加拿大华人论坛 加拿大房产明年房价料跌10%


联邦财长费拉逖(Jim Flaherty)满意早前推出收紧按揭政策的成效,认为国内炽热的房屋市场已逐步放缓,远较市场出现泡沫后爆破的反应来得理想。虽然有关的政策令本土经济失去一些动力,但费拉逖表示,乐见房市出现“软着陆”,他认为,房屋市场需求减低带动价格下调十分正常,可避免市场泡沫爆破急跌的下场。收紧按揭的政策生效后,房市明显有放缓的迹象。相信房屋市场下调仍会持续一段时间,预期明年平均房价将会下挫约10%。

When you judge another person, you do not define him or her, you define yourself.回复: 明年房价料跌10%The Canadian economy grew at an annualized rate of just 0.6 percent in the third quarter - more than a full percentage point lower than the 1.7-percent growth posted in the second quarter. That's significantly lower than the one-percent forecast by the Bank of Canada. The economy grew just 0.1 percent on a quarter-over-quarter basis, down from the 0.4-percent growth in the second quarter. On a monthly basis -- comparing September to August -- economic growth flatlined.

When you judge another person, you do not define him or her, you define yourself.回复: 明年房价料跌10%Residential sales in Greater Vancouver's housing market slumped 28.6 percent in November, though sellers aren't panicking as prices slipped only 1.7 percent from the same month in 2011. There were 1,686 sales of single-family detached homes, condos and townhouses last month, down from 2,360 a year earlier, the Real Estate Board of Greater Vancouver said Tuesday. "Home sellers appear more inclined to remove their properties from the market today rather than lower prices to sell their properties. On the other hand, buyers appear to be expecting prices to moderate," board president Eugen Klein said in a statement. Overall sales were 30.3 percent below the 10-year sales average of 2,420 for November. The board said it uses a home price index that strips out the most expensive homes because that serves as a better barometer of trends than average prices. Under that statistical gauge, the index price of single-family detached home on Vancouver's west side was $2.03 million in November, or a decline of 8.4 percent from the same month last year - the sharpest drop among districts in Greater Vancouver. "Home prices in Greater Vancouver have generally declined between three and 5.5 percent, depending on property type, since reaching a peak six months ago," Klein said. The region's home index price stood at $596,900 in November - a drop of 4.5 percent since peaking at $625,100 in May of this year, or down 1.7 percent year-over-year.

When you judge another person, you do not define him or her, you define yourself.回复: 明年房价料跌10%那样的话, 我就可以买个大一些的了.

回复: 明年房价料跌10%感觉已经在跌了。

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