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TOP 10 MOST COMMON BUYING AND SELLING MISTAKESWith that in mind, here are the most common buying and selling pitfalls, and tips on how to avoid them:文章来源于RECOhttp://www.reco.on.ca/UserFiles/Consumer Newsletter/Spring 2014/reconnect 2014 Web FINAL.pdf总结得挺全面而且实际,如果这10大错误基本都回避了,基本可以保证一个满意的结果。放在这里大家讨论下

1 HIRING THE FIRST SALESPERSON YOU MEETWhile you may decide to work with the first real estate professional you meet, it's a good idea to meet with a few different representatives before settling on one. Make sure you feel comfortable with them and their approach to the process. Also, be sure to get references and contact them to learn about their experience with the salesperson. Before signing a representation agreement, it’s a good idea to use the ‘Registrant Search’ tool at the top of RECO’s website (www.reco.on.ca) to check the status of their registration and see whether they have been subject to disciplinary action.这个放第一条,我也觉得是最重要的。买房子不会看一个就买,为什么请经纪不是很慎重的多面试几个呢?依我看,自己多见多谈几个经纪,这个比别人介绍重要的多,很多人抱怨经纪不好,好经纪少,就算好经纪只有20%好了,面5个不就能碰上了吗?这是一个很容易避免的错误,而且在所有的错误里权重最大,但也最常见。

2 NOT MAKING YOUR EXPECTATIONS CLEAR WITH YOUR REAL ESTATE PROFESSIONALWorking with a real estate professional is a partnership, so communication is the key to success. It’s important to have a mutual understanding about what you’re looking for in a home, what elements you would consider to be ‘deal-breakers’, and what services the brokerage will be responsible for. Make sure you discuss what services you expect them to provide, and get it in writing.没请到放心的经纪,随便抓一个,自然有顾虑。交流不畅也正常了。但交流不畅不清晰,最直接的后果就是看房过多,因为目标不明确,范围就大了。

3 FAILING TO READ AND UNDERSTAND FORMS AND CONTRACTSIt can be tempting to speed the process along by signing forms that you haven’t read. After all, nobody really likes reading the fine print. But taking the time to understand what you’re signing can avoid a lot of problems later on.For example, you don’t want to find out that you’re on the hook for a six month listing agreement to sell your home if you only want your house on the market for three months. Make sure all the blanks on the form are filled in before you sign it, and make sure you get a copy of whatever you sign.大量纠纷的起源。其实这也是沟通的一部分。

4 ALLOWING EMOTIONS TO OVERTAKE COMMON SENSEWhen you fall in love with a property, it can be hard to walk away. Stick to your budget and be aware of the risks of foregoing a home inspection for a chance to win a bidding war. Making your offer conditional on a home inspection is a smart decision because a qualified home inspector, engineer or contractor can identify underlying problems with a home’s major systems, like heating and electrical. Skipping an inspection is a gamble because you’ll leave yourself vulnerable to a much more costly problem later on.这是人之常情了,有过统计报告说男的相对女的理智点,正是因为客户对Home的感情在交易中的影响,才更需要经纪作为一道屏障,客观的提供意见,有时浇点冷水。基础也得是信任经纪,沟通良好。

5 ASSUMING EVERYTHING IS INCLUDEDDon’t assume that the stove, washing machine and dryer or other items are included with the sale. The seller may want to take the dishwasher with them, and the hot water tank might be under a rental contract that you’ll be required to take over.The best way to protect against any surprises is to detail all the items (known as chattels) you expect to be included in your written offer. In the offer, you can also include a clause requiring the seller to pay out any outstanding leases on the home’s major systems.这个还好了,说实话就是出点差错也差不了几个钱,对大多地区动辄上半米一米的房子来说,家电灯具附件简直忽略都可以,而且这也不会出什么错,能动不能动的大件屈指可数。

6 FORGETTING ABOUT WHAT’S WITHIN THE WALLSThe hardwood floors, stained glass windows and walk-in closet are appealing features, but the insulation, wiring and plumbing are just as important when you’re evaluating a property. Ask your real estate professional to look into the age of the home’s systems and if there have been any upgrades. If extensive renovations have been done, your real estate professional can also help determine if the appropriate permits were issued.这个其实在大城市也问题不大,房子新旧一看就知道了。如果升级改造过,卖方一定强调。

7 FORGETTING ABOUT WHAT’S OUTSIDE THE WALLSWhen you buy a home, you’re also buying a place in a community. Visit the neighbourhood at different times of the day to see if the surroundings fit your lifestyle. Is it too noisy, or not vibrant enough?The only way to find out is to spend some time exploring the area, talking to neighbours and researching the locations of amenities like grocery stores and banks.这是容易忽略的,周边环境。而且这个其实挺主观的。一是要和经纪沟通好,让经纪知道自己顾虑什么,关注什么,喜欢什么。那么经纪就会关注到多一点。另外就是一定要自己看,自己去和邻居聊,第一手的了解很重要,邻居是个非常好的渠道。尤其对老社区独立屋。

8 NOT DOING YOUR RESEARCHIf you’re concerned about buying a home with a troubled past, a simple Internet search for the address can go a long way. This is also something you can ask the neighbours about.这个自己的功课,其实就是上面讲的那些更容易影响主观感受的因素,比如外部环境小区氛围等等。而不是代替经纪的工作,要着眼经纪代替不了的事情。

9 MAKING VERBAL AGREEMENTSVerbal agreements aren’t a problem, until they’re a problem. Putting everything in writing forces both parties to be clear about their expectations and provides a record that can prevent disputes later on.口说无凭。

10 UNDERESTIMATING CLOSING COSTSThe price paid for a home is just one of many costs associated with the purchase. Related costs, such as land transfer taxes, title insurance and a home inspection, can really add up and take an unexpected chunk out of your budget. There are also the final touches – like a fresh coat of paint, some window coverings or a new appliance – that you may want to do to make the place feel like your home.

大小怪物 说:4 ALLOWING EMOTIONS TO OVERTAKE COMMON SENSE When you fall in love with a property, it can be hard to walk away. Stick to your budget and be aware of the risks of foregoing a home inspection for a chance to win a bidding war. Making your offer conditional on a home inspection is a smart decision because a qualified home inspector, engineer or contractor can identify underlying problems with a home’s major systems, like heating and electrical. Skipping an inspection is a gamble because you’ll leave yourself vulnerable to a much more costly problem later on. 这是人之常情了,有过统计报告说男的相对女的理智点,正是因为客户对Home的感情在交易中的影响,才更需要经纪作为一道屏障,客观的提供意见,有时浇点冷水。基础也得是信任经纪,沟通良好。点击展开...验房环节很重要,尤其是独立House,没有管理文件可做参考

Alice Liu(爱丽丝),金牌平价经纪,新型地产服务;多种方案选择,大量佣金返还!专业坦诚,经验丰富,值得信赖!自2013年起多年获得大温地产局销售业绩前10%金牌经纪大奖,自2011年起多年获得Homeland Realty销售大奖!电话:778 858 1626 详情请见:http://blog.sina.com.cn/aliceliuhomes 2014-05-23#14 A 771 $0.00 收到,学习。

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