加拿大华人论坛 加拿大房产新来的,大家一起到Chestermere去买房。


看好Chestermere的房子,就是闲中国人那里可能还不太多。论坛上号召一下,有赞同者吗?反对者也欢迎,说说理由。 俺的理由是:1,相对便宜。2,离市区的距离比panornama一带还近呢3,从东面投奔Calgary的兄弟们还都先经过那里。4,中国人多了就会有另一个大统华。 怎样?欢迎踊跃砸砖。

" 为人不做亏心事,半夜敲门心不惊。”回复: 新来的,大家一起到Chestermere去买房。那地方在哪啊。。。GOO了半天没啥头绪啊

回复: 新来的,大家一起到Chestermere去买房。卡城东边,不错的地方

NOC4131,bj 自评69分 2009.11.16妥投,2010.1.21RN到,2010.2.3补料妥投,2.4FN,2.8收到FN 3.2 IP 3.5变5补料,3.15补料妥投 3.18变8 3.22变12 10.18ME 11.10变8 12.8变12 2011.6.7 DM 6.15 visa 7.27长登 9.20 上班 VO:EXI~RODCitizen: 2014.10.5 递表 2015.10.13考试 12.04入籍Parent: 2016.1.4 递表 08.20IP 10.04 ME 11.04MER 11.22 BC 12.8PPR 1216 Visa Recived 1220 Landing Calgary回复: 新来的,大家一起到Chestermere去买房。不错的区。社区里的湖据说是卡村最大的?glenmore表示中枪。。。。。另外一个好处是,开车不用戴墨镜。缺点,如果你在downtown上班的话,就准备体验北美排名第二的停车费吧。公交?你在说什么?

煮饭侠回复: 新来的,大家一起到Chestermere去买房。乡村小镇,太远

回复: 新来的,大家一起到Chestermere去买房。其实不远, 那里的房子还真去看过一次,小镇很漂亮,只是价格不菲啊,靠近湖的房子更是贵

回复: 新来的,大家一起到Chestermere去买房。能弱弱的问一下 贵吗? 我最近也在看房

___________________________BJ 626 2011.6.21 妥投;2011.8 FN;2011.10.8 IP;2012.3.8ME;2012.3.18ME done;2012.4 MER;2013.1.18DM;2013.1.22VISA2013.3.10长登卡尔加里回复: 新来的,大家一起到Chestermere去买房。Chestermere fighting marijuana mecca labelBy: Samara Cygman, Rocky View Times, 01/22/04Residents say pot busts are indication that community efforts are workingChestermere residents scoff at the suggestion they are living in the Cannabis Capital of Canada.But, with 21 pot operations busted, netting $15 million in the last year, Chestermere's reputation of being a marijuana mecca, is growing fast.That reputation could be credited to not the sheer amount of criminal activity in the sleepy lake-side town of 5,700, but the informed and diligent residents who won't back down to organized crime.Community up in armsTo ensure residents they were on the job, Strathmore RCMP held a community meeting last summer and briefed the crowd about the "seedy" situation."They were trying to let everybody know what was going on," says one resident, who wishes to remain anonymous.This meeting sparked a large-scale information campaign where tips about spotting grow operations were included in a brochure, mailed out with a homeowner's utility bills.Armed with the information necessary, residents did what it took to rid their community of the scourge."In this cul-de-sac, we've all been really watching them. We're all pretty vigilant now."The cul-de-sac, West Creek Close, had experienced a number of busts in one day.Thanks to the residents, who noticed the inhabitants, of Asian background, were uncharacteristically quiet, not willing to socialize with the neighbours and kept unusual hours, three houses were raided on that day in January 2003."They blacked out the windows. When they really got going, you smelled the skunk smell, too," he says."They weren't interested in being a part of the community or getting involved."From their house, the young couple witnessed the police move in and bust all three houses at the same time.Standing in the living room of their home, they feared an increase in crime in the area and a decrease in property values.And now, with a beautiful one-month-old baby boy, they will do anything to protect their family and community."We don't want these guys to get established in our area, especially now that we have precious cargo in the house."So, are they living in the marijuana municipality of Canada? Or is it a case of diligent residents fighting back?"We're just doing something about it -- that's why there have been so many busts. It's just a small community and we're being proactive," he says. "That's the kind of block we have and that's what has helped get rid of these guys."Tips are key: RCMPStrathmore Staff Sergeant Glenn De Goeij says it's the tips from informed residents that lead RCMP officers to the houses in question.Residents were taught what to look for and asked by the RCMP to be inquisitive, but not intrusive."Observation powers in Chestermere are heightened compared to other parts of the country because of the work we've done with the community through the information we provided, either through mail-outs or through public meetings and obviously through the media," says De Goeij."We're getting information from the public on a regular basis, which we obviously follow up. That's how they are traditionally uncovered."Another clue that may point to a green scheme could be the overburdening of the electrical system.Perpetrators will steal power using illegal electrical bypass systems and, in the process, might trip a breaker or transformer because the system is under pressure. This is cause for alarm."In the past, in Strathmore, we had one structure fire that I'm aware of that was started by an illegal electrical bypass for a grow operation that wasn't held correctly," says De Goeij."If anything's going to happen, it's going to be a result of mis-wiring or something which has the potential to start a fire. Those are the largest concerns."No different than other townsBesides being close to a major centre, Chestermere is no different than any other community it's size.But, it is that proximity to Calgary that makes this community popular for organized criminals."People are coming and going to work and there's not necessarily, in some of the newer parts, the sense of community that there once would be found in smaller communities, i.e. where everybody knows everybody and everybody knows everybody's business. So I think organized crime takes advantage of that in some of these locations," explains De Goeij, but adds Chestermere is one out of many communities experiencing a rise in ganja grows.He speculates much of the attention Chestermere is seeing is attracted by the cooperation RCMP is getting from the public."We could say 20 grow operations have been taken down in Chestermere but I don't think the problem with Chestermere is anyway bigger than the problem in other lake communities," says De Goeij. "It's just that we've had phenomenal results in doing something about it."The RCMP have labeled marijuana grow operations as a swelling problem in Canada and are noticing more and more of such indoor operations in the country.Costing only about $8,000 to set up, criminals can reap rewards of $50,000 to $100,000 after only one harvest.And much of those profits are going toward organized criminal activity."Grow operations have been identified by police services across the country as an increasing threat to public health and safety and a major contributor to financing organized crime," says Calgary Police Service Drug Unit Staff Sergeant Trevor Daroux. "Organized crime uses money gained from grow operations to fund other criminal ventures, such as importing and manufacturing cocaine, methamphetamines and crack."Green Team fighting backTo combat the ever-increasing number of grow operations in southern Alberta, city police and RCMP have joined forces in the creation of the Southern Alberta Marijuana Investigative Team (SAMIT).Together with Calgary Police Service and the Criminal Intelligence Service of Alberta (CISA), RCMP officers on what is affectionately dubbed the "Green Team" will develop expertise about investigating and taking down grow operations.A much needed service, says De Goeij."As you get into these numbers you can imagine the type of things we're dealing with and the large quantity of drugs and all the work that's involved there. We recognized the need that's in southern Alberta," explains De Goeij, who adds they approached the province for help and was delighted when they received it."It was formed because of obviously the increase we are seeing in these types of operations throughout the province and, in fact, throughout the country. It's modeled after teams in place in other provinces and on recognized demand by the government and by the police forces that we need a point approach to these things."Many grows are tied to organized crime and cross jurisdictional boundaries in urban and rural areas between different RCMP detachments, which is why, De Goeij says, SAMIT is a much-need pressure-reliever.Now detachments can focus on sniffing out the operations, while the Green Team takes them down."They'll be able to come in and assist us by actually doing the physical dismantling of the operations, handling the exhibits, doing a lot of the paperwork and providing expert evidence that, in the past, was left to detachments," says De Goeij."The difference between the way we were doing it and the way it's being done now is night and day."Efficiency, safety and speed are all the factors making sure SAMIT produces a higher quality of investigation than ever seen before.The Green Team is based in Calgary and acts as the central linkage for a web of crime-fighting resources."We're all integrated together and are working much better together now than we were in the past. It's excellent -- it's good news for the communities and bad news for the criminals," says De Goeij. "It's a team that we, at least in Strathmore, along with our other partners, have been advocating and pushing for since we got involved with the magnitude of the grows we found in Chestermere in this past year."Grow operations pose a certain level of risk to police officers and the community -- a concern well-addressed by the Green Team.Because members will be focusing specifically on grows, they will soon be able to call themselves experts and be able to handle the things inherent with raiding a large-scale marijuana operation, like hazardous chemicals and potentially unstable electrical devices.When on a raid, the RCMP officers will secure the residence while the SAMIT members will handle all exhibits and the dismantling of the operation.In the past, space was a huge area of concern and police had to scramble to find trucks to haul out equipment from a large grow. Now, that is all taken care of."In Chestermere for example, we had to go out and rent trucks for some of the grows we took down because of the amount of equipment and drugs we were receiving. All of this stuff takes time and resources," explains De Goeij."Now that's all done ahead of time. They come prepared to take apart these grow operations and that's their focus, so we at the detachments can focus on identifying the people responsible and handling anybody found in the residence."And, Strathmore RCMP have had such success in using the Green Team since its inception in October, the resource has become "a staple" in their plan.Mayor says move onIt's time to get out of Dodge.That's the message Chestermere Mayor Dave Mikkelsen is sending to those who think his town is a nice place to set up a grow operation."We're not going to lighten up on arrests or grow operations -- we're going to accelerate it," promises Mikkelsen.Chestermere currently has no permanent RCMP detachment -- the closest one is located in Strathmore.But what they do have is a constant police presence, with three officers working out of a satellite detachment within the town.And more are on the order."We hope to have another one start this month and we've already put our order in for a fifth officer. We're just going to step it up," says Mikkelsen.He wanted to let residents of Chestermere know he is pleased with the conscientious effort put into keeping the town a safer place."We're very proud of the diligence they are showing us in informing the authorities when they suspect operations, and we hope they continue to do so," says Mikkelsen. He adds it's not simply residents living near marijuana grows who are tipping police officers to the operations.Passersby, who drive through Chestermere, have been responsible for providing RCMP with the information necessary to facilitate the takedown of a grow operation. "It's not necessarily neighbours. It's just people in town who happen to be driving past somewhere on a regular basis and they happen to notice these things."He scoffs at the idea that Chestermere is any worse off than other places in Canada and says all the busted houses are due mostly, in part, to the work put in by a community sick of this element in their town."It doesn't matter what community you go to. You are going to find it and all we can do as a town is do our best to curtail it​

" 为人不做亏心事,半夜敲门心不惊。”回复: 新来的,大家一起到Chestermere去买房。chestermere还不算糟,北面的Airdrie才是被这个搞惨了。

煮饭侠回复: 新来的,大家一起到Chestermere去买房。chestermere不错,还有私家码头。。可大家都爱聚 airdrie, 为什么呢

回复: 新来的,大家一起到Chestermere去买房。若是涉及毒品,就像东北区,那大家还是远离了,治安就肯定不好的。

因为你我不同, 所以世界精彩!! 回复: 新来的,大家一起到Chestermere去买房。那里的环境还是真不错,从东北大统华开车过去才15分钟。

回复: 新来的,大家一起到Chestermere去买房。到底在哪里啊,给个链接,贴个价格吧

回复: 新来的,大家一起到Chestermere去买房。都说东北区治安不好。。住了很久也没觉得治安不好啊

delicious food回复: 新来的,大家一起到Chestermere去买房。请问房价大约多少呢?

卡爾加里催乳师月嫂,郵箱[email protected]若是涉及毒品,就像东北区,那大家还是远离了,治安就肯定不好的。点击展开...我就住东北区,相当喜欢这里。没有治安不好的感觉。


上帝很爱你回复: 新来的,大家一起到Chestermere去买房。Chestermere 梦开始的地方~

回复: 新来的,大家一起到Chestermere去买房。Chestermere的房价以前不便宜,现在都掉价啦?

回复: 新来的,大家一起到Chestermere去买房。我也去那边看过几次房,地方不错,房子价格也相对便宜,从东北过去车程15分钟比去西北还近。但是就是考虑到以后孩子上学不知道那边学校如何?还有听说那边的饮用水有问题说是卡城废水处理。LG同事有在那边住说水他们都是自己买水饮用。具体也不清楚,涉及到住家还是一切搞清楚再定?另外有兄弟说东北很乱,我住在这里也快3年了个人觉得治安很好。邻里之间也很NICE.没有那么夸张。。呵呵。。看好Chestermere的房子,就是闲中国人那里可能还不太多。论坛上号召一下,有赞同者吗?反对者也欢迎,说说理由。 俺的理由是:1,相对便宜。2,离市区的距离比panornama一带还近呢3,从东面投奔Calgary的兄弟们还都先经过那里。4,中国人多了就会有另一个大统华。 怎样?欢迎踊跃砸砖。点击展开...

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