加拿大华人论坛 加拿大房产想在伦敦买房, 请分享经验和建议.
最近在伦敦找到工作,想在伦敦买房,想听建议或经验分享。买房的预算:约在加币30-40万,3-4个Bed Rooms,独立屋。谢谢!
回复: 想在伦敦买房, 请分享经验和建议.最近在伦敦找到工作,想在伦敦买房,想听建议或经验分享。买房的预算:约在加币30-40万,3-4个Bed Rooms,独立屋。谢谢!点击展开...幸福!
2010:0212RN-IP0512-FN0508-ME05202011:DM0126-VISA-0201 2011:0316 Mississauga... 海为龙世界 云是鹤家乡...回复: 想在伦敦买房, 请分享经验和建议.伦敦除了冬天雪多之外,是个挺好的城市。教育产业发达,医疗也是全加最发达的地区。买房预算稍低了一点。
回复: 想在伦敦买房, 请分享经验和建议.这个价钱在伦敦能买挺好的房子了,但要注意一点,虽然伦敦也挺大,但还是要注意离Green Lane landfill, near London, Ont远一些,因为多伦多以前的垃圾是运往美国密西里根的,但自从合同结束后,跟伦敦签署了填埋垃圾循环利用的合同,从2011年开始,多伦多的垃圾已运往伦敦填埋,所以尽量离开一些,以免受到影响。 The last truck filled with garbage from Canada's largest city arrived in neighbouring Michigan on Thursday, ending a 12-year agreement to haul detritus from the Greater Toronto Area across the Canada-U.S. border. It wasn't until 2003 that Toronto started shipping 100 per cent of its garbage across the border. At the height of the deal, 142 trucks a day were making the trip, hauling an estimated 10,000 tons of garbage daily. Starting Jan. 1, 2011, Toronto's garbage will be disposed of at the city-owned Green Lane landfill, near London, Ont.The Green Lane site has been described by the city as a "modern, state-of-the-art facility with on-site treatment of leachate and a methane gas collection and flaring system.""By 2013, the landfill gas generated and captured at Green Lane Landfill will be sufficient to produce approximately 10 megawatts of electricity, which is to be used to help offset the need for electricity from non-renewable sources," said a news release from the city. The Green Lane landfill is expected to continue to accept Toronto's garbage for the next 17 to 25 years, depending on the success of the city's recycling programs.
多伦多生活信息:http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=349313微信:cindyliu68 QQ: 2507685694 回复: 想在伦敦买房, 请分享经验和建议.谢谢分享!
回复: 想在伦敦买房, 请分享经验和建议.伦敦我住过一周,印象不错。好像在商业区附近的房子也不便宜,50万以上吧。
回复: 想在伦敦买房, 请分享经验和建议.这预算选择范围蛮大的,北面AB LUCAS中学校区和西面OAKRIDGE中学校区都挺好,多做些必要的功课,祝买房安居顺利。
回复: 想在伦敦买房, 请分享经验和建议.也想去伦敦买房
回复: 想在伦敦买房, 请分享经验和建议.这预算选择范围蛮大的,北面AB LUCAS中学校区和西面OAKRIDGE中学校区都挺好,多做些必要的功课,祝买房安居顺利。点击展开...
回复: 想在伦敦买房, 请分享经验和建议.这个价钱在伦敦能买挺好的房子了,但要注意一点,虽然伦敦也挺大,但还是要注意离Green Lane landfill, near London, Ont远一些,因为多伦多以前的垃圾是运往美国密西里根的,但自从合同结束后,跟伦敦签署了填埋垃圾循环利用的合同,从2011年开始,多伦多的垃圾已运往伦敦填埋,所以尽量离开一些,以免受到影响。 The last truck filled with garbage from Canada's largest city arrived in neighbouring Michigan on Thursday, ending a 12-year agreement to haul detritus from the Greater Toronto Area across the Canada-U.S. border. It wasn't until 2003 that Toronto started shipping 100 per cent of its garbage across the border. At the height of the deal, 142 trucks a day were making the trip, hauling an estimated 10,000 tons of garbage daily. Starting Jan. 1, 2011, Toronto's garbage will be disposed of at the city-owned Green Lane landfill, near London, Ont.The Green Lane site has been described by the city as a "modern, state-of-the-art facility with on-site treatment of leachate and a methane gas collection and flaring system.""By 2013, the landfill gas generated and captured at Green Lane Landfill will be sufficient to produce approximately 10 megawatts of electricity, which is to be used to help offset the need for electricity from non-renewable sources," said a news release from the city. The Green Lane landfill is expected to continue to accept Toronto's garbage for the next 17 to 25 years, depending on the success of the city's recycling programs.点击展开...
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