加拿大华人论坛 加拿大房产加国负债163%可支配收入 楼市崩溃点
加国负债163%可支配收入 楼市崩溃点加拿大家园 iask.ca 2012-10-15 17:46 来源: 明报 作者:直破云霄!加国家庭负债163%可支配收入加拿大统计局修正国民负债数字,新报告指出,今年第2季度国民负债更深,家庭负债额达到可支配收入的163%,远超上一季度报告的152%高。 家 园 论 坛新数字从家庭类别删减非牟利机构数字,以更精确的数字展示家庭财政现状。楼市崩溃点 www.canadameet.cc资本经济(Capital Economics)分析员马达尼(David Madani)说,修正数字显示国民负债在过去10年的增长趋势,看上去「与美国地产市场崩溃前的状况相近」。 家园温哥华,vancouver.iask.ca他说:「总体上,这支持我们的观点,加拿大地产市场蓬勃,却不能持续,总有回落的一天,我们认为已它已开始回落,可能对经济增长有颇大的负面影响。」修正数字显示,加拿大家庭债务攀升得高,过去6个季度一直攀升。加拿大央行长卡尼:将采取一切适当的行动实现2%的通胀目标 i a s k . c a在负债数据发布后,加拿大央行发布了一个异乎寻常的声明。声明表示,加拿大央行将确保,未来任何加息过程将保持透明和公开。并承诺将使公众清楚明白的知道,央行做了什么,和为什么要这样做。换句话说,央行不会有任何令人意外的举动。央行长卡尼稍后在温哥华岛经济联盟峰会上发表讲话,他指出,央行将采取一切适当的行动实现2%的通胀目标。这句话意味着,如果目前的长期低利率刺激经济,导致通胀失控,央行将以控制通胀优先。普遍认为,过快和过急的加息将重创加拿大楼市。Canada revisions show household debt much bigger than thoughthttp://ca.finance.yahoo.com/news/can...124303560.htmlOTTAWA (Reuters) - Canadian household debt is far higher than previously thought relative to income, Statistics Canada's historical revisions showed on Monday, heightening pressure on policy makers to address what they have called the biggest domestic danger to the economy.And the rate was still rising to a new record in the second quarter -- before the tightening of mortgage insurance rules. The household debt-to-income ratio jumped to 163.4 percent in the second quarter from 161.8 percent in the first quarter, according to revisions made to bring the agency's methodology in line with updated international standards.Under the old method, Statscan had reported the first quarter household debt-to-income ratio of 152.0 percent. The revisions show the ratio in 2011 was 161.7 percent instead of 150.6 percent as previously estimated.The figure is a key measure of the vulnerability of indebted Canadians to a sudden loss of income or sudden downturn in the housing market. A Statistics Canada analyst said the Canadian ratio was well above that of the United States.The main reasons for the revisions were that the new methodology resulted in a higher calculation of household credit market debt and lower disposable income. Statscan also removed non-profit institutions serving households from the household sector when making its estimates.The soaring debt levels, fueled in part by a hot housing market, have led Bank of Canada Governor Mark Carney and Finance Minister Jim Flaherty to warn Canadians repeatedly against getting too deep into debt at a time of ultra-low rates.The International Monetary Fund last week singled out the country's housing boom and household debt levels as factors to watch.(Reporting by Louise Egan; Editing by Chizu Nomiyama)
回复: 加国负债163%可支配收入 楼市崩溃点加拿大政府是个负责任的政府,提醒家庭举债过度,避免未来加息给市场带来的伤害。
回复: 加国负债163%可支配收入 楼市崩溃点Carney又喊狼来了?LOL
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