加拿大华人论坛 加拿大房产这两天开暖气了吗?
2013.07.05 new start回复: 这两天开暖气了吗?开了十几天了
USANA直营-flycafe回复: 这两天开暖气了吗?开两个月了
_________________________來生還做自干五_____________________________時政觀察_________________________问一下多伦多住house的同学们,这两天开暖气了吗? 房东说一般要到11月份才开。点击展开... 开了, 室内低于16--17度就要开, 你房东是想省钱, 一般是一般, 今年冷的早, 就该开就开, 室外温度高了可关掉呀. 好好跟房东说冷, 多伦多规定出租房不低于20度, 万锦不低于17度, 其它的不低于19度.
一旦你拥有房产, 你就拥有了家园,土地,财富和主权.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]回复: 这两天开暖气了吗?说到这问题,大家每月耗子的水电气,大概多少人用了多少刀呢
有时候,温暖是点滴,正如寒冬里,那一盏热茶。。。回复: 这两天开暖气了吗?万锦不低于17度,那的人肉厚
USANA直营-flycafe回复: 这两天开暖气了吗?水费贵,还有污水处理费
回复: 这两天开暖气了吗?电费是不是11月份要涨价,非繁忙时段涨的幅度比繁忙时段涨的幅度要高,是这样的吗?
回复: 这两天开暖气了吗?这几天冷,最低温度都2度了,还不开暖气不厚道。
本人所有文章不得转载,并保留作品的所有权利。回复: 这两天开暖气了吗?google"xxxx indoor temperature by law"xxxx=the place you live
回复: 这两天开暖气了吗?HEAT: Q7: My apartment is too cold. What heating must the landlord provide? A7: The temperatures are set under municipal bylaws. If you are not the cause for the cold temperatures, such as by keeping your windows open, or setting a thermostat to a lower temperature, then the landlord has a responsibility to maintain a minimum temperature as set by the municipality/city you live in. If the landlord is not meeting the minimums, you can complain to the city's Building and Inspections department or your city councillor. Information for some cities and towns are: In Barrie it is 20C (68F) year round under the Barrie apartment heat bylaw 84-200 Section 32Belleville is 21C (70F) from September 15 to May 31 under they bylaw 2000-45Brampton is 20C (68F) from September 15 to June 1. Brampton Heat BylawCornwall is 21C by day and 16C by night, from Oct. 1 to April 30, with no definition of day or night, under Section 2.35, Heating System, of the Property Standards By-law. If these requirements are not being met you may call for a Property Standards Inspector (613) 930-2787.Guelph is 21C (70F). If it isn't warm enough call the Building Dept. Property Standards at (519) 837-5615Hamilton is now 20C (68F) from September 1 to May 31, (which was lowered from the previous 22C level,) under 2004 bylaw 04-091 Hamilton apartment heating by-law.Kingston is 21.1C (70F) from 6:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. and 18.8C (66F) the rest of the day from September 15 to June 1, Kingston minimum apartment temperature heat bylaw.Kitchener is 21C (70F) year round under their bylaws for Property Maintenance, chapter 640.London is 20C (68F) from 6:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. and 18C (65F) the rest of the day from September 15 to June 15, under the London apartment heat by-lawCity of London, Vital Services By-law PH-6, section 3.4In Mississauga it is 20C (68F) from September 15 to June 1. Mississauga Apartment Heat Bylaw 365-95In Niagara Falls it is 21C (70F) from September 15 to May 31 under By-Law 98-50.In North Bay it is 21C (70F) year round. North Bay' adequate heat bylaw 193-81 in Adobe PDF Format.Oakville is 21C (70F). If it is not warm enough call the Halton Environmental Health office at (905) 825-6000.Oshawa is 20C (68F) from September 15 to June 15.Ottawa is 20C (68F) from 6:00 a.m. to 11 p.m., and 16.7C (62F) from 11:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m., year round, under Ottawa Apartment Heat By-law #201-89. If your apartment is too cold in Ottawa, the number to call is (613) 311.Peterborough is 21C (70F) from September 15 to May 31 Property Standards - 599 Adequate Heat in Rental Accommodations (Adobe PDF document)Richmond Hill is 20C (68F) year round.Sarnia is 21C by day and 18C by night (from 11:01p.m. to 6:00 a.m.) under bylaw 16 of 1994.Sault Ste. Marie under bylaw 3627 is 20C (68F) year round.St. Catharines is 20C from September 15 to May 31 under By-law #66-48 "A By-law to require adequate heat for rented dwelling accomocadation" from 1966 and amended in 1983Sudbury is 21C (70F) year round, under By-law #2001-200.Thunder Bay it is 21C (70F) year round. Property Maintenance - Chapter 831 Heat in Rented Dwellings a 730k Adobe PDF fileTimmins is 21C (70F) year round under Section 2.7 of the Maintenance and Occupancy By-Law 98-5118.Waterloo is 21C (70F) under the Heating Systems section of the Property Standards By-law 94-16 If there is not sufficient heat you can call Standards enforcement at (519) 747-8557, or contact your City Councillor.Windsor is 21.11C (70F) from September 15 to June 15 under by-law 1152.If you need to contact your city/town or your city councillor about this you can find their web page at the city links above. In Toronto the temperature must be a minimum of 21C (70 Fahrenheit) from September 15 to June 1 according to Chapter 497-2 of the Toronto Municipal Code under bylaw 499-2000 Toronto Apartment Minimum Temperature by-law. The numbers to call are: 338-0338 (Access Toronto)East District East York 416-397-4590 Scarborugh 416-396-7322North District North York 416-395-7000South District Toronto 416-392-7539West District Etobicoke and York 416-394-8002[SIZE=-1](Source: City of Toronto, Telephone Directory, January 2004, Directory of Services, page 291)[/SIZE]
回复: 这两天开暖气了吗?来源:http://www.ontariotenants.ca/law/law.phtml
回复: 这两天开暖气了吗?问一下多伦多住house的同学们,这两天开暖气了吗?房东说一般要到11月份才开。点击展开...开了一个月了。
心之所在即为家回复: 这两天开暖气了吗?我们这个公寓很奇怪,不开暖气室内就有21度,该不会是邻居们开的暖气把我们家烘热了?~~
回复: 这两天开暖气了吗?学习了。非常感谢大家提供的重要的信息!
2013.07.05 new start回复: 这两天开暖气了吗?早开了,天冷的时候自动启动的。不过真有房东不怕冷的,到下雪天才开。晕。
回复: 这两天开暖气了吗?早开了,天冷的时候自动启动的。不过真有房东不怕冷的,到下雪天才开。晕。点击展开...那是房东自己的事,房客有权要求保持法定温度至上。
回复: 这两天开暖气了吗?我家里是今年9月初就开了。去年是9月20号开的。
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