加拿大华人论坛 加拿大房产[评论]多伦多4月楼市强劲:均价52.6万 年比升2%
新闻:《多伦多4月楼市强劲:均价52.6万 年比升2%》的相关评论多伦多4月楼市:成交量较去年下降2% 均价52.6万 多伦多地产局今公布大多区4月份透过多重放盘系统(MLS)的二手房屋销售量,成交量为9,811宗,较去年同期的10,021宗下降2%,但平均售价却上升2%。点击展开...怎么每个月都说是大升?
回复: [评论]多伦多4月楼市强劲:均价52.6万 年比升2%一年升2%是贬值啊,这小编这点儿只是都没有
回复: [评论]多伦多4月楼市强劲:均价52.6万 年比升2%呼叫空军,这里需要轰炸一下
回复: [评论]多伦多4月楼市强劲:均价52.6万 年比升2%楼上很幽默,呵呵
回复: [评论]多伦多4月楼市强劲:均价52.6万 年比升2%(转帖,原文作者toren)that's the same game they were playing since last year. They played with the 2-3% error that allowed by statistic system. If consider this 2-3% they will use to adjust the number for next year. The sales dropped by 4-6% over last year.Also, they use mid-month report to hide sale and price slow-down. just to compare mid-month and full month report this year or even last year end, you will see the pattern.They are trying to mislead the market and home buyers who don't have good skill doing their own market research.Another interesting thing, if you look at the sales spread over price range and house type. The more sales are btw 300K-700K, most are in 400-500K. That tells the affordability of the market, no matter what house type it is.So, this is the last strech of market growth. The peak point it is now since market just cannot afford more. 2013/04: http://www.torontorealestateboard.com/market_news/market_watch/2013/mw1304.pdf2012/04: http://www.bosleyrealestate.com/pdfMarketWatch/2012_04.pdfhttp://www.torontorealestateboard.com/market_news/release_market_updates/news2013/nr_mid_month_0313.htm
回复: [评论]多伦多4月楼市强劲:均价52.6万 年比升2%物价都在涨,房子涨也很正常。
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