加拿大华人论坛 加拿大房产密西沙加市政府计划双倍收取土地转让税!
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2021/6/25 15:40:05
写信去反对了, 这个是回信.
说这只是分析的各种可能的工具之一, 但是这次并没有推荐这个.
Good afternoon,
Thank you for taking the time to write to me about the important topic of revenue tools. I’d like to provide some context and clarity.
It is important to note that City staff have not recommended pursuing the Land Transfer Tax at this time.
At the request of Council, City staff prepared a report for information. The report reviewed what revenue tools are currently available to municipalities and which ones would require the permission of the provincial government to use. As part of this report, the Land Transfer Tax was reviewed, along with many other potential tools. At present, the City of Mississauga does not have the power to implement a Land Transfer Tax. I would encourage you to read the full report here: Revenue Tools Report
Before Council and the City would pursue any new revenue tool, we would consult broadly with residents and businesses first. It is important that Council and residents have all the information possible, which is why this report was written. Council receives information reports on a regular basis to stay up to date on issues as they arise.
The reality is cities like Mississauga face a revenue challenge. The only ways we can raise money to build roads, bridges, parks, and trails, as well as operate libraries, community centres, fire stations, and transit, is through the property tax or user fees. Neither of these sources is enough to keep up with the increasing pressures we face as a City.
Thank you for engaging in this important conversation. How cities like Mississauga are funded and governed is important. We will continue to work hard to maintain and enhance the quality of life for all residents of this City.
Carolyn Parrish
Councillor Ward 5
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