加拿大华人论坛 加拿大房产大家帮忙看看怎么个解决法?



回复: 大家帮忙看看怎么个解决法?1 合同怎么写的。2 半夜搬走,损失押金

回复: 大家帮忙看看怎么个解决法?这得多少水才能在“立马拖干”的情况下,还能漏到一楼津坏天花板?楼主先把故事说全了再来问问题吧

回复: 大家帮忙看看怎么个解决法?有些楼的楼板是木框结构的吧?

黑夜,是地球为星星布置的舞台。回复: 大家帮忙看看怎么个解决法?房东的要求是合理的,因为现在的复合板,只要被水泡过以后,就会整个变形报废。只能通过更换来修复。

美国运通金卡:AMEX Gold ,开卡送25000积分(价值250刀以上),首年销卡无任何费用,成功批核后本人再额外多给Cash Bonus感谢。同时主推 AMEX SPG 酒店卡,开卡送20,000 SPG点,可以兑换最高6晚美国喜来登酒店住宿,总价值可超600刀。详情请PM(此外还有Business Gold ,感谢力度与 Gold一致)。Tangerine (ING) Orange Key: 41710691S1 (本人同样额外返点回复: 大家帮忙看看怎么个解决法?有 house tribunal ,在 GTA 各处, 有 免费 律师 值班 , 拿着 合同 文本 去问问。

回复: 大家帮忙看看怎么个解决法?是这样滴,我们几个同学合租一个旧房子二楼,昨天隔壁房间的女生拖地的时候不小心把水桶弄翻了,倒了些水在房间的地板上,已经立马拖干了,可是水还是有点透过天花板漏到一楼了,天花板上也留了些水迹,我们已经赔礼道歉并且表示愿意负责维修,可是野蛮的房东要求把天花板整个换了,赔偿一千.只不过不小心弄翻一点水,我们几个也不是富二代,还是靠自己兼职挣点学费,这钱实在付不出来,怎么办呀,同学哭了一个晚上,唉,麻烦大伙帮忙出个注意吧,不胜感激呀!点击展开...如果如你所述,只是天花板上看到一些水渍,应该是有专用油漆解决。 如果天花板被大量水浸泡,需要更换,那一千元是远远不够的。 你们分析一下,楼下是那种心态? 如在温哥华地区,我愿意帮忙,可以给我悄悄话。 别太着急,可以解决的。

回复: 大家帮忙看看怎么个解决法?孩子们在外求学不容易,犯错了应该给个改正的机会.

回复: 大家帮忙看看怎么个解决法?无图无真相

[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]谦谦君子,剃发修行----成都府.猪狮虎1 合同怎么写的。2 半夜搬走,损失押金点击展开...你的建议不但丢人格,恐怕连累华人丢国格!看LZ的语气和态度,典型是大陆的教育下的受溺爱的人的思维,可悲!做人要敢做敢担当。既然过失是你造成的,承受损失理所当然。房东要求LZ恢复原貌的要求正当,一切费用由责任者担当。法理都讲得通。

回复: 大家帮忙看看怎么个解决法?你的建议不但丢人格,恐怕连累华人丢国格!看LZ的语气和态度,典型是大陆的教育下的受溺爱的人的思维,可悲!做人要敢做敢担当。既然过失是你造成的,承受损失理所当然。房东要求LZ恢复原貌的要求正当,一切费用由责任者担当。法理都讲得通。点击展开...学生没钱,只能这么做

回复: 大家帮忙看看怎么个解决法?学生没钱,只能这么做点击展开...学生没钱也不能这么做,1000加币也许对某些学生是很大的负担,但绝对不是一个会压垮一生的负担,如果选择逃避甚至是违法,会终其一生带来负面的心理压力。做人最关键还是要问心无愧

回复: 大家帮忙看看怎么个解决法?你可能没穷过,理解不了穷学生的心态另外,白人遇到这种不愿面对的麻烦,照样会选择逃走。承受损失也不是理所当然的,要看合同怎么写的. 你对加拿大法律了解不够你的建议不但丢人格,恐怕连累华人丢国格!看LZ的语气和态度,典型是大陆的教育下的受溺爱的人的思维,可悲!做人要敢做敢担当。既然过失是你造成的,承受损失理所当然。房东要求LZ恢复原貌的要求正当,一切费用由责任者担当。法理都讲得通。点击展开...

回复: 大家帮忙看看怎么个解决法?你可能没穷过,理解不了穷学生的心态另外,白人遇到这种不愿面对的麻烦,照样会选择逃走。承受损失也不是理所当然的,要看合同怎么写的. 你对加拿大法律了解不够点击展开...Which part of 加拿大法律 encourages 半夜搬走,损失押金?

回复: 大家帮忙看看怎么个解决法?个人认为:安省 landlord 无权 收tenant 房租 之外 的 钱,,除非 合同 有tenant 同意 的 条款。House tribunal 似乎 改叫 landlord tenant board, 2000年 以前 有 free 律师 帮助 tenant 解答问题,可以 看以下 地址 和 电话 咨询现在的 情况:http://www.ltb.gov.on.ca/en/About_Us/STEL02_111279.htmlEast District Office2275 Midland Avenue, Unit 2Toronto, Ontario M1P 3E7Fax No. 416-314-8649 or 1-888-377-8808 North District Office47 Sheppard Avenue East, Suite 700Toronto, Ontario M2N 5X5Fax No. 416-314-9567South District Office79 St. Clair Avenue East, Suite 212Toronto, Ontario M4T 1M6Fax No. 416-326-9838

回复: 大家帮忙看看怎么个解决法?1000块钱对于孩子不是小数目,可是如果天棚损坏严重,应该赔人家钱的,这是责任。但如果就一点点,他就要这么多钱就另当别论了。可以协商,看看帮他弄好行不行。让她别哭了,去解决该解决的问题。

回复: 大家帮忙看看怎么个解决法?个人认为:安省 landlord 无权 收tenant 房租 之外 的 钱,,除非 合同 有tenant 同意 的 条款。House tribunal 似乎 改叫 landlord tenant board, 2000年 以前 有 free 律师 帮助 tenant 解答问题,可以 看以下 地址 和 电话 咨询现在的 情况:http://www.ltb.gov.on.ca/en/About_Us/STEL02_111279.htmlEast District Office2275 Midland Avenue, Unit 2Toronto, Ontario M1P 3E7Fax No. 416-314-8649 or 1-888-377-8808 North District Office47 Sheppard Avenue East, Suite 700Toronto, Ontario M2N 5X5Fax No. 416-314-9567South District Office79 St. Clair Avenue East, Suite 212Toronto, Ontario M4T 1M6Fax No. 416-326-9838点击展开...Tenant ResponsibilitiesKeep the unit cleanA tenant must keep the rental unit clean, up to the standard that most people would consider ordinary or normal cleanliness.Keeping an untidy unit is not a reason to evict a tenant under the Act. However, if a tenant's unit is so unclean that it is interfering with the reasonable enjoyment of the landlord or other tenants in the building, the tenant could be evicted for this reason.Also, if the unit is so dirty that it attracts bugs and rodents presenting a health risk or is so cluttered with paper and garbage that it poses a fire hazard, a tenant could be evicted for putting the safety of the landlord or other tenants at risk:Repair damageA tenant must repair or pay for the repair of any damage to the rental property caused by the tenant, their guests or another person living in the rental unit. This includes damage in the tenant's unit, as well as in any "common area" such as a hallway, elevator, stairway, driveway, or parking area.It does not matter whether the damage was done on purpose or by not being careful enough - the tenant is responsible. However, the tenant is not responsible to repair damage caused by normal "wear and tear". For example, if the carpet has become worn after years of normal use, the tenant would not have to replace the carpet.In addition, a tenant may be evicted if the tenant, a guest or another person living in the rental unit: causes damage to the rental property and the tenant does not repair or replace the damaged property or pay for it, willfully causes damage to the unit or the building, or uses the rental property for something other than residential use and this has caused or is likely to cause serious damage. For example, if the tenant makes structural and electrical changes to the rental unit to build a green house for growing hydroponic vegetables, this is not a typical residential use.Remedies Available to LandlordsInform the tenant of the problemIf the tenant is not keeping the unit clean or has damaged the rental property, in most cases the first step should be to speak with the tenant and ask the tenant to correct the problem.Give the Tenant a notice to end the tenancyIf the tenant does not correct the problem, the landlord may give the tenant a notice to end the tenancy. A notice to end a tenancy must be in writing and in a form approved by the Landlord and Tenant Board. There are different forms for different reasons.Apply to the Board for damages and/or evictionA landlord may apply to the Board for: an order evicting the tenant (if the landlord has served the tenant with a notice of termination), an order requiring the tenant to pay costs for repairing or replacing property that was damaged by the tenant, their guest or another occupant of the rental unit, or both of these thingsWhen the application is filed with the Board, a hearing will be scheduled and the tenant will have the right to attend the hearing to explain whey they disagree with the application.Note: In some cases, a tenant may be able to void an eviction notice.It's not hard to use CTRL+F.

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