加拿大华人论坛 加拿大房产加拿大央行行长,一定要打压房价, 甚至会提早加
加拿大央行行长,如果家庭房贷负债继续上涨,会提早加息Canadian interest rates could go up The interview was heavily-weighted toward international issues and Carney's next job at the Bank of England, but there was also some Canadian content.Carney said he believes Canada's housing and household debt issues were both moving in the right direction, but if the problem returned, interest rates could be raised sooner than otherwise might be necessary to avert a bubble.Bank of Canada's gloomy outlook for the Canadian economyHe noted a number of measures had already been taken to slow the market, a reference to four separate occasions in which Flaherty tightened mortgage rules, as well as lending practices.As for the bank, he said: "We have conducted monetary policy in a pretty transparent way that has highlighted the risks…and the potential consequences for the path of interest rates. In other words, they could be higher sooner if this isn't addressed or this isn't adjusted in a more timely way."www.cbc.ca/news/busine...il-in.html
When you judge another person, you do not define him or her, you define yourself.回复: 加拿大央行行长,一定要打压房价, 甚至会提早加息这帮玩意儿当初降息是导致房价高企的罪魁祸首(之一?)。现在又跑出来装犊子来了。
回复: 加拿大央行行长,一定要打压房价, 甚至会提早加息要走的人了,他的话也能信?
回复: 加拿大央行行长,一定要打压房价, 甚至会提早加息央行非常清醒认识到高房价下的高负债对加拿大经济造成的巨大隐患,因为高就意味着不可持续。现在加拿大的经济不景气,产业前景暗淡,加息是牵一发而动全身,行长这个时候抛出这样的言论只能说明加拿大的房贷负债非常严重,已经迫近政府容忍的极限。作为投资者是不能不关注这一信号的。
回复: 加拿大央行行长,一定要打压房价, 甚至会提早加息不在其位不谋其政,卡你说的都是客套话,别太当真。整篇内容空洞,充满if,could.听听就行了
回复: 加拿大央行行长,一定要打压房价, 甚至会提早加息5 yr yield @ 1.18, raising rates riiiiiiiiight
回复: 加拿大央行行长,一定要打压房价, 甚至会提早加息反正比中国一线城市便宜 就买了ok
回复: 加拿大央行行长,一定要打压房价, 甚至会提早加息这帮玩意儿当初降息是导致房价高企的罪魁祸首(之一?)。现在又跑出来装犊子来了。点击展开...政客就是这样子的.
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