link是两侧与邻居共享墙壁semi-detached是一面与邻居共享墙壁舒适度和隔音效果就很显然了吧? freehold是指没有管理费(见2楼答案)据说管理费挺贵的,房屋大修还得大家分摊修理费换做你,你愿意多花钱买有管理费的,还是愿意自己干活自己修房子省点钱呢?升值潜力也显而易见了吧。
12/7/9 长登多伦多 http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=558680 赏 2014-06-03#5

快乐旅途 说:link是共享地基,但不共享墙壁。。。点击展开... 多谢指正!Link homes are similar to semi-detached homes as they both share a wall with a neighbouring house. The main difference is that link homes do not share a living space wall. They are typically attached at a garage or via the basement, offering more privacy than a semi-detached home. Link homes are perfect for those who are looking for the benefits of a detached home and the affordability of a semi-detached home.点击展开...
12/7/9 长登多伦多 http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=558680link>semi-detached>townhousefreehold的意思是没有管理费condo全部不是freehold点击展开... CONDO 也有Freehold,不要买LINK, LINK 就是独立屋跟TH的杂交, 地库结构是一体的连贯性, 地面上的墙是分开的, 间隔很小.最好买独立屋, 或买半独立屋,LINK和TH尽量不要买.
一旦你拥有房产, 你就拥有了家园,土地,财富和主权.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] 赏 2014-06-03#8

快乐旅途 说:还是版主功力深厚!点击展开...谢美女夸! 我也是网上搜到的: The Differences Between a Freehold and Regular CondominiumDue to their easy to manage size, the sense of community they create, and their relative cost when proximity to amenities is considered, condominiums are some of the hottest selling pieces of real estate around. You might be thinking of buying a condo as a home or as a real estate investment; what many people do not know is that condos actually come in two different categories, freehold and regular. Regular condominiums Almost everyone is familiar with the concept of regular condominiums. These are buildings developed by a condominium corporation which have several units, sometime numbering in the hundreds, within one structure, on one piece of land. While home owners do own the unit itself, they do not own the land on which the condo building has been built, nor do they have title to any buildings or developments on the land. For many condo owners this is preferable, since it means instead of upkeep they just have to pay a straight fee every month. Freehold condominiums With a freehold condominium, the owner not only owns the unit he or she purchased but also the land on which the building stands. This means that he or she also owns any buildings that have been erected on the land, including the condo building itself. In addition, the property improvements and so on are up to the freeholder. There are several advantages to having a freehold condominium. First off, the investment is much more valuable, since land is the really valuable part of real estate (if you don't believe me check your latest property tax statements; sure your structure is valuable but it's the land that can never be replaced!). For those who do like to have a bit of say so about what the exterior of their house looks like, a freehold condominium can mean the chance to make some improvements in the lawn and other landscaping areas. Most of the time, the condo corporation will retain some control over what the freehold owner can or can't do with the property, so don't assume carte blanche. In addition, don't forget that whereas regular condo ownership means that the cost of improvement is shared by all the tenants, freehold means the owner bears the cost alone. Finally, keep in mind that while the ownership and upkeep of land and buildings is up to the freehold owner, maintenance of common property elements such as playgrounds, parking, and so on is shared among the owners, as determined by the condo corporation.Freehold Condo 与普通 Condo 有什么区别? 究竟Freehold Condo 和普通Condo有什么区别? 其实,二者最大的区别就在于一个Freehold Condo 屋主拥有土地以及该土地上的建筑物(比如一个House 或Townhouse(镇屋))的权益。作为屋主,你得照料维护整个房屋,包括外墙,屋顶,草坪,院子,Driveway(车道)和Garage(车库)。Freehold Condo 的公共财产可能包括通往各个单元的公路,娱乐设施,操场,客人停车场(Visitor parking)等。这些公共财产是由Condo物业公司统一管理,但屋主必须按月交纳管理费。至于普通Condo,一个单元(房屋)只包括其内部组成部分(室内部分)。而该单元的的外部(室外)及其占用的土地属于公共财产(共管)。这就是说,外墙,门窗,草坪,花园以及Driveway的维修维护都由物业公司负责。Freehold Condo, 你拥有更多的自主权力。你可以修饰你的外观。但通常物业公司会对统一规定,如规定什么时候可以修屋顶,选用瓦片的颜色。 所以,如果你想改变你门窗的颜色,或在你的后院修建一个Deck,你必须首先得到物业管理部门的允许。共管房屋多处于交通便利商业比较发达的区域,又因其投资少等优点,愈来愈受到新移民,首次购房者或投资者的亲睐。
一旦你拥有房产, 你就拥有了家园,土地,财富和主权.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]CONDO 也有Freehold,不要买LINK, LINK 就是独立屋跟TH的杂交, 地库结构是一体的连贯性, 地面上的墙是分开的, 间隔很小.最好买独立屋, 或买半独立屋,LINK和TH尽量不要买.点击展开...LINK 还没有SEMI的好吗?不要买是因为升值潜力不大还是因为别的?
moonhigh 说:LINK 还没有SEMI的好吗?不要买是因为升值潜力不大还是因为别的?点击展开...同问?另外,我感觉endunit的freehold townhouse与Semi和link很像,地的大小也差不多,它们之间有实质性的区别吗?
moonhigh 说:LINK 还没有SEMI的好吗?不要买是因为升值潜力不大还是因为别的?点击展开... LINK的价在独立和SEMI之间, 不伦不类, 升值有的还没SEMI 好,若不差钱直接买独立的,
一旦你拥有房产, 你就拥有了家园,土地,财富和主权.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]同问? 另外,我感觉endunit的freehold townhouse与Semi和link很像,地的大小也差不多,它们之间有实质性的区别吗?点击展开...TH升值慢, LOT肯定没SEMI大, TH地点不好, 基本都在大路边, 因为开发商拿地便宜. 另外, TH三四层, 内部较窄, 老人不合适住, 经常从楼梯上跌倒, 就是常人爬上爬下太累.
一旦你拥有房产, 你就拥有了家园,土地,财富和主权.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] 赏 2014-06-05#15

thanks a lot
test 赏 2014-08-22#18 H 16,405 $0.00 也有不少两层的freehold townhouse。
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