加拿大华人论坛 加拿大房产Royal Bank 2013民意调查: 加拿大有意置业者大减
加拿大皇家银行今天公佈有关国民购房计划的年度民意调查结果显示,计划在未来两年内置业的加拿大人约占15%,这一比例与去年同期相比减少了12%, 为20年来最大跌幅。 Bank's annual survey of house buying intentions has biggest drop in 20 years Mar. 26, 2013The number of Canadians expecting to buy a home within two years has dropped dramatically even though overall confidence in real estate remains strong, according to an annual survey published Tuesday by Royal Bank of Canada.The poll found 15 per cent of those surveyed said they were likely to buy in the next two years, a drop from 27 per cent of respondents in last year's survey.The 12 percentage point drop is the biggest recorded by the poll, now in its 20th year.http://winnipeg.ctvnews.ca/bank-s-annual-survey-of-house-buying-intentions-has-biggest-drop-in-20-years-1.1212222
GreaterFool 大傻的温哥华房市分析站 First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.回复: Royal Bank 2013民意调查: 加拿大有意置业者大减是啊,时局动荡、经济形势莫测,怎还敢去接在高位的房价?不过,自住还是需要解决的
回复: Royal Bank 2013民意调查: 加拿大有意置业者大减大傻这样编造谎言是可耻的行为
回复: Royal Bank 2013民意调查: 加拿大有意置业者大减没文化真可怕,有文化更可怕
回复: Royal Bank 2013民意调查: 加拿大有意置业者大减大傻这样编造谎言是可耻的行为点击展开...当心税务局查你国内收入
回复: Royal Bank 2013民意调查: 加拿大有意置业者大减中国人来不了,买房人当然少了
回复: Royal Bank 2013民意调查: 加拿大有意置业者大减加拿大上次人口普查是在2006年,但是的房屋自有率超过了65%,7年之后的今天,这个数字应该接近70%了。怎么可能每年都有27%的人打算未来两年买房呢?点击展开...Moving up?
回复: Royal Bank 2013民意调查: 加拿大有意置业者大减an overwhelming majority of those polled (84 per cent) felt real estate remained as a sound investment, while 52 per cent said now is a good time to get into the market.点击展开...2 paragraphs combined shows one thing:Most of the people want to buy but can't afford to.
回复: Royal Bank 2013民意调查: 加拿大有意置业者大减2 paragraphs combined shows one thing: Most of the people want to buy but can't afford to.点击展开...make sense!
回复: Royal Bank 2013民意调查: 加拿大有意置业者大减房屋自有率在增加。点击展开...No, I meant on top of new entry, people moving up is also a major part of RE activities.Simply because 70% have properties doesn't mean the demand needs to come from the remaining 30%
回复: Royal Bank 2013民意调查: 加拿大有意置业者大减路过,mark
回复: Royal Bank 2013民意调查: 加拿大有意置业者大减No, I meant on top of new entry, people moving up is also a major part of RE activities.Simply because 70% have properties doesn't mean the demand needs to come from the remaining 30%点击展开...The Headline read "Growing proportion planning to buy homes are first-timers: RBC"Let me translate: Declining proportion of potential Trade-up Buyers. Bad news for Mid-upper tier SFHs.
GreaterFool 大傻的温哥华房市分析站 First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.加拿大部分城市的房价超出了当地居民的购买力,温哥华最典型。如果房价能停滞一段时间,让国民的收入跟上,那是最好的了。中国也做过这样的努力,抑制有能力购买房产的人投资地产,但最终的结果并不理想。加拿大是不可能有限购令的,现在能买得起的人,现在入市是好时机。等到其他人也都有能力买了,房价就不是今天这个价格了。点击展开...那美国为什么跌到人人买得起时候,还不涨呢?解释?
回复: Royal Bank 2013民意调查: 加拿大有意置业者大减不想老当租客,好像被捆住手脚。能承受得起的话,还是买房子吧,自己家,喜欢怎么折腾就怎么折腾。讨论来讨论去没什么意义。
回复: Royal Bank 2013民意调查: 加拿大有意置业者大减最近两天成交 超过 100% List的比较多了
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