投资Hamilton!! 安省试点发钱的城市,每人发17000/年!! 各位租金都有保障了!!安省省长韦恩今天在汉密尔顿(Hamilton)宣布,汉密尔顿、林赛(Lindsay)和雷湾(Thunder Bay)被确定为安省基本收入(basic income)试验区,这三个地区的低收入人士或家庭有望在三年内免费拿钱,多伦多则无社区入选。

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去华人超市,用中国vendor,中国人要帮助中国人,团结互助才能赢得尊重 赏
ruby88 说:有房子的低收入家庭也可以拿?自由党为了选票拼了命拿低收入的票仓啊。点击展开...4000人!! 哈哈, 这等于是往大山谷里扔一颗小石子,打水瓢。
去华人超市,用中国vendor,中国人要帮助中国人,团结互助才能赢得尊重 赏 2017-04-24#8

Premier Kathleen Wynne announced Monday a plan to study basic income in Ontario, in a three-year pilot project based in Hamilton, Lindsay and Thunder Bay.The province will explore the effectiveness of providing a basic income — no matter what — to people who are currently living on low incomes, "whether they are working or not," Wynne said.Wynne said the pilot will provide the basic income to 4,000 households chosen from applicants invited "randomly" by the province in the coming weeks. A single person could receive up to about $17,000 a year, minus half of any income he or she earns. A couple could receive up to $24,000 per year. People with disabilities could receive up to $6,000 more per year."People are anxious about their jobs; they're anxious about their futures," she said. "They're worried about the soaring costs of renting or buying a place to live."People are especially concerned for those who don't start out wealthy, she said. "Many people are concerned about what the world is promising for their kids," she said. "It's a world of global competition, reduced benefits, more and more part-time employment."'We need to address the concerns of those who worry about falling behind, even as they work so hard to get ahead.'- Kathleen Wynne, Ontario premierThe premier said the three-year project will start with people making "just under $17,000 a year, but even that amount may make a real difference to someone who is striving to reach for a better life."We have chosen these communities intentionally because they are the right size and they have the right mix of population," Wynne said."We need to address the concerns of those who worry about falling behind, even as they work so hard to get ahead." The amount is not "extravagant," she said, but it sends a message:"It says to them, 'government is with you; the people of Ontario are with you,'" she said.4,000 households to be studiedJoining Wynne were Minister of Community and Social Services Helena Jaczek and Chris Ballard, the minister responsible for the province's poverty reduction strategy. Jaczek said that people in the program will be randomly contacted from each region's low-income population and invited to apply.The program will cost $50 million a year for each of the three years and 4,000 households will participate. That will include 1,000 people from the Hamilton, Brantford and Brant regions.People who receive medical and dental benefits from the province under other welfare programs would not have to give those up. The ministers have been spearheading the province's effort to experiment with basic income. The strategy for reducing poverty involves "a system of automatic transfers for those beneath an income threshold," according to a discussion paper on the topic commissioned by Wynne and the ministers last summer.The province has said it will launch the pilot project providing money to low-income households with no strings attached. 'There's so much poverty'Elizabeth McGuire chairs the Campaign for Adequate Welfare and Disability in Hamilton and said after the speech she was "blown away" and pleased the program would launch in Hamilton."Because there's so much poverty here in the city. And we have so many neighbourhoods which are so clearly defined but are yet so economically depressed because of the loss of manufacturing," she said. "There's no solution other than basic income, but I didn't believe the government was hearing us."She said Wynne's announcement was the government doing "the right thing."CBC Hamilton's Kelly Bennett covered the announcement live. On mobile and can't see the updates below? Click here.
绿阴幽草胜花时 赏 2017-04-24#12 N 2,309 $0.00 几年前,安省为了提高人民健康,打算蔬菜水果免费提供给大众,我觉的比这个最低收入靠谱。否则领的钱都吃大鱼大肉,快餐什么的,穷人的主食,健康费用提高又是一大笔。
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