加拿大华人论坛 加拿大房产Calgary的房价在跌跌不休吗?
" 为人不做亏心事,半夜敲门心不惊。”回复: Calgary的房价在跌跌不休吗?根据最进的新闻,貌似house的成交价格在涨。但并没有说明新投入房子和旧房的比例,所以有误导嫌疑。apartment在跌呀。听见有多套房子出租的人在卖房。 CALGARY — House prices in Calgary for repeat home sales dipped slightly in January in line with a trend across the country.The Teranet-National Bank National Composite House Price index, released Wednesday, said prices in Calgary were down 0.1 per cent from the previous month and nationally they were down 0.3 per cent, the fifth consecutive monthly decline.For Calgary, it was the second consecutive month of decline.The index is estimated by tracking observed or registered home prices over time using data collected from public land registries. All dwellings that have been sold at least twice are considered in the calculation of the index.While prices dropped on a monthly basis, they showed an increased year-over-year.Calgary prices jumped by 4.3 per cent compared with a year ago while the national scene, which tracks 11 cities, showed a 2.7 per cent hike.However, the annual increase nationally was the smallest 12-month gain since November 2009. For the Canadian index, January was the 14th straight month of deceleration in 12-month inflation.In six of the 11 metropolitan markets surveyed for the index, the 12-month rise exceeded the cross-country average in January: Halifax (6.6 per cent), Quebec City (6.0 per cent), Hamilton (5.9 per cent), Toronto (5.3 per cent), Calgary (4.3 per cent) and Winnipeg (3.4 per cent). Ottawa-Gatineau matched the average (2.7 per cent). Lagging it were Montreal (2.6 per cent), Edmonton (2.0 per cent) and Victoria (1.1 per cent). Prices in Vancouver were down 2.5 per cent from a year earlier, for a sixth month of 12-month deflation.Prices were down from the month before in seven markets in Canada including Calgary: Vancouver (0.8 per cent); Edmonton (0.7 per cent); Toronto (0.4); Winnipeg (0.3 per cent); Montreal (0.2 per cent); and Hamilton (1.1 per cent).Prices were up 1.4 per cent on the month in Quebec City and Victoria, 1.7 per cent in Halifax and 0.5 per cent in Ottawa-Gatineau.David Madani, economist in Canada for Capital Economics, said national home prices have been in decline for five consecutive months and “we anticipate further declines this year, as potential buyers are scared off by the prospect of capital losses.”“We stand by our view that house prices will decline by 25 per cent over the longer-term,” he said.“Canada’s overall composite house price index has declined in a manner broadly consistent with the softening existing sales-to-listings ratio. We expect this key metric to decline further this year. As we move into the spring we doubt that ultra low mortgage rates will attract an influx of home buyers, especially now that mortgage rules have been tightened more noticeably for first-time buyers and house prices have begun to adjust downward from historically high levels.”Read more: http://www.calgaryherald.com/homes/Calgary+repeat+home+sales+prices+fall/7990427/story.html#ixzz2N92krFKu
" 为人不做亏心事,半夜敲门心不惊。”回复: Calgary的房价在跌跌不休吗?看看这个:Calgary Housing Market Statistics February 2013 Monthly CALGARY MARKET STATS UPDATE for February 2013updated Sunday March 3, 2013 Calgary Metro House StatsSales: 1,209 (5.6% lower than same period 2012)New Listings: 1,879 (6.0% lower than same period 2012)Sales to New Listing Ratio: 64.3% (vs. 64.1% during same period 2012)Active Listings (Inventory): 2,408 (22.2% fewer than same period 2012) February 2013 Average Sale Price:$518,452 (up 10.3% from same period 2012)February 2013 Median Sale Price:$437,500 (up 5.5% from same period 2012)2013 Average House Price: $509,352 (up 11.0% from same period 2012)Calgary Metro Condo Stats Sales: 502 (11.3% higher than same period 2012)New Listings: 792 (10.4% fewer than same period 2012)Sales to New Listing Ratio: 63.4% (vs. 51.0% during same period 2012)Active Listings (Inventory): 1,131 (31.2% fewer than same period 2012) February 2013 Average Sale Price: $309,209 (up 3.6% from same period 2012)February 2013 Median Sale Price:$275,000 (up 0.4% from same period 2012)2013 Average Condo Price: $304,201 (up 6.0% from same period 2012)*Metro condo stats include Calgary Townhouse & Apartment sales combined Combined Calgary Residential Sales Stats* Sales: 1,711 (1.2% lower than same period 2012)New Listings: 2,671 (7.4% fewer than same period 2012)Sales to New Listing Ratio: 64% (vs. 60% during same period 2012)Active Listings (Inventory): 3,539 (25.3% fewer than same period 2012) February 2013 Average Sale Price: $457,120 (up 7.7% from same period 2012)February 2013 Median Sale Price:$394,500 (up 4.1% from same period 2012)2013 Average Price: $449,864 (up 9.1% from 2012)*Metro Calgary house + condo sales combined Calgary Real Estate Stats: February 2013Northwest Calgary Average Sale Price (Zone A):- February 2013 NW Calgary Homes: $500,892 (Median SP = $449,500)(Avg NW Calgary home DOM 35 days)- February 2013 NW Calgary Condo: $322,645 (Median SP = $294,000) (Avg NW Calgary condo DOM=38 days)Northeast Calgary Average Sale Price (Zone B): - February 2013 NE Calgary Homes: $298,369 (Median SP = $285,000)(Avg NE Calgary home DOM=37 days)- February 2013 NE Calgary Condo: $178,939 (Median SP = $183,000) (Avg NE Calgary condo DOM=39 days)Southwest Calgary Average Sale Price (Zone C): - February 2013 SW Calgary Homes: $696,050 (Median SP = $553,000)(Avg SW Calgary home DOM=35 days)- February 2013 SW Calgary Condo: $327,521 (Median SP = $299,000) (Avg SW Calgary condo DOM=45 days)Southeast Calgary Average Sale Price (Zone D):- February 2013 SE Calgary Homes: $445,157 (Median SP = $405,000)(Avg SE Calgary home DOM=40 days)- February 2013 SE Calgary Condo: $271,767 (Median SP = 258,900) (Avg SE Calgary condo DOM=35 days)All Calgary market statistics provided by the Calgary Real Estate Board (CREB). Information herein deemed reliable but not guaranteed.
" 为人不做亏心事,半夜敲门心不惊。”回复: Calgary的房价在跌跌不休吗?这是个忌讳的话题?
" 为人不做亏心事,半夜敲门心不惊。”这是个忌讳的话题?点击展开...参照 大叔我也聊聊阿省的前途,要有信心,决心。。
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回复: Calgary的房价在跌跌不休吗?08/1买房,13/1卖房,账面价净亏3.55W, 还没算换屋顶,deck,整个房子的carpet,窗户油漆,炉子,洗衣机,干衣机(乱七八糟最少2W)。不知道是不是算不走运。点击展开...中介费算进去了吗?没算进去,那亏得更多,算进去了的话,房价基本没变化,当然你肯定还是亏了。
回复: Calgary的房价在跌跌不休吗?中介费算进去了吗?没算进去,那亏得更多,算进去了的话,房价基本没变化,当然你肯定还是亏了。[/QUOTE 还没算,幸亏我找的是便宜的,才收啦7千。这还算房价没变化?这些年的利息我就不算拉。点击展开...
回复: Calgary的房价在跌跌不休吗?08/1买房,13/1卖房,账面价净亏3.55W, 还没算换屋顶,deck,整个房子的carpet,窗户油漆,炉子,洗衣机,干衣机(乱七八糟最少2W)。不知道是不是算不走运。点击展开...换新房了吗?安慰一下。实际上,可以这样想。如果在别的地方买房,可能房子价格涨。但不如在Calgary挣钱多。而且,只要你在这里工作,就需要住房,买和租也每太大区别。要算总投入产出。
" 为人不做亏心事,半夜敲门心不惊。”回复: Calgary的房价在跌跌不休吗?town house 和apartment 的新房价格比别的地方,太诱人了,但什么时候见底呢?而且,石油和天然气在裁人,移民政策收紧,唉! 等待中。。。
" 为人不做亏心事,半夜敲门心不惊。”回复: Calgary的房价在跌跌不休吗?“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.” --- Charles Darwin“不是最強的物種能生存下來,也不是最聰明的,而是最能適應變化的。” --- 查理士,達爾文 大家说是该跑还是留。跑往哪里跑?
" 为人不做亏心事,半夜敲门心不惊。”回复: Calgary的房价在跌跌不休吗?阿省还是加拿大经济发展作为快速和稳健的城市之一,卡尔加里又是阿省的经济中心。我个人觉得即便卡城的石油工业面临挑战,但也会有其它城市工人涌入的趋势,因为其他省份和城市的经济前景更不佳。而只要有人不断涌入,房市就不会大幅下跌。
赏 中介费算进去了吗?没算进去,那亏得更多,算进去了的话,房价基本没变化,当然你肯定还是亏了。[/QUOTE 还没算,幸亏我找的是便宜的,才收啦7千。这还算房价没变化?这些年的利息我就不算拉。点击展开...08年房价正是波峰位置,你亏这点算是很好的了,我一朋友07年的房去年卖的亏得更多。肯定是你生活更好了,搬到大房子去了,更安居乐业了,心情更好,所以其实算来算去,好心情是钱买不到的,你赚了。点击展开...
回复: Calgary的房价在跌跌不休吗?阿省还是加拿大经济发展作为快速和稳健的城市之一,卡尔加里又是阿省的经济中心。点击展开...这有点像达拉斯或休斯顿.1914年在卡尔加里附近首次发现大量的石油,1947年埃德蒙顿的附近亦发现了类似数量的石油储量这吸引了多数的大公司到达卡尔加里 - 埃德蒙顿成为加拿大最大的炼油厂中心。当时的联邦政府是自由党 (1912)他们不想卡尔加里,一个保守倾向的城市,增长突出,所以他们授予埃德蒙顿为省都此外,省大学 U of Alberta 始建于埃德蒙顿郊区直到1966年,UoA在卡尔加里的卫星校园被转化成 UoC卡尔加里大学今天世界大学排名, UoA 第100位而UoC 第218位此外, UoA 接收近一倍的研究收入 (UoA $513.5M; UoC $282.8M)这是卡市-埃市的恩恩怨怨
回复: Calgary的房价在跌跌不休吗?等你能看明白了,黄瓜菜都凉了。
吃不饱的出来,吃饱的不出来,吃饱了撑的出来。08/1买房,13/1卖房,账面价净亏3.55W, 还没算换屋顶,deck,整个房子的carpet,窗户油漆,炉子,洗衣机,干衣机(乱七八糟最少2W)。不知道是不是算不走运。点击展开...
关心世界小事,不如关心自己和女儿大事。“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.” --- Charles Darwin“不是最強的物種能生存下來,也不是最聰明的,而是最能適應變化的。” --- 查理士,達爾文大家说是该跑还是留。跑往哪里跑?点击展开...
关心世界小事,不如关心自己和女儿大事。“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.” --- Charles Darwin“不是最強的物種能生存下來,也不是最聰明的,而是最能適應變化的。” --- 查理士,達爾文大家说是该跑还是留。跑往哪里跑?点击展开...
关心世界小事,不如关心自己和女儿大事。“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.” --- Charles Darwin“不是最強的物種能生存下來,也不是最聰明的,而是最能適應變化的。” --- 查理士,達爾文大家说是该跑还是留。跑往哪里跑?点击展开...
关心世界小事,不如关心自己和女儿大事。回复: Calgary的房价在跌跌不休吗?按照现在的定义,一个人的智能包括:speed, attention, memory, problem-solving, flexibility.后面两个成分应该属于对环境变化的适应能力。 达尔文如果生活在现代,也会对他的那句名言做一个改写: It is not the strongest of the species that survives, but the most intelligent to be most responsive to the change through solving problems flexibly.
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