加拿大华人论坛 加拿大房产大温哥华地区详细的地产数据 (每月更新)


大温地区六月MLS成交2642套房。比2012年六月增加11.9%, 比2013年五月下降8.3%。成交与挂盘(Sales to Active Ratio)的比例约为15%, 这已经是连续第四个月此指标保持在15%或以上。六月市场相对比较均衡。大温地区六月平均成交价为$601900比2012年六月降低3%, 比2013年一月上涨2.3%. 更详细的数据请参见网站:http://www.bcflatfee.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=88&extra=Mike

大温平价经纪 604-230-9898 www.BCFlatFee.com [email protected]售屋只上MLS做广告 $369+税。买房大额佣金返回。一般情况$50万房屋返回$5400.00。其他服务,细节及限制请登陆网站或来电查询。Palace Realty Inc.赞反馈:肥佬强 2013-07-04#2 肥 737 $0.00 回复: 大温哥华地区详细的地产数据 (每月更新)

回复: 大温哥华地区详细的地产数据 (每月更新)七月份每个城市独立屋,城市屋和公寓的统计以更新。请看Link。http://www.bcflatfee.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=105&extra=page=1Mike

大温平价经纪 604-230-9898 www.BCFlatFee.com [email protected]售屋只上MLS做广告 $369+税。买房大额佣金返回。一般情况$50万房屋返回$5400.00。其他服务,细节及限制请登陆网站或来电查询。Palace Realty Inc.回复: 大温哥华地区详细的地产数据 (每月更新)8月份每个城市独立屋,城市屋和公寓的统计以更新。请看Link。http://www.bcflatfee.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=106&extra=

大温平价经纪 604-230-9898 www.BCFlatFee.com [email protected]售屋只上MLS做广告 $369+税。买房大额佣金返回。一般情况$50万房屋返回$5400.00。其他服务,细节及限制请登陆网站或来电查询。Palace Realty Inc.回复: 大温哥华地区详细的地产数据 (每月更新)顶数据。

......回复: 大温哥华地区详细的地产数据 (每月更新)9月份每个城市独立屋,城市屋和公寓的统计以更新。请看Link。http://www.bcflatfee.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=107&extra=

大温平价经纪 604-230-9898 www.BCFlatFee.com [email protected]售屋只上MLS做广告 $369+税。买房大额佣金返回。一般情况$50万房屋返回$5400.00。其他服务,细节及限制请登陆网站或来电查询。Palace Realty Inc.回复: 大温哥华地区详细的地产数据 (每月更新)Balanced conditions continue in the Greater Vancouver housing market Home buyer and seller activity continues to mirror historical averages in the Greater Vancouver housing market. These trends have helped keep the region in a balanced state for the last nine months. The Real Estate Board of Greater Vancouver reports that residential property sales in Greater Vancouver reached 2,661 on the Multiple Listing Service® (MLS®) in October 2013. This is a 37.8 per cent increase compared to the 1,931 sales recorded in October 2012, and a 7.2 per cent increase from the 2,483 sales recorded in September 2013. New listings for attached, detached and apartment properties in Greater Vancouver totaled 4,315 in October 2013. This represents a 0.2 per cent decline from the 4,323 new listings reported in October 2012, and a decrease of 14.2 per cent compared to the 5,030 new listings reported in September of this year. Last month’s sales were 2.8 per cent above the 10-year sales average for the month, while new listings for the month were 1.9 per cent below the 10-year average. “We continue to see fairly typical activity when it comes to monthly home sale and listing totals,” Sandra Wyant, REBGV president said. “Today’s activity is helping to keep us in balanced market territory, which means that prices tend to experience minimal fluctuation.” The total number of properties currently listed for sale on the MLS® in Greater Vancouver is 15,257, a decline of 12.2 per cent compared to this time last year, and a decline of 5.3 per cent compared to September 2013. The sales-to-active-listings ratio is currently at 17.4 per cent in Greater Vancouver. The MLS® Home Price Index composite benchmark price for all residential properties in Greater Vancouver is $600,700. This represents a 0.5 per cent decline compared to this time last year. Sales of detached properties reached 1,067 in October 2013, an increase of 35.1 per cent from the 790 detached sales recorded in October 2012 and a 9.5 per cent increase from the 974 units sold in October 2011. The benchmark price for detached properties decreased 0.5 per cent from October 2012 to $922,600. Sales of apartment properties reached 1,098 in October 2013, an increase of 36.7 per cent compared to the 803 apartment sales recorded in October 2012, and an increase of 14.6 per cent compared to the 958 sales in October 2011. The benchmark price of an apartment property decreased 0.9 per cent from October 2012 to $365,600. Attached property sales totaled 496, an increase of 46.7 per cent compared to the 338 attached property sales recorded in 2012 and a 29.8 per cent increase compared to the 382 attached property sales recorded in October 2011. The benchmark price of an attached property is $458,000, which is virtually unchanged from October 2012. 10月份每个城市独立屋,城市屋和公寓的统计以更新。请看Link。http://www.bcflatfee.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=109&extra=page=1

大温平价经纪 604-230-9898 www.BCFlatFee.com [email protected]售屋只上MLS做广告 $369+税。买房大额佣金返回。一般情况$50万房屋返回$5400.00。其他服务,细节及限制请登陆网站或来电查询。Palace Realty Inc.回复: 大温哥华地区详细的地产数据 (每月更新)谢谢

......回复: 大温哥华地区详细的地产数据 (每月更新)11月详细信息http://www.bcflatfee.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=111&page=1&extra=#pid114

大温平价经纪 604-230-9898 www.BCFlatFee.com [email protected]售屋只上MLS做广告 $369+税。买房大额佣金返回。一般情况$50万房屋返回$5400.00。其他服务,细节及限制请登陆网站或来电查询。Palace Realty Inc.回复: 大温哥华地区详细的地产数据 (每月更新)12月详细信息http://www.bcflatfee.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=112&extra=page=1Mike

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