加拿大华人论坛 加拿大房产Which number for the first offer?
Hi. we are buying old property.The owner asked 180,000 and my friend, a professional builder, said it worth 160,000, which is also my limit. plus we are the only buyer at the moment.So how much should my first offer be? 150,000?Please advise
回复: Which number for the first offer?160000
回复: Which number for the first offer?160000点击展开...Thanks man. But should not me put less than 160,000, as we are the only buyer and 160,000 is the last we will offer?
回复: Which number for the first offer?要看对方急不急?这房估计没其他人买,如果你不买,他每月持有成本多少?(地税,利息等)我建议出150000减去原房主6个月持有成本.再等待对方回价.
回复: Which number for the first offer?要看对方急不急?这房估计没其他人买,如果你不买,他每月持有成本多少?(地税,利息等)我建议出150000减去原房主6个月持有成本.再等待对方回价.点击展开...房子很破旧,估计也就我这种刚需肯买。如果买到还需要做些换地面墙纸ceiling之类的翻新和修复,房主不可能出钱出力装修了。据经纪说几十年的老房子,一对老夫妇住了一辈子,子女们全搬走了,老头前两年去世,老太去了senior home,子女都不愿意要这么个旧房子。现在他家一个女儿在主持往外卖。地税1362每年,半年地税也没多少。我肯买这个破旧的老房子,1刚需,2便宜,3离我工作地方不到2公里,天气好可以走路上班。经济说上了MSL半个月(其实还久一点)只有4次来人看过,只有我提出要买。再次感谢大家的意见
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