加拿大华人论坛 加拿大房产这样的房子有什么大的缺点吗?
如附件图所示 都是小路谢谢啦
大脑是个好东西,真希望每个人都有一个如附件图所示 都是小路谢谢啦点击展开...路冲、拐角,有些人不喜欢,影响卖价。
小心我削你 说:靠主路还是内街?没说清楚。靠主路的减分。如果是内街,街角房子会比较好点击展开...“如附件图所示 都是小路” - 好像说清楚了吧。
csm_widget 说:如附件图所示 都是小路谢谢啦点击展开...扫雪烦了点,车多的话吵了点。
Lucy7777 说:扫雪烦了点,车多的话吵了点。点击展开...不过, 住习惯了无所谓。塞翁失马 焉知非福!扫雪还能短促人锻炼身体呢,车多眼杂还能防盗呢。
Lucy7777 说:不过, 住习惯了无所谓。 塞翁失马 焉知非福! 扫雪还能短促人锻炼身体呢,车多眼杂还能防盗呢。点击展开... 您的想法真是positive 赞一个
大脑是个好东西,真希望每个人都有一个 赏 2014-07-03#10 它 5 $0.00 我曾经买过小内街的拐角房子,感觉还不错,因为采光比其他房子好,从窗户里看得远,不会有一边的窗户对着邻居的墙壁。另外,地皮也显得大些。现在的新建的房子,拐角的房子要加 lot premium。
大小怪物 说:一方面,房子的交易价格并不是不喜欢这个房子的人决定的,而是喜欢的那些人决定的。喜欢路冲的人没有,人人都会给路冲减分,对着大路的房子交易价格会低一些。拐角虽然也很多人很讨厌,但有相当多人并不排斥拐角,因此拐角的交易价格低的没那么明显。另一方面,影响卖价的同时影响买价。你卖的时候比别人少卖几万,买的时候也比别人少支付了。又不是开发商拿了地,分割了估算每块地价格。拐角路冲高压房子财务上比别人吃亏的理由不是很成立的,更多是心理上的。真正影响到的是居住体验,路口拐角的声光污染比其他位置严重。丁字口正对马路的房子这点上是非常讨厌的。其他没什么差别。拐角的房子,因为地块原因,首先私密性不好,有的转角地块留不出主够宽敞的backyard,不像其他房子backyard形状比较规整,这个因房子而异。其次,非常多转角房子车库和正门不在同侧,这样的房子内部格局会和其他房子差异比较大。有非常不理想的,也有设计得好的甚至这点上加分的。要从这些差异性上具体衡量对居住体验的影响。这些影响到底多大,正面的还是负面的,你愿不愿意接受这样的差异。房子是买来自己住的,着眼于自己的居住体验是根本。点击展开...没错,你讲的很对。我说的不喜欢也包含很多内容,路冲的房子首先是风水不好,其次冲着路不安全、灯光噪声污染等;拐角的房子首先是除雪维护麻烦点,再就是房子的结构与不在拐角的房子有差别,楼梯往往对着大门,影响风水,内部布局不够规整,车库很多在侧面。西人无所谓,华人不太喜欢买这种房子。但任何事情都不绝对,萝卜青菜各有所爱而已。
最近也再看街角房,这个写的有理,有些人不喜欢但我还可以,挺喜欢街角的view1. Noise, noise, noise. Double street and sidewalk frontage means double the noise from pedestrian and car traffic. Pull up a chair and crack open a cold one; I’m just gettin’ started.2. Unconventional configurations. For example, the front yard of a home on a corner lot is usually bigger than the back, and the garage may be located around the corner.3. Yard — lots of it. Larger lots mean more to mow. It’s even worse when the lawn is big but not so large that it justifies buying a riding mower – which is usually the case.4. Yard — lots of it (Part II). All things being equal, larger lawns have higher landscape costs.5. More trash to pick up. Cars stopping at a stop sign are more likely to dump their trash on your big front yard. You’re also liable to get more trash because…6. Corners make great school bus stop locations. Hey, I have kids too. I’m just sayin.’7. Less privacy. Yes, you have one less neighbor, but in exchange for that you get foot traffic on two sides of the house instead of only one. Trust me, if you’re worried about privacy you’d be better off with the extra neighbor. Speaking of foot traffic…8. Kids and other pedestrians like to use corner lawns as a shortcut. When given the choice, most people will save 16 seconds of their life by cutting across the front lawn of a corner home. But before you get any bright ideas, just remember this…9. Less privacy (Part II). Many jurisdictions severely restrict privacy fence heights or prohibit them all together for traffic safety. Even if there are no privacy fence restrictions, corner lot owners have to deal with…10. Higher fence costs. Having one less neighbor to deal with is terrific! Well, unless you need to borrow a cup of sugar. Or you’re trying to get your neighbors to share the cost of a new fence.11. Double tax assessments. Because corner lots border streets on two sides, you get hit for twice as many sidewalk and street assessments.12. Double set-back requirements. Owners of corner lots may be subject to city or other jurisdictional easements or set-back requirements on two sides of their property, rather than just one.13. More dog poo. Although I haven’t taken the time to do a definitive scientific study, I’m quite certain the probability of an off-leash neighborhood dog pooping on a corner-lot front lawn is 100 percent. Prove me wrong.14. Greater risk of a car crashing into your house. Okay, I admit it; the probability of this happening is about as likely as Christina Aguilera hiring Taylor Swift as a vocal coach, but it’s hard to argue that it ain’t true.15. Bigger snow jobs. For those of you who live in colder climes, more sidewalk means more snow to shovel.16. Less privacy (Part III). Corner lot backyards are exposed to the public. That can be a nuisance if you’re trying to have a private family barbecue — or sunbathe in the nude. (Not that I do that, but to each his own, right?)17. More light pollution. Increased street lighting and headlights from cars turning corners can be a nuisance.18. Yard — lots of it (Part III). Folks on corner lots have more leaves to rake — especially those who live downwind from adjacent parks.19. More vulnerable to burglary. Because there are fewer neighbors surrounding the home and more escape routes – courtesy of streets on two sides – homes on corner lots are bigger burglary targets.20. More pressure from neighbors and associations. Because corner homes are often considered gateways to streets or cul de sacs and neighborhoods, the appearance of these homes are often held to a higher standard by the community and neighborhood associations.21. They are harder to sell. Most realtors will tell you that corner lots are tougher to sell. Gee, I wonder why.
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