加拿大华人论坛 加拿大房产列治文地产经纪预测Richmond独立屋3年内下跌30%
列治文地产经纪 James Wong 8月份发表的列治文地产展望:The real estate market in Richmond deteriorated further at the end of July. Some home sellers were making drastic price reductions and generous concessions in selling their homes. More homes were now listed and sold at prices significantly below their city assessment values for 2012.7月份列治文房市更加惨淡。有些卖方被迫大幅度降价。愈来愈多单位的上市价及成交价已大幅低于2012政府估价。The next few months are expected to remain lacklustre. The next few weeks and months would probably follow what happened in 2008. But, instead of a recovery like 2009, home sales could stayed low at current level with home prices declining. In Richmond, there is a high probability of a price decline for detached homes in excess of 30%, and attached homes in the range of 20% or more over the next 3 years.未来几个月,列治文房市将继续退步, 大致上将相当于2008年的跌势,不过我们不会再见到2009年般的回升。预测列治文独立屋在3年内会见到30%的跌幅,而非独立屋-20%。GF 大致同意James Wong 的评论,但GF预测-30%可能在两年左右就可以达成。http://richmondbcrealestates.com/?m=201208
GreaterFool 大傻的温哥华房市分析站 First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.回复: 列治文地产经纪预测Richmond独立屋3年内下跌30%很有可能。现在手中有货的都在网上可劲忽悠呢,真实急眼了。房价高位,还是要小心为好。
回复: 列治文地产经纪预测Richmond独立屋3年内下跌30%去年年初卖出列治文独立屋兑现的最赢现在卖出已比去年少了5-10万今后几年,百万独立屋以每年10%, 即10万/年 的速率贬值。等于>$8000/月 贬值等于>$275/日 贬值9月labor day 后,我们将如往见到上市量及总房源进入另一段上升阶段,卖方竞争将随着增加。8月剩下这3周,是今年卖方所剩最好的时机。good luck to all the remaining sellers.
GreaterFool 大傻的温哥华房市分析站 First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.回复: 列治文地产经纪预测Richmond独立屋3年内下跌30%是已经有点晚了,不过现在卖大多数人都还可以赚。不过大多数人都不想面对房价下跌这个现实。
回复: 列治文地产经纪预测Richmond独立屋3年内下跌30%哈哈,专家预测基本都是故事
回复: 列治文地产经纪预测Richmond独立屋3年内下跌30%据说股票专家的预测并不比买菜的大妈来得准。,,,点击展开...你说的是那些在报纸上写股评的。
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