加拿大华人论坛 加拿大房产国际学生新规提案12月28日发表


为了防止滥用及舞弊, CIC 今日发表最新国际学生 法规提案。 1. Study permit只能 限制于发给在移民局认可的学校上课的学生 2. CIC 将拥有新权利来调查申请者是否还在学校上课。若有违反条规的现象,该国际学生将被遣送出国。 New proposed regulatory changes to Canada’s international students program announced today.http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/department/media/releases/2012/2012-12-28.asp?utm_source=bitly-eng&utm_medium=twitter&utm_campaign=generic Ottawa, December 28, 2012Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) is proposing regulatory changes to limit study permits to students attending institutions designated by provinces and territories. The proposed changes would address concerns that some institutions are providing poor-quality programs or facilitating, knowingly or not, the entry of foreign nationals to Canada for purposes other than study. Under the proposed amendments, CIC would work with provinces and territories – which are constitutionally responsible for education – to develop a framework to designate educational institutions that will be permitted to host international students. If a school is not designated, it would be able to continue offering programs of six months or less to foreign nationals in Canada on regular visitor visas. Visitors who wish to enroll in short-term courses do not currently require a study permit, and this would continue to be the case. Furthermore, to help eliminate abuse of student visas, changes are being made to ensure that the primary intent of an international student in Canada is to study. Currently, foreign nationals are able to apply to any Canadian school or business offering training in Canada and need only demonstrate an intent to study – there is currently no requirement for them to actually pursue studies once in Canada and no way of tracking whether they do. These changes would provide CIC the authority to request evidence from study permit holders to verify their compliance with study permit conditions. International students would be removed from Canada if they fail to meet new requirements.

GreaterFool 大傻的温哥华房市分析站 First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.回复: 国际学生新规提案12月28日发表现在野鸡大学和野鸡留学生太多了,规范一下确实比较好。

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