有同学问俺的帖子只说预测结论不讲原因, 现将主要理由简介如下,欢迎拍砖;1. 经济开始恢复, 步入发展轨道, 前景看好.2. 金融体系超稳定, 百年一遇低利率时代,借款容易.3. 人口刚需, 每年20多万移民涌入, 另扩大全球留学生进入增50%.4. 通胀因素, 不动产和黄金更保值.5. 新兴市场国家如亚洲移民越来越多,带入巨量现金.6. 建房用地越来越少, 土地不断升值.7. 建房成本在涨,人工,材料,设备,油料,运输,高科技,绿色环保要求.8. 新市长上任立马冻结地税上涨.9. 连续14年来房价上涨幅度都低于10%, 年均5.7%, 根本无泡沫.10. 2015 年的泛美运动会将举办,规模超冬奥,市府投几十亿建设, 房市龙头的DOWNTOWN 更受益.
一旦你拥有房产, 你就拥有了家园,土地,财富和主权.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] 赏

12,648 $0.00 回复: 大多伦多房价再涨5年的十大理由评论
一旦你拥有房产, 你就拥有了家园,土地,财富和主权.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]回复: 大多伦多房价再涨5年的十大理由现在还必胜?
回复: 大多伦多房价再涨5年的十大理由我反正有钱就买房,银行敢借,我就敢买。是不是有点疯狂
回复: 大多伦多房价再涨5年的十大理由我反正有钱就买房,银行敢借,我就敢买。是不是有点疯狂点击展开...我要想你学习!!!
回复: 大多伦多房价再涨5年的十大理由还是花掉比较好,我是老鼠,抱着大米过夜难受哦
回复: 大多伦多房价再涨5年的十大理由我在等机会,合适就再出手,长期持有
回复: 大多伦多房价再涨5年的十大理由哪里举办运动会,哪里就等着衰退。
漫游温哥华 INSPIRING VANCOUVER回复: 大多伦多房价再涨5年的十大理由现在不买,以后必然花更多的钱!
回复: 大多伦多房价再涨5年的十大理由肥猫继续买进,最好Condo也买,大家会感谢你的。
美国运通金卡:AMEX Gold ,开卡送25000积分(价值250刀以上),首年销卡无任何费用,成功批核后本人再额外多给Cash Bonus感谢。同时主推 AMEX SPG 酒店卡,开卡送20,000 SPG点,可以兑换最高6晚美国喜来登酒店住宿,总价值可超600刀。详情请PM(此外还有Business Gold ,感谢力度与 Gold一致)。Tangerine (ING) Orange Key: 41710691S1 (本人同样额外返点)回复: 大多伦多房价再涨5年的十大理由大家感觉贷款接盘喽
回复: 大多伦多房价再涨5年的十大理由why not 6 years?
回复: 大多伦多房价再涨5年的十大理由Maybe Horse Dragoon will hate this news, but below is just published in The Globe And Mail: Toronto new condo prices fall 6 per cent in JuneTARA PERKINSThe Globe and MailPublished Tuesday, Jul. 24 2012, 11:22 AM EDTLast updated Tuesday, Jul. 24 2012, 11:28 AM EDTThe average price of newly-constructed condos in the Greater Toronto Area fell by 6 per cent in June from a year ago, to $432,256, according to RealNet Canada Inc.In the same period the price of brand new low-rise homes rose 10 per cent to $603,102.Sales of new homes and condominiums totaled 3,461 in June, down 27 per cent from 2011, which had been a record year.Despite the drop, new condo sales so far this year are still 38-per-cent higher than the long-term average, and this year is on course to be the second-highest level, stated Bryan Tuckey, the CEO of BILD, which represents developers and builders. Meanwhile, low-rise sales are 27 per cent below the long term average and June’s sales of low-rise homes were the lowest on record for that month.
回复: 大多伦多房价再涨5年的十大理由Maybe Horse Dragoon will hate this news, but below is just published in The Globe And Mail: Toronto new condo prices fall 6 per cent in JuneTARA PERKINSThe Globe and MailPublished Tuesday, Jul. 24 2012, 11:22 AM EDTLast updated Tuesday, Jul. 24 2012, 11:28 AM EDTThe average price of newly-constructed condos in the Greater Toronto Area fell by 6 per cent in June from a year ago, to $432,256, according to RealNet Canada Inc.In the same period the price of brand new low-rise homes rose 10 per cent to $603,102.Sales of new homes and condominiums totaled 3,461 in June, down 27 per cent from 2011, which had been a record year.Despite the drop, new condo sales so far this year are still 38-per-cent higher than the long-term average, and this year is on course to be the second-highest level, stated Bryan Tuckey, the CEO of BILD, which represents developers and builders. Meanwhile, low-rise sales are 27 per cent below the long term average and June’s sales of low-rise homes were the lowest on record for that month.点击展开...俺才不计较它呢,NEW CONDO 从2005年到2012年涨了100%, 下跌了6%算不了啥, 过几年再涨50% 就行啦.
一旦你拥有房产, 你就拥有了家园,土地,财富和主权.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]回复: 大多伦多房价再涨5年的十大理由肥猫啊,我反正是觉得买房呢还是硬通货,所以买,可最近这房价有些下落啊,另外肥猫欠银行多少了,我看看自己是不是too risky 了
回复: 大多伦多房价再涨5年的十大理由肥猫啊,我反正是觉得买房呢还是硬通货,所以买,可最近这房价有些下落啊,另外肥猫欠银行多少了,我看看自己是不是too risky 了点击展开...俺欠银行100万了, 照样活,,借钱的怕欠债地..哈.回主题, 已涨了2年,继续看涨, QE3来了, 涨到2015眼都不带眨地, 低利率一直到2015吧.
一旦你拥有房产, 你就拥有了家园,土地,财富和主权.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]回复: 大多伦多房价再涨5年的十大理由我还想买啊,买CONDO好还是买独立屋好?放租~请教高人呐!!!
回复: 大多伦多房价再涨5年的十大理由我还想买啊,买CONDO好还是买独立屋好?放租~请教高人呐!!!点击展开...钱多买HOUSE, 钱少买CONDO(大套的除外).懒人买CONDO, 人口多买HOUSE,老人买CONDO,
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