加拿大华人论坛 加拿大房产Financial Post: 房市不振,谁损失最多? 地产经纪
地产相关行业也将受冲击。Who’s losing in the housing slump? Real estate agents1/16/2013"Home sales continue to plummet in most parts of the country, and with the decline has come a new reality for organized real estate: a drop in how much money everybody is making.""加国大部分城市的房市 (成交量) 继续下坠, 地产业被迫面临现实: 收入缩水。""It’s not just realtors feeling the pinch. Lawyers, renovators and even the government can expect to feel some sort of impact from a decline in sales. ""受影响的不止地产经纪, 还有律师,装修商,甚至市政府都将受到波及" "..one of issue for agents is they get used to a certain sales level so any pullback seems catastrophic even if it just puts them back to where they were in 2010 — when, at the time, many would have been satisfied with their sales volume... everybody’s expectations are higher than they used to be""一些习惯了这两年来旺市成交量的地产经纪们,会觉得现在的颓势是"灾难性"的, 即使成交量只跌回2010等级。 地产业界将必须调整心态,降低期望,面临新现实"
GreaterFool 大傻的温哥华房市分析站 First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.回复: Financial Post: 房市不振,谁损失最多? 地产经纪笑死我了。自己没钱买房,就骂jj,哈哈。
回复: Financial Post: 房市不振,谁损失最多? 地产经纪笑死我了。自己没钱买房,就骂jj,哈哈。点击展开...戳到valor痛处啦?好戏才刚开始呢。还好GF职业与地产毫无关联。
GreaterFool 大傻的温哥华房市分析站 First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.回复: Financial Post: 房市不振,谁损失最多? 地产经纪我还是哈哈,有贴为证,笑死我了,low life 见多了
回复: Financial Post: 房市不振,谁损失最多? 地产经纪地产相关行业也将受冲击。Who’s losing in the housing slump? Real estate agents1/16/2013"Home sales continue to plummet in most parts of the country, and with the decline has come a new reality for organized real estate: a drop in how much money everybody is making.""加国大部分城市的房市 (成交量) 继续下坠, 地产业被迫面临现实: 收入缩水。""It’s not just realtors feeling the pinch. Lawyers, renovators and even the government can expect to feel some sort of impact from a decline in sales. ""受影响的不止地产经纪, 还有律师,装修商,甚至市政府都将受到波及" "..one of issue for agents is they get used to a certain sales level so any pullback seems catastrophic even if it just puts them back to where they were in 2010 — when, at the time, many would have been satisfied with their sales volume... everybody’s expectations are higher than they used to be""一些习惯了这两年来旺市成交量的地产经纪们,会觉得现在的颓势是"灾难性"的, 即使成交量只跌回2010等级。 地产业界将必须调整心态,降低期望,面临新现实"点击展开...别的不说了,不得不佩服您的中文翻译水平绝对是到了专业级别。
回复: Financial Post: 房市不振,谁损失最多? 地产经纪一个优胜劣汰的机会。
回复: Financial Post: 房市不振,谁损失最多? 地产经纪目前地产经纪受损主要是因为成交量下跌的原因,而不是因为楼价下跌。 估计经纪是宁愿看见放量下跌也不想看到像目前这样成交萎缩的状况。
回复: Financial Post: 房市不振,谁损失最多? 地产经纪一个优胜劣汰的机会。点击展开...这句话说得太好了. 坚持下来的就是最有能力的.
回复: Financial Post: 房市不振,谁损失最多? 地产经纪成交量下跌确实是事实,我从2012 年 11月开始关注房价,mls 上和 bcassessment 上我看中的地区 房子 11月 12月 1 月没见有卖出1个,另外我没钱的时候从来就不看房版,肯定也不骂经纪。
回复: Financial Post: 房市不振,谁损失最多? 地产经纪没有成交,除房主外大部分人都受到大损失。房价大幅下降,买盘踊跃,除房主外大部分人都得益。
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回复: Financial Post: 房市不振,谁损失最多? 地产经纪大幅下降还肿么买盘踊跃啊?
回复: Financial Post: 房市不振,谁损失最多? 地产经纪中国人只买涨的,不买跌的!放心,涨价了就会有人买的,要买的始终会买的。
回复: Financial Post: 房市不振,谁损失最多? 地产经纪不少JJ已经意识到不管房价涨还是跌,只要买卖活跃就行,所以目前的形式是很多人想买房但是能拿到的贷款买不起房,刚需还是有不少的,但是不少人在不停鼓吹房价接着暴涨,卖家期望过几个月会涨价,暂时不愿降价卖,所以成交少了,所以JJ实际上是不会鼓吹房价接着暴涨,对他们没好处。真正鼓吹房价接着暴涨的一定不会只是个JJ,只有炒房的才是最担心房价跌的,想买房的实际上也没啥,最多大不了就租房子或者换个城市,炒房子的弄不好会死人的。
回复: Financial Post: 房市不振,谁损失最多? 地产经纪等着看吧!房价一涨就有人买!越跌越没人买!
回复: Financial Post: 房市不振,谁损失最多? 地产经纪房价只有买不起房的人希望房价跌,但房价真的跌了,他们又怕房价继续跌,所以,他们永远买不到房,永远在盼房价跌!
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