
今天是密西沙加第一广场SQUARE ONE高级公寓楼花 GRANDE MIRAGE首发日,新公寓共22层344个单位,户型有自1卧,1卧房加1书房,2卧房,2卧房加书房共13个不同户型,单位面积自583尺至950尺不等,所有单位送车位和储物间,首发期间开发商送大量现金折扣。顶级的地理位置保证高租金收入和稳健的增值潜力,是实实在在的低投入高回报的楼花。开发商CONSERVATORY集团公司是一家拥有50多年成功设计并开发居住和商业项目的开发商, 并在这些领域拥有极好的信誉. 它是加拿大豪华公寓楼最大的开发商之一. 它以因为极好楼盘位置, 单位设计幽雅, 和鼓舞人心的娱乐设施而给人们留下深刻印象.有该集团公司开发的项目有: MILAN CONDO TORONTO, PEARL CONDO NORTH YORK, WIDESUTIES MISSISSAUGA, PLATINUM XO NORTH YORK, 和INFINITY TORONTO等等.地理位置GRANDE MIRAGE 22层344个单位全新公寓地处CONFEDERATION 和RATHBURN十字路口, 地理位置十分优越, 毗邻新建的6000学生规模的SHERIDAN COLLEGE, MISSISSAUGA CITY HALL, LIVING ARTS CENTER, SQUARE ONE SHOPPING CENTRE, 和CENTRAL LIBRARY市中心图书馆, 周围是成熟的社区和繁华的商业中心, 举步到密西沙加市中心汽车总站, GO Transit总站及SQUARE ONE购物中心, 同时上403, 410, 407, 401及QEW HWY 都十分方便, 是密西沙加SQUARE ONE 最后推出的难得具有高投资回报的楼盘之一.配套设施新建公寓大楼设有主题花园; 网球场, 娱乐中心,室内游泳池(分别设有男女更衣室); 桑拿, 健身房; 健美操室, 桌球室; 家庭影院, 打牌室, 和保龄球场; 图书馆, 会议室; 嘉宾接待室; 24小时循环保安服务。单位特色每一个GRANDE MIRAGE公寓单位都有9尺楼顶,花石台面,客厅客餐厅和书房均铺合成地板,送名牌不锈钢电器包括:冰箱,炉灶,洗碗机,微波炉和抽烟机二合为一,洗衣机和烘干机。单位价格:首发内部认购价$284,990,送内部现金折扣优惠。管理费: $0.48/平尺/月; 车位: Approx. $26.24/月; 储物柜: App. $6.56/月全部单位包含暖气冷气水大楼保险和配套设施成本。入住时间: 2018年12月订金展期: Extended Deposit Schedule$5,000 Offer, Balance of 5% 30Days, 5%180Days, 5%365Days, 5% on Occupancy。投资分析密西沙加优质楼花推荐Grande Mirage Condos 1卧房户型总投入$60,000(包括定金,首付和所有交房费用), 第一年租金收入$19,800, 原始投入到交房时增值利润达26,418, 交房第1年的投资回报率高达55%,详情请致电朱加瑞 ( 工商管理硕士)Gary Zhu 416-992-2899,微信:Gary4169922899;Jane Sang ( 金融硕士,加拿大特许专业会计师 MBA CPA CMA )416-882-5711选择我们选择信心保证看得准,拿得稳,Gary Zhu先生自身作为资深投资人,拥有多年物业投资经验及知名楼盘内部认购销售经验,坚守“没有100%信心绝不推荐给客户”的原则,所推荐的楼盘均通过地理位置,发展商实力,价格,回报等等各方面的全方位严谨考量筛选,跟进监督楼盘各阶段的动向及动工进展并及时向客户汇报,让客户利益得到充分的保障。每一位客户都满意地说:“你的专业给我们信心,你的服务让我们放心”。鉴于单位价格和诸多优惠的时效性,快手先得的原则,良机不容错过,敬请即刻致电朱加瑞Gary Zhu先生: 电话: 416-992-2899,微信号:Gary4169922899电邮:[email protected] 网站: www.garyzhu.caGrande LifestyleWe all want the same things from life. Comfort, prestige, happiness, excitement — life is at its best when you can find all of these elements close to home. This is the essence of Grande Mirage — an all-new condominium residence that towers above the vibrant heart of downtown Mississauga.Building on the success of the original Mirage tower, Grande Mirage embodies the many elements that create truly luxurious urban living.Formed with glass, metal and precast elements, and featuring large windows and inviting balconies, the design of Grande Mirage reflects the renaissance in contemporary urban architecture that can be seen throughout downtown Mississauga.If you’ve been imagining a place where built form and the urban environment combine to create a lifestyle opportunity like no other, you’ll be pleased to find that your imagination can be a reality at Grande Mirage.Grande LocationThe convenience and excitement of downtown Mississauga are yours to enjoy at Grande Mirage, with a host of impressive urban amenities available just outside your front door. A short walk down the street brings you to the famous Square One, one of the largest and most prestigious shopping centres in North America. Featuring over 360 top shops and services, and over 1.7 million square feet of retail space, your possibilities for shopping and entertainment are virtually limitless. The area surrounding Grande Mirage is also home to numerous other top shopping and dining destinations, with Jack Astor’s and Canyon Creek just steps away. When you’re looking for a fun night out, nearby Cineplex cinemas and Playdium provide endless entertainment opportunities.When you want to get outside, Grande Mirage offers easy access to beautiful parks and top rated golf courses. Those with families will appreciate the proximity to a number of top schools, and the college bound will enjoy the convenient access to Sheridan College’s Hazel McCallion Campus and U of T Mississauga, both a short distance away. Lovers of live performance can treat themselves to a night out at the Living Arts Centre, and devotees of the written word can spend their time immersed in the world of literature at the expansive Mississauga Central Library. There’s also easy access to public transit, the proposed Highway 10 LRT line, GO Transit and Highways 401, 403 and 407.Grande TimeThe resort-inspired atmosphere carries on throughout the extensive selection of amenities. An outdoor entertainment terrace provides the perfect venue for all of your entertaining needs, and an indoor party room is also available. A fitness centre, aerobics room and indoor pool offer ample opportunities to keep in top shape, while saunas are waiting to help you refresh and recharge once your workout is done.You also have access to a cards and billiards room, a private bowling alley and a state-of-the-art home theatre room. With so much to enjoy, you’re sure to always have a grande time at Grande Mirage.


爱情这种事情 不能仔细琢磨 一琢磨 就千疮百孔 2016-03-01#3 G
加拿大房地产集团公司总裁; 加拿大华人地产金融总商会会长;商业管理硕士; 多伦多地产物业买卖人
80 $0.00 你好,你说的是Mirage,这里文章提到的是Grande Mirage 不同的楼--全新楼花,到2018年底方可入住 。

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