怎么买房屋保险啊?canadian direct insurance 这家还可以,直接打电话投保,所有问题都可以在电话里搞清楚。价格也不错。点击展开...
回复: 怎么买房屋保险啊?mark
回复: 怎么买房屋保险啊?https://insurance2.group.tdinsurance.com/generic/property/property?quoter=property&website_id=generic&AID=mmi_embperl_quoter&company_name=TDI&brand=TDCT&language=EN&rg=7001&product=HOME&transactiontype=NEWQUOTE
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