基本没装修升级 这钱来的太爽了

2021/10/1 19:07:45
原帖由 小火鸡 于 2021/10/1 19:08:02 发表
基本没装修升级 这钱来的太爽了7956432 Buy and sell within one year may be considered as "INCOME".
Pretty hard to argue it is "principal residence" The full gain will be taxable as income gain or capital gain.
I hope someone pay tax instalment RIGHT AWAY otherwise will be subject to instalment interest. CRA will thank you.
Marginal tax rate over $220,000 is 53.53% in 2020.
Here are the federal marginal tax rates for 2020:
- 15% on the first $49,020 of taxable income, plus
- 20.5% on the next $49,020 of taxable income (on the portion of taxable income over 49,020 up to $98,040), plus
- 26% on the next $53,939 of taxable income (on the portion of taxable income over $98,040 up to $151,978), plus
- 29% on the next $64,533 of taxable income (on the portion of taxable income over 151,978 up to $216,511), plus
- 33% of taxable income over $216,511
While each province has their own marginal tax rates, we will look at the marginal tax rates in the province of Ontario for purposes of illustration:
- 5.05% on the first $45,142 of taxable income, plus
- 9.15% on the next $45,145 of taxable income up to $90,287, plus
- 11.16% on the next $75,287 of taxable income up to $150,000, plus
- 12.16% on the next $70,000 of taxable income up to $220,000, plus
- 13.16% on amounts over $220,000
In Ontario, the top marginal tax rate for combined federal and provincial employment and self-employment income is 53.53 percent.
fuu 发表在3楼
Buy and sell within one year m...超过一年了
fuu 发表在3楼
Buy and sell within one year m...As long as your intention was to live it as a principal residence and there is proof there is no need to argue, and your instalment requirements are determined by your 2020 taxes.
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