加拿大华人论坛 加拿大房产加拿大房屋贷款违约开始增加
In its second-quarter results, released Wednesday, CMHC said that its losses on mortgage insurance claims rose to $168-million for the three months ended in June, up from $144-million in the same period of 2011 and $154-million in the first quarter of this year.
When you judge another person, you do not define him or her, you define yourself.回复: 加拿大房屋贷款违约大增市场弱了。
回复: 加拿大房屋贷款违约大增加息更远了
回复: 加拿大房屋贷款违约大增贷款要更难了。
GreaterFool 大傻的温哥华房市分析站 First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.贷款要更难了。点击展开...if i sell house under CHMC insurance in 10years? does CHMC rerurn the rest insurance fee(15years or 20years)? If not, even house price down 50%,CHMC get no risk at all!
回复: 加拿大房屋贷款违约大增步子还不够大,要再大一点。
回复: 加拿大房屋贷款违约大增if i sell house under CHMC insurance in 10years? does CHMC rerurn the rest insurance fee(15years or 20years)? If not, even house price down 50%,CHMC get no risk at all!点击展开...可能到时候 CMHC 已经玩完了。我觉得今后 5 年这一波下去,CMHC 可能要私有化了。
回复: 加拿大房屋贷款违约大增if i sell house under CHMC insurance in 10years? does CHMC rerurn the rest insurance fee(15years or 20years)? If not, even house price down 50%,CHMC get no risk at all!点击展开...CMHC的资产只有100亿左右,担保的是6000亿的房屋贷款,只要有 1.6%违约,CMHC就完蛋。如果房价跌掉50%,那得有多少违约!
When you judge another person, you do not define him or her, you define yourself.CMHC的资产只有100亿左右,担保的是6000亿的房屋贷款,只要有 1.6%违约, CMHC 就完蛋。如果房价跌掉50%,那得有多少违约!点击展开...6000亿?how many house under CMHC insurance. for example, A bought a house under CMHC insurance 10years ago, and sold it to B 5years ago, B sold it to C LAST year. CMHC insure(underwright) this house 3 times, they don't take no risk for A and B anymore. If C didn't get insurance from CMHC. CHMC get no risk but profit from A and B's insurance fee!
回复: 加拿大房屋贷款违约开始增加Who was going to insure C?
回复: 加拿大房屋贷款违约大增CMHC的资产只有100亿左右,担保的是6000亿的房屋贷款,只要有 1.6%违约,CMHC就完蛋。如果房价跌掉50%,那得有多少违约!点击展开...没那么吓人,最后政府总要出来兜底的,就像美国的两房一样.而且,加拿大还有一招是美国缺乏的,加拿大市场小,只要把大陆投资移民的额度一松,房价很快就上去了.
回复: 加拿大房屋贷款违约开始增加Who was going to insure C?点击展开...C downpayment more than 20%,don't need any insurance for the mortgage.
回复: 加拿大房屋贷款违约开始增加C downpayment more than 20%,don't need any insurance for the mortgage.点击展开...这又是一个没有搞懂 CMHC 保险业务的。
回复: 加拿大房屋贷款违约开始增加这又是一个没有搞懂 CMHC 保险业务的。点击展开...could you please let me 搞懂?
回复: 加拿大房屋贷款违约开始增加这又是一个没有搞懂 CMHC 保险业务的。点击展开...what if the buyer puts down payment which is less than 20%?
回复: 加拿大房屋贷款违约开始增加what if the buyer puts down payment which is less than 20%?点击展开...CHMC got insurance fee 3 times for the same house. what is the risk from?
回复: 加拿大房屋贷款违约开始增加违约增加,而且在持续这是事实,意味CMHC风险大了。
回复: 加拿大房屋贷款违约开始增加CMHC的信息,数据非常强大,而且在不断地收紧审批标准。很多房屋、金融方面的信息和分析都是CMHC发布的。 举个例子,多伦多front st. w上有两栋CONDO,CMHC拒绝承保,这些信息对商业银行有很大的影响,我们也会考虑CMHC想法。我会告诉我的业务伙伴远离这两栋楼。点击展开...which two? I am looking for CONDO for investment now!
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