多伦多房价的年增幅为7.3%,居全国最高;其次是温哥华,5.3% By The Canadian Press OTTAWA - Home prices crept higher in March as a slowing Vancouver market was offset by an acceleration in prices in Calgary, Toronto and Montreal, according to a report by the Canadian Real Estate Association.The MLS home price index was up 1.3 per cent in March on an month-over-month basis and up 5.1 per cent per cent compared with a year ago."Overall price trends show that Canada's housing market continues to moderate," association president Wayne Moen said."Price increases have been shrinking since last fall. While that trend paused in March, it may in part reflect an early spring in many parts of the country, resulting in increased competition among buyers."The index is based on prices for one- and two-storey single family homes, townhouses and apartments in several key markets across the country.The report found that price gains for single family homes were 6.4 per cent, roughly that for townhouses or apartments, that came in a 2.6 per cent and three per cent respectively.Prices were up in all of the markets tracked, led by Toronto which saw a 7.3 per cent gain compared with a year ago, well ahead of Vancouver, which was second at 5.27 per cent from a year ago.On a month-over-month basis, Toronto was up 1.65 per cent for March, traditionally a busy month for real estate sales, compared with Vancouver at 1.06 per cent.Montreal gained 1.49 per cent and Calgary climbed 1.41 per cent in March.The rise in the index followed a CREA report earlier this month that the average price of a Canadian home sold in March fell for the first time since January, a move attributed to an unusually large number of luxury properties sold in Vancouver last year.The national average home resale price in March was $369,677, down from just under $373,000 in February and $371,591 in March 2011.The decrease came as the number of sales conducted through the industry's MLS system was up 2.5 per cent from February, making last month the busiest sales month since April 2010.Toronto's average residential price last month was $504,117 ― up from $456,147 in March 2011. Vancouver's average residential price in March was $761,742, down from $786,311 in the same month last year.
回复: 三月加房价上涨放缓 多伦多领先全国一夜回到解放前啊,去年中买房的估计都跌了,自住无所谓! 好多人总认为我家边上卖多少,所以我房子值多少! 不卖真不知道,就看到渔人村我认为一模一样的两房,成交差一周,价差别15万.不知内部装修差多少!
回复: 三月加房价上涨放缓 多伦多领先全国一夜回到解放前?你知道解放前啥样么
回复: 三月加房价上涨放缓 多伦多领先全国一夜回到解放前?你知道解放前啥样么点击展开...去年一年白涨了,前年买的房子的,现在价格还比他高,去年买的多数人都比现价高了!再控制下去,估计除了华人聚集区,其他区域就要惨不忍睹了!
回复: 三月加房价上涨放缓 多伦多领先全国解放才2年么,解放前温西的价格100万以下。各方都不遗余力的鼓吹房产崩溃,也就是个平手罢了。年增幅会逐月减小,因为去年是逐月增加,如果今年价格平稳,当然当月的同比增幅会减少。很简单的数学问题。现在加元强劲,看央行怎么办。加拿大央行咋不公布资金流入的情况,美联储上个月公布资本净流入1300亿美元。既要算小账,也要看大帐。
回复: 三月加房价上涨放缓 多伦多领先全国如果加央行胆敢早于美国加息,看看汇率怎么走,0.9都守不住。
回复: 三月加房价上涨放缓 多伦多领先全国去年一年白涨了,前年买的房子的,现在价格还比他高,去年买的多数人都比现价高了!再控制下去,估计除了华人聚集区,其他区域就要惨不忍睹了!点击展开... 语无轮次!
一旦你拥有房产, 你就拥有了家园,土地,财富和主权.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]回复: 三月加房价上涨放缓 多伦多领先全国兔子是三瓣嘴,能说呀。我们少一瓣,哈哈。
回复: 三月加房价上涨放缓 多伦多领先全国确实是惨不忍睹了,踏空的人。
回复: 三月加房价上涨放缓 多伦多领先全国确实是惨不忍睹了,踏空的人。点击展开...业内人士,哈哈。说话比我们有用呀。你们都忙着做生意,我们在这苦战三瓣嘴。我也要当经纪
回复: 三月加房价上涨放缓 多伦多领先全国一夜回到解放前啊,去年中买房的估计都跌了,自住无所谓! 好多人总认为我家边上卖多少,所以我房子值多少! 不卖真不知道,就看到渔人村我认为一模一样的两房,成交差一周,价差别15万.不知内部装修差多少!点击展开...回到解放前你敢拿一辈子来赌回到从前吗? 租一辈房,退休了,那点退休金能抵得上房租?
_________________________來生還做自干五_____________________________時政觀察_________________________回复: 三月加房价上涨放缓 多伦多领先全国多说无益,拭目以待
回复: 三月加房价上涨放缓 多伦多领先全国要不,兔子租30年房子,我贷款买房,30年后咱再回来看看结果如何。
回复: 三月加房价上涨放缓 多伦多领先全国要不,兔子租30年房子,我贷款买房,30年后咱再回来看看结果如何。点击展开...不是租30年房子,我是劝现在想买房的,等个一年,便宜个10%以上,为什么不呢?
回复: 三月加房价上涨放缓 多伦多领先全国要不,兔子租30年房子,我贷款买房,30年后咱再回来看看结果如何。点击展开...没一个看空的会租房 30 年,房价下跌自然会买。这些都是循环的。
回复: 三月加房价上涨放缓 多伦多领先全国那就是低点买入自住,高点抛出租房。经纪乐死了。再说,踏空一次,可能永远不能玩了。
回复: 三月加房价上涨放缓 多伦多领先全国那就是低点买入自住,高点抛出租房。经纪乐死了。再说,踏空一次,可能永远不能玩了。点击展开...看空的不少也是这一波涨上来赚了的。要不怎么敢玩?
回复: 三月加房价上涨放缓 多伦多领先全国那就赶快卖了吧,等跌了再买回来。厉害
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