加拿大华人论坛 加拿大房产加拿大央行会进一步降息么?
回复: 加拿大央行会进一步降息么?Why Carney needs to lower interest rates Friday’s inflation release by Statistics Canada was discouraging, as both headline inflation and core inflation came in well below the Bank of Canada’s target of 2 per cent. By itself, lower-than-target inflation does not mean that the Bank needs to loosen monetary policy. Monetary policy works with a lag, so one needs to consider other indicators to see not just where the economy is, but where the economy is headed.There are a number of market indicators available, including real return bonds and short-term bond rates. One of the most-useful indicators of the medium-term health of the economy is the nominal Government of Canada benchmark ten-year bond yield.With a 2-per-cent target, these yearly yields are normally in the range of 4- to 5 per cent, giving investors a 2- to 3 per cent real return after inflation. Yields started to decline a year before the financial crisis. In the last twelve months, the yields on these bonds have absolutely collapsed, going from more than 3 per cent to less than 2. Even during the 2008-2009 crisis period, yields stayed above 2.5 per cent a year. Expect these yields to stay at historic lows for the near future; the Bank of Montreal predicts they will remain under 2 per cent until late 2013. This should spark serious concerns, as these yields are eerily reminiscent of Japanese 10-year bond yields in the late 1990s.There could be several causes of these low bond yields - and none of them are pleasant. It may be that bond markets expect the Bank of Canada to undershoot its 2 per cent inflation target for the foreseeable future. It may be that alternative investments in Canada are such losing propositions that people are willing to accept low or even negative real returns. Finally, there may be a flight to quality here, with Canada being seen as a safe haven in a world full of economic turmoil. It is likely a combination of all three.Bond markets are screaming loud and clear that worldwide demand remains low, and, in the medium-term, inflation is likely to stay under the Bank of Canada’s target. On Tuesday, the Bank of Canada will be giving its interest rate announcement. Given the current economic data and low inflation, the prudent move for Mark Carney is to lower the overnight rate by 25 basis points.
When you judge another person, you do not define him or her, you define yourself.回复: 加拿大央行会进一步降息么?加拿大9月通胀数据弱于预期,表明加拿大经济活跃程度减弱,同时也打压加拿大央行10月23日决议声明维持鹰派以及提前升息的预期。不过从走势上看,市场疑似提前得到消息,美元兑加元公布前几分钟已经提前快速冲高,从0.9870涨至0.9900上方。 加拿大9月CPI月率上升0.2%,预期上升0.3%,前值上升0.2%;年率上升1.2%,预期上升1.3%,前值上升1.2%。加拿大9月核心CPI年率上升1.3%,预期上升1.5%,前值上升1.6%;月率 上升0.2%,预期上升0.3%,前值上升0.3%。 通胀数据表明加拿大经济活跃程度减弱,同时也将令加拿大央行的升息步伐放缓,利空加元走势。
回复: 加拿大央行会进一步降息么?如果加拿大经济活动继续减弱,央行的选择是什么。从收紧房贷,提高新移民首付比例至35%的措施来看,加拿大央行至少会维持较低利率水平较长时间,不会因房价高企而提早加息,如果9月,10月数据依旧不佳或继续下滑,不排除降息的可能。这只是我个人的一点想法,上来和大家分享,欢迎探讨。
回复: 加拿大央行会进一步降息么?这么预测,肯定有理由,请多说两句。。 您在另外一个帖子里,对人民币升值的预测,神了。点击展开...谢谢三木支持,我只是说说自己的分析罢了,过奖了。不过看了帖子,省钱的园友们可是真高兴。加币降息的话题只是我的分析,未必准确。我要是央行行长,就把首付提到40%,降息至0.5%,压低加币币值,促进出口和就业。
回复: 加拿大央行会进一步降息么?我顶了。
在熟悉的异乡 我将自己一年年流放穿过鲜花 走过荆棘 只为自由之地想要带上你私奔 奔向最遥远城镇。。。回复: 加拿大央行会进一步降息么?可能性较低吧!这不与前期的房产政策相矛盾吗?
回复: 加拿大央行会进一步降息么?前期的房产政策是啥,不知道楼上的怎么理解
回复: 加拿大央行会进一步降息么?前期的房产政策是啥,不知道楼上的怎么理解点击展开...前期是通过收紧房贷来COOL DOWN楼市的快速上涨,如果下调利率的话虽会刺激经济,但同时也是双刃剑,反而刺激房产买家入市(虽然我乐见)。
回复: 加拿大央行会进一步降息么?我的理解是,收紧房贷,防止低息滥用。当经济走弱迹象再次出现的时候,减息同时继续收紧房贷是两全的方法。当然会有副作用,但不大。试想,如果房市交易持续低迷,房价却下不来,现在这种僵持状态是最不理想的。低息刺激有能力的买家进场,限制能力不够的买家进场,成交量不会大量增加。对于经济有一定的刺激作用。
回复: 加拿大央行会进一步降息么?没看懂楼主的意思。对房价有无影响?
回复: 加拿大央行会进一步降息么?不是单纯讨论房价和加减息的关系。只是想说,减息同时不刺激房价。刺激经济不刺激房价的办法。我觉得就是收紧房贷,减息刺激实体经济,压低加元汇价,增强经济活力。
回复: 加拿大央行会进一步降息么?不加不减,目前的利率已经是少有的低点。 如果再降,只能说明经济存在严重问题,好像现在的日本和美国,不是什么好事来的。
美国运通金卡:AMEX Gold ,开卡送25000积分(价值250刀以上),首年销卡无任何费用,成功批核后本人再额外多给Cash Bonus感谢。同时主推 AMEX SPG 酒店卡,开卡送20,000 SPG点,可以兑换最高6晚美国喜来登酒店住宿,总价值可超600刀。详情请PM(此外还有Business Gold ,感谢力度与 Gold一致)。Tangerine (ING) Orange Key: 41710691S1 (本人同样额外返点)前期是通过收紧房贷来COOL DOWN楼市的快速上涨,如果下调利率的话虽会刺激经济,但同时也是双刃剑,反而刺激房产买家入市(虽然我乐见)。点击展开...就是因为加息无望,所以只能通过收紧房贷来Cool down。我看三五年内是不可能加息的。就像日本,当初也是说零利率只是暂时性政策,两三年就调整回来。现在十多年过去了,零利率已经变成天经地义的事情了。目前实际房贷利率才1%。
回复: 加拿大央行会进一步降息么?从加国央行的举动看,减息的可能性非常大,否则不会在房地产市场正在降温的时候再出新的收紧贷款政策了,为的就是防止降息后再次刺激房价。整个经济数据不佳,我觉得降息25个基点是大概率事件。时间点或许在年底
回复: 加拿大央行会进一步降息么?今年几个银行其实已经加过息了。
回复: 加拿大央行会进一步降息么?今年几个银行其实已经加过息了。点击展开...九不搭八
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