加拿大华人论坛 加拿大房产“天啊” Markham 那个楼盘怎么样了?
回复: “天啊” Markham 那个楼盘怎么样了?Rabbit, you are wrong this time. The purchasing process has not started yet. Please see below: Purchaser Appointment Process APPOINTMENT ENROLLMENT OPENSMonday, May 14th, 2012 at 8pmAppointments will be set based onthe enrollment names received during this time only.Appointments to purchase will begin onMay 23rd, 2012• Photo identification (e.g. driver’s license or passport).• Bank pre-approval.• Personal cheque book (minimum 5 cheques).Please Note:• One purchase per registrant.• Registrant’s name must be the same name on the Offer To Purchase.• All deals are FIRM.• All pricing is subject to change and will be confirmed at purchase appointment.• Purchasers can only select one builder for an appointment to purchase.• Agreement of purchase of sale will be available online when you set your appointment.Please note: due to the limited lots available, weanticipate that not all registrants can be contacted.Names will be chosen weekly and will be subject toproduct availability.If you are not contacted within 4 weeks, you were notselected for this release however, we will keep yourinformation on file and contact you should somethingbecome available.
回复: “天啊” Markham 那个楼盘怎么样了?Rabbit, you are wrong this time. The purchasing process has not started yet. Please see below: Purchaser Appointment Process APPOINTMENT ENROLLMENT OPENSMonday, May 14th, 2012 at 8pmAppointments will be set based onthe enrollment names received during this time only.Appointments to purchase will begin onMay 23rd, 2012• Photo identification (e.g. driver’s license or passport).• Bank pre-approval.• Personal cheque book (minimum 5 cheques).Please Note:• One purchase per registrant.• Registrant’s name must be the same name on the Offer To Purchase.• All deals are FIRM.• All pricing is subject to change and will be confirmed at purchase appointment.• Purchasers can only select one builder for an appointment to purchase.• Agreement of purchase of sale will be available online when you set your appointment.Please note: due to the limited lots available, weanticipate that not all registrants can be contacted.Names will be chosen weekly and will be subject toproduct availability.If you are not contacted within 4 weeks, you were notselected for this release however, we will keep yourinformation on file and contact you should somethingbecome available.点击展开...看起来大家都在学苹果的营销,哈哈. 如果在中国,卖器官也要搞一个!
回复: “天啊” Markham 那个楼盘怎么样了?卖前造势,八字没一撇,愣抬出3000号来个“天啊”,做作得有点傻了。现在买方市场,平均30-40次看房才能有一个房约,可以说是房前人头攒动合约稀。3000多号,就目前的市场,一年半载也卖不完。象车展似的,凑热闹的多,动手的少。拭目以待,跟踪报道,看看这个所谓的“明星”楼盘的情况吧。不过之前的网上的明星楼盘都悄无声息了,例如“大温叫价最高的3400万豪宅”, 大温的“整街打包出售”都抛售了?建议下次发软文时,见了订单在发。Rabbit, you are wrong this time. The purchasing process has not started yet. Please see below: Purchaser Appointment ProcessAPPOINTMENT ENROLLMENT OPENSMonday, May 14th, 2012 at 8pmAppointments will be set based onthe enrollment names received during this time only.Appointments to purchase will begin onMay 23rd, 2012 Photo identification (e.g. driver’s license or passport). Bank pre-approval. Personal cheque book (minimum 5 cheques).Please Note: One purchase per registrant. Registrant’s name must be the same name on the Offer To Purchase. All deals are FIRM. All pricing is subject to change and will be confirmed at purchase appointment. Purchasers can only select one builder for an appointment to purchase. Agreement of purchase of sale will be available online when you set your appointment.Please note: due to the limited lots available, weanticipate that not all registrants can be contacted.Names will be chosen weekly and will be subject toproduct availability.If you are not contacted within 4 weeks, you were notselected for this release however, we will keep yourinformation on file and contact you should somethingbecome available.点击展开...
回复: “天啊” Markham 那个楼盘怎么样了?"天啊"现在排到多少号了?要下手的报个数。
回复: “天啊” Markham 那个楼盘怎么样了?这个楼盘好像销售不怎么样,我登记了一下,说是昨天晚上8点登记开卖,我没有去登录,今天发了好多电邮给我,让我赶紧登录去买。
回复: “天啊” Markham 那个楼盘怎么样了?大多地产是“热”在表面,虚在心里。还有登记请报来,看看大多地产虚火有多旺。这个楼盘好像销售不怎么样,我登记了一下,说是昨天晚上8点登记开卖,我没有去登录,今天发了好多电邮给我,让我赶紧登录去买。点击展开...
回复: “天啊” Markham 那个楼盘怎么样了?不是说5月23日才开始卖吗?很不明白兔子如此坚定地唱空房市的原因,难道几年来一直租房?
回复: “天啊” Markham 那个楼盘怎么样了?不是说5月23日才开始卖吗?很不明白兔子如此坚定地唱空房市的原因,难道几年来一直租房?点击展开...我支持兔子,不是因为他唱空房市,而是因为他唱空房市的目的是希望新移民能看清当前房市的潜在危机,不要被某些心怀鬼胎的人忽悠利用了。他说的也许不一定对,但买不买房还是自己的脑袋决定的,至少兔子的声音给我们提供了另一个参考。
回复: “天啊” Markham 那个楼盘怎么样了?ZT 温哥华西区“空屋现象”严重http://www.enhome.ca/news/2012/0517/98453.shtml
回复: “天啊” Markham 那个楼盘怎么样了?加国的地产现在不需要唱空,自己就空了。 大多前1,2,3月份修正后的数据不是逐月降低吗?大温是跌惨了,以代表性地区温西为例,房子大量空置,几年来反复倒手,现在房价跌幅达20以上,大量list出来,苦苦寻找能接手的倒霉蛋。最富裕的阿省07年房价高达50.5万,随后几年一直在低限下,徘徊,上个月为42万多。怎么是唱空的?加国收入最高的油公司的工程男女,不炒房,炒房的是中低收入,包括JJ和在网上拼命唱多的。不少工程男女游走加国和美国两地,租房的不少,收入不低啊。再次说明,加国高收入不炒房,炒房的是中低收入,高负债家庭。一个现实的例子就是Markham "天啊“ 楼盘。预计够买者:一手购买者JJ,准备转手倒卖。房价高位,新移民,留学生移民政策变故,谁会当怨大头。高贷款的中低收入者“天啊“ 楼盘,销售情况会极不理想,目前市场,观望者众,就目前来看,当天销售不会超过20%,当然不会包括虚拟交易的JJ。根据以往经验,虚拟交易占大部分,当日”抢购“后,一年后,仍会发现有大量带售楼花。一年后,”天啊“就会变成了”唉“。拭目以待。对了”天啊“现在排了应该有十几万号了吧?怎么没动静了。不是说5月23日才开始卖吗?很不明白兔子如此坚定地唱空房市的原因,难道几年来一直租房?点击展开...
回复: “天啊” Markham 那个楼盘怎么样了?现实写照,看看大多“天啊”楼盘,是如何“涨”上的。
回复: “天啊” Markham 那个楼盘怎么样了?现实写照,看看大多“天啊”楼盘,是如何“涨”上的。点击展开...看客文化啊! 任何事情,参与者2-3人,围观起哄者,10到几十万都不止. 来加拿大了,还是这样,我自己也是,自己有房,但还是回去登记起哄,
回复: “天啊” Markham 那个楼盘怎么样了?知道牛刀吗? 我支持兔子,不是因为他唱空房市,而是因为他唱空房市的目的是希望新移民能看清当前房市的潜在危机,不要被某些心怀鬼胎的人忽悠利用了。他说的也许不一定对,但买不买房还是自己的脑袋决定的,至少兔子的声音给我们提供了另一个参考。点击展开...
回复: “天啊” Markham 那个楼盘怎么样了?看客文化啊! 任何事情,参与者2-3人,围观起哄者,10到几十万都不止. 来加拿大了,还是这样,我自己也是,自己有房,但还是回去登记起哄,点击展开...那倒是,不买房的也要了解了解行情,这个市场这么引人注目。我有次去一个朋友家参加聚会,未成想下午到了他家,客人都在他家driveway上等着,原来附近有open house,小两口带着孩子去“领行情”去啦,等他们开心回来,我们也忍俊不禁啊。
唱山歌的娃儿那倒是,不买房的也要了解了解行情,这个市场这么引人注目。 我有次去一个朋友家参加聚会,未成想下午到了他家,客人都在他家driveway上等着,原来附近有open house,小两口带着孩子去“领行情”去啦,等他们开心回来,我们也忍俊不禁啊。点击展开...gl 这个很普遍,open house很多都是邻居来看热闹!
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