加拿大华人论坛 加拿大房产加国6银行遭降级。BC省债被发出降级警告。
S&P 刚降级 6个加国银行两天前BC省债才被Moody's 发出降级警告正如GF一年多来不断说过,BC省过度依赖房地产的经济,将面临巨大挑战。省政府的地产交易税收已开始明显缩水。BC经济面临寒冬。S&P lowers ratings on six Canadian financial institutionsDec. 14 2012S&P said Thursday it was downgrading Bank of Nova Scotia, the country’s third-biggest bank, and National Bank of Canada, the sixth-largest lender, by one notch. The agency also lowered its ratings on Central 1 Credit Union, Caisse centrale Desjardins, Home Capital Group Inc. and Laurentian Bank of Canada by one grade.... as bond-rating agencies take a harder look at the slumping economy, high consumer debt, and low interest rates, which are expected to cause a slowdown in bank profitability in the coming year. Other agencies, such as DBRS and Moody’s have moved to downgrade their ratings of Canadian financial institutions by one notch in recent months.Harsh reality darkens B.C. premier’s sunny debt forecastsDec. 14 2012For British Columbians, news that a leading credit rating agency was sounding the alarm on the province’s debt and economic outlook must have come as a shock.Last year’s projections in B.C. for natural gas revenues have become irrelevant. Royalties have shrivelled to peanuts in the current economic environment. In the meantime, the housing market has slowed to a crawl. Not only are fewer homes being built, but the sale of existing homes can now safely be described as worse than sluggish.In a real estate-centric market such as Greater Vancouver, this has a trickle-down effect. The government is seeing significantly less tax money from property transfers and goods and services associated with the real estate market – the sale of furniture and appliances, for example.The news gets worse when you consider that British Columbians have the highest personal debt levels in the country, thanks in part to the massive mortgages they carry. A drop in house prices of 20 to 30 per cent, which could happen, could spell doom for many people who would no longer have the asset value to pay off their debts.Not surprisingly, the B.C. government is playing down Wednesday’s announcement by Moody’s Investors Service that its Triple A credit rating is in jeopardy.
GreaterFool 大傻的温哥华房市分析站 First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.回复: 加国6银行遭降级。BC省债被发出降级警告。good news
回复: 加国6银行遭降级。BC省债被发出降级警告。BC的房地产及经济的今天,就是整个中国的明天,各位炒官,见好就收吧。
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哪里不是天涯。。。。GF每次都改动文章题目: S&P lowers ratings on six Canadian financial institutions中文意思是“S&P 刚降级 6个加国银行”吗,信用社和银行都多大差距,你不知道吗。点击展开...
回复: 加国6银行遭降级。BC省债被发出降级警告。GF每次都改动文章题目: S&P lowers ratings on six Canadian financial institutions中文意思是“S&P 刚降级 6个加国银行”吗,信用社和银行都多大差距,你不知道吗。点击展开...叹,好好好,红雨先生现在转行"翻译警察"若真要咬文嚼字,GF可以把主题改成 ""S&P刚降级3个银行 (Scotiabank, National Bank, Laurentian Bank) 及3个“信用社”" okay?降级信用社(credit union) 的credit rating 对房贷申请的难易度是有影响的。 在BC省有不少人的房贷是经由信用社借来的。若红雨先生真对这新闻有兴趣,要不要谈谈S&P 降级 BMO 的 stand-alone credit profiles "个别基础信用结构" 的原因?帮忙翻译 S&P 原文吧!We believe banks operating in Canada are subject to an expanding set of potential stresses arising from competitive pressure on growth and margins, while asset quality is potentially vulnerable--in light of high consumer indebtedness--to developments that may trigger general economic deterioration in Canada. Consequently, we lowered our anchor stand-alone credit profile (SACP), which is the starting point for our ratings on financial institutions operating primarily in Canada, including BMO, to 'a-' from 'a'.http://www.standardandpoors.com/ratings/articles/en/us/?articleType=HTML&assetID=1245344944944点击展开...哦, 还有,安大略省几个月前不是才被Moody's 降级吗?http://www.thestar.com/news/canada/politics/article/1168894--moody-s-downgrades-ontario-s-credit-rating红雨先生对这有何看法? 安省经济前景又如何呢?
GreaterFool 大傻的温哥华房市分析站 First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.信用评级与放贷政策毫不相干,就别生搬硬套了,更不要夸大其词。每次有负面消息,LZ就会欢呼雀跃,甚至故意翻译错文章题目,抓到你几次了?只看题目不看内容的人也跟着起哄。 如果信用评级公司的评级准确,会有全世界的金融机构购买美国的次贷债券吗?加拿大的银行是靠在国际债券市场上发债来筹措资金做按揭贷款吗?你这么兴奋干吗? 美国国债去年就降级了,美国的房屋贷款比原来更难了吗?点击展开...看来还是回到转移话题,避而不答的伎俩。信用评级会影响到整体经济,不管是公司也好,省政府也好,国家也好。 再来,把加拿大与美国比,是不是自我感觉过佳? 加拿大整体经济不过是一个California 的大小。你先看看世界上其他信用评级被降级的国家,他们的经济如何,前景如何。
GreaterFool 大傻的温哥华房市分析站 First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.整个一个外行,哪个国家被降级了?评级公司是国际法庭啊。点击展开... 你该多看点国际新闻
回复: 加国6银行遭降级。BC省债被发出降级警告。看来还是回到转移话题,避而不答的伎俩。信用评级会影响到整体经济,不管是公司也好,省政府也好,国家也好。 再来,把加拿大与美国比,是不是自我感觉过佳? 加拿大整体经济不过是一个California 的大小。你先看看世界上其他信用评级被降级的国家,他们的经济如何,前景如何。点击展开...他们要搞什么动作,什么路径?
Heaven's vengeance is slow but sure. 你来讲讲看。。。国际上哪个国家被降级了。。。哈哈。。点击展开... 晕,这也要争.您就在google上随便一搜,"主权信用评级"或"国家信用评级",就能看到一堆啊
回复: 加国6银行遭降级。BC省债被发出降级警告。晕,这也要争.您就在google上随便一搜,"主权信用评级"或"国家信用评级",就能看到一堆啊点击展开...不用跟他争这些,这位内行专家会说 "我当然知道被降级的是“国家信用评级”, 但你说说,那个 “国家” 被降级了?" LOL
GreaterFool 大傻的温哥华房市分析站 First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.什么都明白就别装傻了。 BC省发的债如果评级被降低了,对BC的房贷有影响吗?加拿大的国债评级降低了,对加拿大的房贷有影响吗?这种问题还用问吗?哪个国家用国债集资来的钱来发放按揭贷款呢?点击展开...你还是多充实些自己吧,加国政府机构大举裁员, 安省预算大幅缩紧, 加国房贷政策的缩紧, 及央行行长/财长不断呼吁人民负债量是加国经济最大的负面风险,这些都是为了应对上升的债务及前景不好的经济。 而评级机构降级加拿大银行,金融机构,及省债的原因,亦是针对这些房市泡沫及经济的风险。加拿大省债,国债若面临降级, 政府会面临更大的压力控制泡沫,减少借贷。承认吧,这两个新闻对大温房市, 明显的是倾向利空。只是,您的词典里,可能没有“利空”这个词。。
GreaterFool 大傻的温哥华房市分析站 First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.你脑子里全是利空,所以看不见阳光。点击展开...房市利多 = 阳光?对您的银行账户应该是吧。但加国财长及央行行长认为房市泡沫及人民负债量是加国经济的头号敌人。现在看来评级机构也开始因为加国房市泡沫及经济风险采取降级,或是降级警告的行动了。你若真是专家,我不相信你对这基本道理没有了解。 但是到现在这个地步还在公共论坛上吹捧房市, 不知是否有点损人利己的嫌疑?
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