加拿大华人论坛 加拿大房产2013 财长 联邦预算日 新政 (1.国际逃税告密赏金


Globe & Mail: [Ottawa to limit taxpayers’ exposure to mortgage market]财长今日在宣布联邦预算时,表示将限制银行等借贷机构的 bulk insurance 及 mortgage backed securities。 GF: 将间接导致贷款缩紧 (via increasing banks' borrowing costs)。 “With the financial crisis well behind us, the government is amending the rules for portfolio insurance to increase market discipline in residential lending and reduce taxpayer exposure to the housing sector,” the budget states.One of the new rules will gradually limit the sale of insurance on low loan-to-value mortgages (those where the consumer has a higher downpayment or equity) to those that are being used in a CMHC securitization program, such as Canada Mortgage Bonds. That will prevent banks from insuring large low-ratio portfolios just to hold onto them in order to reduce their capital requirements.And Ottawa plans to stop the use of any taxpayer-backed insured mortgage (even high ratio) as collateral in securities that aren’t sponsored by CMHC. Volumes of such private-sector asset-backed securities were larger before the financial crisis, government officials indicated. But the move will limit Ottawa’s potential exposure as banks seek cheaper ways to fund their mortgage portfolios.

GreaterFool 大傻的温哥华房市分析站 First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.赞反馈:肥佬强 2013-03-21#2 Greater Fool 1,081 $0.00 回复: 2013 财长 联邦预算日 新政 (1.国际逃税告密赏金 2. 房贷政策)G&M [Ottawa cracks down on International Tax Evasion, rewards whistleblowers]政府将增加国税局的权力及捉国际逃税的能力。将给与赏金 若线民能成功告密。The CRA will get $3-million a year to track the electronic transfers and another $10-million a year to crack down on fraud in its research and development (R&D) tax credit program. However, spending in administrative services will be slashed by a further $60-million a year at the agency, which has an annual budget of $3.5-billion. Officials said the spending cuts will not affect auditors or other front-line services, and the agency has been tasked with collecting an extra $550-million in revenue per year by 2015.In a move that targets international tax evasion, Ottawa will offer rewards worth up to 15 per cent of the unpaid taxes that are collected with the help of whistleblowers, as long as the assessment or reassessment on international transactions comes in at more than $100,000.

GreaterFool 大傻的温哥华房市分析站 First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.Globe & Mail: [Ottawa to limit taxpayers’ exposure to mortgage market]财长今日在宣布联邦预算时,表示将限制银行等借贷机构的 bulk insurance 及 mortgage backed securities。 GF: 将间接导致贷款缩紧 (via increasing banks' borrowing costs)。 “With the financial crisis well behind us, the government is amending the rules for portfolio insurance to increase market discipline in residential lending and reduce taxpayer exposure to the housing sector,” the budget states.One of the new rules will gradually limit the sale of insurance on low loan-to-value mortgages (those where the consumer has a higher downpayment or equity) to those that are being used in a CMHC securitization program, such as Canada Mortgage Bonds. That will prevent banks from insuring large low-ratio portfolios just to hold onto them in order to reduce their capital requirements.And Ottawa plans to stop the use of any taxpayer-backed insured mortgage (even high ratio) as collateral in securities that aren’t sponsored by CMHC. Volumes of such private-sector asset-backed securities were larger before the financial crisis, government officials indicated. But the move will limit Ottawa’s potential exposure as banks seek cheaper ways to fund their mortgage portfolios.点击展开...

回复: 2013 财长 联邦预算日 新政 (1.国际逃税告密赏金 2. 房贷政策)Globe & Mail: [Ottawa to limit taxpayers’ exposure to mortgage market]财长今日在宣布联邦预算时,表示将限制银行等借贷机构的 bulk insurance 及 mortgage backed securities。 GF: 将间接导致贷款缩紧 (via increasing banks' borrowing costs)。点击展开...

回复: 2013 财长 联邦预算日 新政 (1.国际逃税告密赏金 2. 房贷政策)呵呵GF这次不敢翻译了。大家没笑料了。 政府表示希望规范那些次债没什么不好的。这样整个加拿大金融市场都会更加健康。某些人日盼夜盼的“崩盘”情景更难发生了。还有某些人经常说加拿大会重演美国次债的情景(by 某些人,我就是指其中一个就是GF还有他的跟班兔子),这些人应该客观分析财经新闻呀,给群众一些有用的建议更好: 另外,计划贷款买房的注意了,将来银行抬价的机会很大,要借趁早了。点击展开...你这家伙不思悔改,把你的外衣脱了,露出你的真面貌,然后滚开

回复: 2013 财长 联邦预算日 新政 (1.国际逃税告密赏金 2. 房贷政策)One of the new rules will gradually limit the sale of insurance on low loan-to-value mortgages (those where the consumer has a higher downpayment or equity) to those that are being used in a CMHC securitization program, such as Canada Mortgage Bonds. That will prevent banks from insuring large low-ratio portfolios just to hold onto them in order to reduce their capital requirements.这句话的意思是:很多首付超过20%的房贷,也被一些金融机构拿到CMHC去做保险,目的是为了在贷款到期前出售这些按揭资产,降低资产规模,从而降低股本金要求。 一些没有存款服务的中小金融机构利用CMHC这个政策不断套现,放款,再套现,再放款。 这条政策对中小金融机构冲击不较大,至少会增加成本,控制资产规模。 不是什么大不了的事。点击展开...看现在的政府的行动和移民情况,崩盘是肯定的

回复: 2013 财长 联邦预算日 新政 (1.国际逃税告密赏金 2. 房贷政策)崩盘不会的,毕竟最近一年首付都在提高,也没出现大量失业情况。估计接下来会温和下降,今年8%以内,之后逐年减少跌幅,五年累计跌幅不超过20%。

美国运通金卡:AMEX Gold ,开卡送25000积分(价值250刀以上),首年销卡无任何费用,成功批核后本人再额外多给Cash Bonus感谢。同时主推 AMEX SPG 酒店卡,开卡送20,000 SPG点,可以兑换最高6晚美国喜来登酒店住宿,总价值可超600刀。详情请PM(此外还有Business Gold ,感谢力度与 Gold一致)。Tangerine (ING) Orange Key: 41710691S1 (本人同样额外返点你这家伙不思悔改,把你的外衣脱了,露出你的真面貌,然后滚开点击展开...

回复: 2013 财长 联邦预算日 新政 (1.国际逃税告密赏金 2. 房贷政策)呵呵,崩盘你就失业了,连帮村里挖坑的工作都没了。看现在的政府的行动和移民情况,崩盘是肯定的点击展开...

回复: 2013 财长 联邦预算日 新政 (1.国际逃税告密赏金 2. 房贷政策)崩盘不会的,毕竟最近一年首付都在提高,也没出现大量失业情况。估计接下来会温和下降,今年8%以内,之后逐年减少跌幅,五年累计跌幅不超过20%。点击展开...听说卡尔加里那边的油砂项目的情况前景不妙,不少工程公司都在裁人或停止招人了,现在可能还有些项目收尾,等下半年旧项目收尾结束如果没有新项目接上,大量失业不可避免,GTA地区的新增项目也明显少于去年。现在就缺一根导火索呢。

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