加拿大华人论坛 加拿大房产Wait' See 加拿大财长今早宣布4项房贷新措施
Explanations for the new mortgage policy could be any thing and totally depend on where you sit.Finally money talks. It always takes more than a year to see the impact on the house market. First, at current loan rate, mortgage is a steal if you can get it. Second, appreication of house is not just related to the repalcement cost, new house development cost or land value. It has something to do with average total return of the market. It swings a lot. If more people believe there are more opportunity or better return on other investment, the house market should not be hot.Third, new policy does not mean there is no market for million dollar house. It will be more hirerachy. You are not allowed to by very expensive house inappropriate to your income any more although you could afford to supercheap mortgage rate.Forth,with the more goverment intervention to fight against balance recession or japanese style recession, invisible hand will still work in house market.Hope the above will help you to make decision to sell or buy.My freind tells that you only flip house once for life, you could be better off for rest of your life.Let us do it and good luck.
回复: Wait' See 加拿大财长今早宣布4项房贷新措施Rabit is saying that:No more market for million dollar house because goverment will not finance it unless you have cash to pay.Most of first time buyers are crowded out by new 25 year rule and can not come into market any more.Price will go down as much as 5% and sales 10% as wee in the beginning as goverment wants.House owners starts to sell their houses either move to Florida or Dallas. The price is going down and down.Most canadians are great listeners to goverment policy. And wait for the 10% drop of house price. Then goverment will start new policy to stimulate the market by loosening the mortgage rule.
回复: Wait' See 加拿大财长今早宣布4项房贷新措施On the other side, the sky is not falling down. It is hard to tell now.At the same day as Flarerty make the anouncement, CIBC said the low interest rate could stay as later as 2014.If Flarety does not do any thing, any one will take the load of cheap loan. And the house price will fly. That will be definitely bubble ready to bust. That is last thing he wants to see during the new recession economy.Read carefully from his words. The new measure will lower the price 5% and sales 10% comparing would be market without applying this measure.It will reign in the flying house price in the market currently. Invisble hand will coordinate the house market.The new measure will recover hierachy financial system. Access to cheap loan ( It is a steal) depends on your credit. Rich will be rich, poor will be poor. Lawyer's son will be attorny; gang's buddy will be stealer. Does it sound familiay? BTW, it is end of Americal Dream.If all these new policies do not work, will the goverment start the house coupon to regulate the market? It sounds a joke.We are always complaining bank has access to the cheap money. Socialize the risk, privatize the profit. Vested interest not only exists in one place. After globalization, it is every where.What kind of business is not important any more, only if you know what goverment wants.Maybe the house market is the only place to fight against all this if you are lucky enough to get the mortgage. Hope some one could tell us where the market will go as early as possible.Remember flipping house once for your life.Good luck.
回复: Wait' See 加拿大财长今早宣布4项房贷新措施Well written! 赞一个! 马太效应, 穷人借不到, 富人还借得到!
回复: Wait' See 加拿大财长今早宣布4项房贷新措施好文章
回复: Wait' See 加拿大财长今早宣布4项房贷新措施On the other side, the sky is not falling down. It is hard to tell now.At the same day as Flarerty make the anouncement, CIBC said the low interest rate could stay as later as 2014.If Flarety does not do any thing, any one will take the load of cheap loan. And the house price will fly. That will be definitely bubble ready to bust. That is last thing he wants to see during the new recession economy.Read carefully from his words. The new measure will lower the price 5% and sales 10% comparing would be market without applying this measure.It will reign in the flying house price in the market currently. Invisble hand will coordinate the house market.The new measure will recover hierachy financial system. Access to cheap loan ( It is a steal) depends on your credit. Rich will be rich, poor will be poor. Lawyer's son will be attorny; gang's buddy will be stealer. Does it sound familiay? BTW, it is end of Americal Dream.If all these new policies do not work, will the goverment start the house coupon to regulate the market? It sounds a joke.We are always complaining bank has access to the cheap money. Socialize the risk, privatize the profit. Vested interest not only exists in one place. After globalization, it is every where.What kind of business is not important any more, only if you know what goverment wants.Maybe the house market is the only place to fight against all this if you are lucky enough to get the mortgage. Hope some one could tell us where the market will go as early as possible.Remember flipping house once for your life.Good luck.点击展开...写的些神马玩艺阿, 允许购买国家补贴的房贷保险才是Socialize the risk。 现在对100万以上的实行不准买房贷保险的政策是privatize the risk
回复: Wait' See 加拿大财长今早宣布4项房贷新措施写的些神马玩艺阿, 允许购买国家补贴的房贷保险才是Socialize the risk。 现在对100万以上的实行不准买房贷保险的政策是privatize the risk点击展开...有道理。其实,目前CMHC的保的上限,100万还是太高了。加拿大的独立屋平均价格,中间价才是多少钱?CMHC既然是一个联邦的项目,那么就应该以联邦的标准来制定。就如同地产协会那个神秘的HPI指数所谓的以“典型房产”来制定指数一样,CMHC也应该以加拿大全国范围的典型房子价格来制定保的上限。
回复: Wait' See 加拿大财长今早宣布4项房贷新措施Thanks for all responses.I do not know where the house market will go
回复: Wait' See 加拿大财长今早宣布4项房贷新措施It doesn't matter what individual or home owner wants. I hope I could feel where the market goes asap.If you believe market up, you could do more than to buy the house.Buy mic.to , PE ration is below 6. But if market collapses as States, it will be Fannie Maye.I suggest Bear Rabbit should short it.Good luck.
回复: Wait' See 加拿大财长今早宣布4项房贷新措施RE:温西地产经纪卖掉自住房,建议大家趁跌幅还不大,赶快卖房兑现I need crystal ball to see where the market will go. I need the smart duck to tell me if the spring comes or leaves. First there is no absolute value for the house price. It is the real money or part of real money that drives the house value. It is widely researched that the corelation between the mortgage rate and house price. But house price is the result of collective action both from rational or irrantional people. Employment rate, inflation rate,political system,weather,psycology,winter or summer and etc., and almost everything attribute to the house price. The bottom lines here are: House utility benefit or value and retaining cost. House utility value could be decided by the rent you paid for the house. The problem here is availability issue. You can not get whereever you like for your family.For example, you could say some half mil house is for rent for $2500 a month. It doesn't mean you can rent half mil house in the area you want. It is just not there.So house utility value is not universal and depends on who you are. Retaining cost is the interest you paid and opportunity cost you paid for your down payment and pincipal you pai monthly.It is very personal too. For half mil house as example, 1% property tax, $5000, 3% of half mil(simplified whole house is mortgaged), $15000. Opportunity cost is very personal. Current situation, average Joe's could be 0 or negative.If the house price will go down 2% next year, $10,000. NPV of keeping half mil house = House utility value-Retaining Cost+House capital gain or loss=2500X12-20000-500,000X2%=0When you make this decision, it is personal. But final house price is the result of collective action.My opinion is still wait'n see.Could I rent the $2500 house replacing current one? Do I have more opportunity to make more on the down payment? If everything is ok as the above, I could tolerate 2% decrease of the house value every year for me.How could I know the others? That is why I said wait and see.Life will be good enough if you just flip the house once.
回复: Wait' See 加拿大财长今早宣布4项房贷新措施I like this opinion. RE:温西地产经纪卖掉自住房,建议大家趁跌幅还不大,赶快卖房兑现I need crystal ball to see where the market will go. I need the smart duck to tell me if the spring comes or leaves. First there is no absolute value for the house price. It is the real money or part of real money that drives the house value. It is widely researched that the corelation between the mortgage rate and house price. But house price is the result of collective action both from rational or irrantional people. Employment rate, inflation rate,political system,weather,psycology,winter or summer and etc., and almost everything attribute to the house price. The bottom lines here are: House utility benefit or value and retaining cost. House utility value could be decided by the rent you paid for the house. The problem here is availability issue. You can not get whereever you like for your family.For example, you could say some half mil house is for rent for $2500 a month. It doesn't mean you can rent half mil house in the area you want. It is just not there.So house utility value is not universal and depends on who you are. Retaining cost is the interest you paid and opportunity cost you paid for your down payment and pincipal you pai monthly.It is very personal too. For half mil house as example, 1% property tax, $5000, 3% of half mil(simplified whole house is mortgaged), $15000. Opportunity cost is very personal. Current situation, average Joe's could be 0 or negative.If the house price will go down 2% next year, $10,000. NPV of keeping half mil house = House utility value-Retaining Cost+House capital gain or loss=2500X12-20000-500,000X2%=0When you make this decision, it is personal. But final house price is the result of collective action.My opinion is still wait'n see.Could I rent the $2500 house replacing current one? Do I have more opportunity to make more on the down payment? If everything is ok as the above, I could tolerate 2% decrease of the house value every year for me.How could I know the others? That is why I said wait and see.Life will be good enough if you just flip the house once.点击展开...
回复: Wait' See 加拿大财长今早宣布4项房贷新措施经纪要是不忽悠房主减价卖房,怎会促进成交。所以说,买方市场经纪会说房市不好,降价卖,因为房子不是自己的,卖方市场经纪会说加价买,因为钱也不是自己的。他们只关心成交。不要把经纪说的话太当真,听听就算了。
回复: Wait' See 加拿大财长今早宣布4项房贷新措施NPV(Renting $2500 house)one year=-2500*12=-$30,000. If the rented house is similar to Half mil house.
回复: Wait' See 加拿大财长今早宣布4项房贷新措施WHY DID NOT ZUCKERBURGER BUY THE HOUSE, WHERE FB WILL GO AFTER IPO?Re:先崩了再说。 没买房的有现金, 经济危机不可怕。 倒霉的肯定是勉强买房的房奴。It is very popuplar.But buying or renting house is very personal. Could you call the Ferrari driver stupid? When most people agreed Toyota is great car, it drives up the value of Japanese products although they may do exactly same as they did.What I am looking for here or there the collective action of average buyers or sellers. That will develop the trend of the market.FMV is widely accepted everywhere, even in Tax Act.After this special Japanese styly crisis, I have sencond thought. Maybe there is never a fair market value. Any transaction happens based on what you thought get more than what you pay for. Win win situation!Zuckerbuger only buy the house around IPO time.He rented house.It is all because he is smart and Jewish.As I said above, the house of retaining cost=Property Tax+interest +opptunity cost of down payment.His anticipated Facebook appreciation rate is 2 or 3 digits. It made his retaining cost higher than owning house benefit.Now he may think FB will come back to normal return. He decided to own the house after opportunity cost of retain house comes down. If you could get IGR house in Toronto area, the house utility value could be from nominal a dollar to $200 upon on your current income.Then it is very stupid for you to decide to jump into market now.Everything is about the NPV of individual buying or renting house. But the collective decision will decide the market trend.For me, NPV( buying ) is zero based on 2% yearly depreciation. NPV( renting) is $30,000.How about you?Thanks for reading.
回复: Wait' See 加拿大财长今早宣布4项房贷新措施On#10 I addressed to MIC.to and encouraged Rabbit to short it. Any other believe the market is ok to buy it.On #15 I refered Zuckerburger sell FB and buy his first house in California.Mic.to was under $17 and is above 19.Fb was 28 and is around 19May be some one could help me to check Zuck's new house price.I am not waiting any more. I think I have my #8 ball.Rabbit, if you short MIC.TO, don't blame on me.If market falls, MIC.to could be Fanie here.
回复: Wait' See 加拿大财长今早宣布4项房贷新措施大温很多退休老人卖房南下美国养老,年轻人奔赴安省萨省寻找工作,大温人口净流出。新出台明年新移民政策使语言不好的华人移民难上加难,留学生移民新政会出台。加上趋紧的房贷政策和乏力的经济。大温房价还会下跌。RE:温西地产经纪卖掉自住房,建议大家趁跌幅还不大,赶快卖房兑现I need crystal ball to see where the market will go. I need the smart duck to tell me if the spring comes or leaves. First there is no absolute value for the house price. It is the real money or part of real money that drives the house value. It is widely researched that the corelation between the mortgage rate and house price. But house price is the result of collective action both from rational or irrantional people. Employment rate, inflation rate,political system,weather,psycology,winter or summer and etc., and almost everything attribute to the house price. The bottom lines here are: House utility benefit or value and retaining cost. House utility value could be decided by the rent you paid for the house. The problem here is availability issue. You can not get whereever you like for your family.For example, you could say some half mil house is for rent for $2500 a month. It doesn't mean you can rent half mil house in the area you want. It is just not there.So house utility value is not universal and depends on who you are. Retaining cost is the interest you paid and opportunity cost you paid for your down payment and pincipal you pai monthly.It is very personal too. For half mil house as example, 1% property tax, $5000, 3% of half mil(simplified whole house is mortgaged), $15000. Opportunity cost is very personal. Current situation, average Joe's could be 0 or negative.If the house price will go down 2% next year, $10,000. NPV of keeping half mil house = House utility value-Retaining Cost+House capital gain or loss=2500X12-20000-500,000X2%=0When you make this decision, it is personal. But final house price is the result of collective action.My opinion is still wait'n see.Could I rent the $2500 house replacing current one? Do I have more opportunity to make more on the down payment? If everything is ok as the above, I could tolerate 2% decrease of the house value every year for me.How could I know the others? That is why I said wait and see.Life will be good enough if you just flip the house once.点击展开...
回复: Wait' See 加拿大财长今早宣布4项房贷新措施大温的人都会走光的,空城一座,就剩兔子了
回复: Wait' See 加拿大财长今早宣布4项房贷新措施Mic.to isabove$20 now with a bullish candlestick combo.I am proudly to announce that the collapse of canadian property market is out of horizon.It is time to decide which market you should go.Downtown condo or low rise in GTA.I will bet on the new low rise in GTA.The delivery time is not as long as Condo but it gives enough time to build the equity before you buy it.I am looking forwad to the new house in north oakville from Mattamy.You can not get rich very fast, but once a life time to flip the house will make you richer than average. Good Luck, I am not waiting any more.
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