从小对西红柿的各种喜爱没有缘由,生吃,做汤,炖菜,跟鸡蛋土豆大头菜等等一起炒,现在又可以做各种洋饭,哈哈,真是太合我意。 去年终于在新家院子里第一次种上番茄,本来想买樱桃西红柿苗,可惜只看图片没看名字和介绍,买了Roma tomato苗。3棵苗只有种在前院门前的那棵长得好,而且是特别好,一棵收获了有50颗不止。 今年春天赶上番茄苗便宜,虽然仔细研究了半天,也只是分清了樱桃番茄和普通番茄,可是每种番茄还是有很多品种。最后一共买下了一棵大番茄Big Beef,一棵中等大小的Ball Extra Early, 还有九棵七个品种的樱桃番茄。三棵从三圣树买的,每棵$0.99,其他的都是garden work的,$0.79每棵。记下我的经验教训和各个品种的表现吧,争取明年更好些。 首先尽量用木棍支撑主干,用圈架支撑果枝。不管是高蔓樱桃番茄和大番茄,还是一米高的HUSKY CHERRY RED,都应该如此,以免植株茂盛果实多时容易歪倒。木棍在插圈架时就在苗旁边插好,不然等苗大了,根系茂盛,木棍就不容易插的深,插的结实。别怕小苗旁边立着两米高的木棍,进了七月番茄疯长是就知道好处了。今年买了一米半高的圈架五个,还有去年一元店的三个矮的。明年应该买两个最高的。其次,要等七月中植株很大后才根据需要掐侧尖,今年有两棵手痒掐早了,唉,结果就不好了。最后盆栽的远比地栽的干得快,所以需经常浇水,需要勤快人照顾。盆栽的因为枝蔓少果子少,8月初就扔掉了。甜度分等是按照我种的这几棵互相比较得出的,全凭个人爱好,不专业哈。照了一张合影,鸡蛋后面是big beef, 右边长圆的是Sugary,左边是Husky Cherry Red, 前边是Sugar100, 一个黄色的是Sun sugar。
1.CHERRY FALLS :蔓长,极适合吊篮,不要掐侧尖。是从三圣树买的。网上描述:Tomato Cherry Falls is a vigorous trailing plant that produces a plant around 6-8 inches high with a trailing length of 30 inches. The yields produced by Cherry Falls are outstanding and have to be seen to be believed. The fruits of Cherry Falls are a bright red and very juicy and form in bunches all over the plant. They are easy to pick and mature throughout the summer over a long period. Growing tips can be removed if trusses become too large, or provide support. Water and feed regularly.
2. TUMBLER:植株不高,蔓很长,极适合吊篮。网上描述:This is the hanging basket tomato. Put one in a 25cm (10") pot and its branches will spread out and droop over the sides for really early tomatoes. Stand back and enjoy lovely 1 to 2" sweet clusters of tomatoes. Keep it well-watered and very well fed. Grow in partial shade and out of the rain for big, sweet, cherry tomatoes at eye level. Bush (determinate), Matures in 55 days.
3. SWEET 100:经典优秀品种,需要支撑,长得高
4. SUNSUGAR:果实黄色的,能长2米,需要高支撑。网上描述:Vigorous, indeterminate plant bears long clusters of crack-resistant orange fruit with "rich, full-bodied flavor," as one panelist noted. Although called yellow cherry, these little tomatoes are orange at their peak, making almost more bite-sized bursts of sweetness than you can imagine on each plant. A single healthy plant is capable of producing hundreds. Several years ago, Sun Sugar was named by Sunset magazine as the best tasting tomato in their trials for its sweetness and rich tomato flavor that includes just the right amount of tartness. This disease-resistant plant is one of the very best cherry tomatoes and is easy to grow. Give the vines plenty of room; they can get 6 feet long or more and will bear through heat until frost, so give them a tall cage for support. Plants are resistant to fusarium wilt and tomato mosaic virus.
5. HUSKY CHERRY RED:1米半左右高,可以用一元店的架子。中等紧凑型,植株形状漂亮,可种在盆里。网上描述:This super sweet cherry tomato is a best seller because of its flavor, productivity, and good looks. The plant is stout, dark green and really pretty; it's one of the prettiest tomato plants that we grow. The vines are dwarf indeterminate, making them short and husky like a determinate type, usually between 3 and 4 feet, yielding clusters of tasty little cherry tomatoes in a small space over a long period of time. Perfect for pots, too. The dwarf vines stay neat and compact, but give the plant a little support on a stake or cage to keep it upright in rain and wind. Many juicy, sweet cherry tomatoes are borne on vines resistant to verticillium wilt (V) and fusarium wilt (F).
6. SWEAT 'N' NEAT CHERRY RED:矮小紧凑型,不太需要支撑,在地里好,也可种盆里。我竟然买了3棵这个。2棵从三圣树买的。不需要掐侧尖。
7. SUGARY:超甜,需要支撑,长得高。网上描述:This 2005 AAS Winner has a super-high sugar content and fascinating new shape! So bountiful that you may have to prune the plant back in mid-season! Indeterminate. Many Cherry Tomatoes look great but taste like nothing, while others are flavorful but don't have the big, steady yields we all love. Well, award-winning Sugary has it all -- super-sweet flavor, a fun new shape, and huge, huge yields on plants that just keep growing up and up all season! Scoring a full 9.5 on the Brix scale of sugar content, these delicious little 1/2-ounce dark pink fruits are packed with sweetness. Even children who won't go near other Tomatoes may be lured by the interesting new shape -- the fruit is pointed on both ends, as if a regular Cherry Tomato had been stretched out -- to give Sugary a bite. Once they do, they'll be converts! There is simply no sweeter, more delectable Cherry Tomato in the world! And you'll get plenty of chance to enjoy Sugary's goodness, because this plant is absolutely unstoppable. It sets huge clusters of fruit all season long, and grows so vigorously that you may have to cut it back in midseason just to keep it within bounds! Never fear -- it will keep bearing like crazy!
两棵大西红柿:8. BIG BEEF:经典大个,植株高,要支撑。网上资料:For years gardeners wanted a large, beefsteak-type tomato that was delicious, early to bear, and highly disease resistant. Finally in 1994 those wishes came true with Big Beef. The large fruit has old-time tomato flavor and the vines are resistant to many of the problems that can discourage gardeners. The fruit is borne on vigorous, indeterminate vines from summer until frost. Compared to other beefsteak types, Big Beef is early and will set fruit reliably even in cool, wet weather. We harvest dozens of tomatoes from each plant in our Alabama test garden, where the harvest season lasts two full months and the growing conditions are very good. It grows well throughout the country, earning it an All America Selections designation in 1994; it has since grown to be a national favorite. Vines grow long, so give the plant the support of a tall cage or stake. Resistant to verticillium wilt (V), fusarium wilt (F) races 1 and 2, nematodes (N), and alternaria stem canker (A), gray leaf spot, and tobacco mosaic virus (T). For gardeners who enjoy plant history and interesting facts, Colen Wyatt, the breeder of this variety, was one of the most successful home garden vegetable plant breeders in the last half of the 20th century. He also bred Celebrity and Husky Gold tomatoes, which are both also AAS Winners.
9.BALL EXTRA EARLY:这个网上没查到,标签说是中等大小,需要支撑。
本人所有文章不得转载,并保留作品的所有权利。好帖。种这么多吃得完吗?我家小番茄种4棵,丰收的时候根本来不及吃。点击展开...新手么,贪心就买得多,犯错误就要牺牲掉几棵。成功的也就那么几棵小番茄,sweet n neat熟得早,已经吃了不少。估计大丰收时也就4棵小番茄了,家里人多力量大,哈哈。到时候看情况吧,根据情况好决定明年的。
哈哈,还是你勤快,都记录下来了。我家大个的有4棵,其中patio的那棵个子不高,中等大小,结得比较早,现在终于有个要红了。其他的大块头不知啥时候会成熟。小的有tom red,我觉得太淡,皮也老,明年不种了。sweet 100和sugar sweet差不多大小,味道差不多,但是结果似乎sweet 100更多些。其他还有一个是pear,长得少,还没一个成熟的,还不知道什么味道,明年是否考虑种,要看它的味道了。还有一种叫Julia,也不大,不过只有一颗成熟,还没摘下来,不知味道如何。明年准备种roma,今年居然没找到。另外发现侧枝长得很快,所以我剪的很勤,是不是不太好啊?
老混混 说:哈哈,还是你勤快,都记录下来了。我家大个的有4棵,其中patio的那棵个子不高,中等大小,结得比较早,现在终于有个要红了。其他的大块头不知啥时候会成熟。小的有tom red,我觉得太淡,皮也老,明年不种了。sweet 100和sugar sweet差不多大小,味道差不多,但是结果似乎sweet 100更多些。其他还有一个是pear,长得少,还没一个成熟的,还不知道什么味道,明年是否考虑种,要看它的味道了。还有一种叫Julia,也不大,不过只有一颗成熟,还没摘下来,不知味道如何。明年准备种roma,今年居然没找到。另外发现侧枝长得很快,所以我剪的很勤,是不是不太好啊?点击展开... 多谢你哈,我就盼着你说说你的呢,就有更多参考了。我一夏天就忙活了这一件事,husaky 和big beef都没摘过,还不知道味道。不过看着自己的作品也挺得意,就发上来了。 我也想着明年再种roma
请教一下,你们两位的苗或者种子是哪里买的?我对sugary很有兴趣。我也推荐一个小番茄品种,叫cherry roma,样子就是roma番茄的缩小版,味道很不错,去年美国有个网站搞的品尝会cherry roma得了口味第一。图中红色的那种。
本人所有文章不得转载,并保留作品的所有权利。 多谢你哈,我就盼着你说说你的呢,就有更多参考了。我一夏天就忙活了这一件事,husaky 和big beef都没摘过,还不知道味道。不过看着自己的作品也挺得意,就发上来了。 我也想着明年再种roma点击展开...我太懒了,照片都没拍
confiture 说:请教一下,你们两位的苗或者种子是哪里买的?我对sugary很有兴趣。我也推荐一个小番茄品种,叫cherry roma,样子就是roma番茄的缩小版,味道很不错,去年美国有个网站搞的品尝会cherry roma得了口味第一。图中红色的那种。浏览附件354916浏览附件354917点击展开...我买的是苗,我种的julia形状跟roma一样,大小却跟sweet 100差不多或者略大,目前还不知是否好吃,等尝过再上来汇报。
confiture 说:请教一下,你们两位的苗或者种子是哪里买的?我对sugary很有兴趣。我也推荐一个小番茄品种,叫cherry roma,样子就是roma番茄的缩小版,味道很不错,去年美国有个网站搞的品尝会cherry roma得了口味第一。图中红色的那种。浏览附件354916浏览附件354917点击展开...真的不错啊,你这个是在哪里买的?我的sugary 是春天在burnaby的garden work 买的苗,http://gardenworks.ca/
老混混 说:我太懒了,照片都没拍
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