加拿大华人论坛 加拿大房产大蒙特利尔 - Downtown 三半客厅超低价格转租, $ 225/月


Downtown 3 1/2, living room rent . Very Low Price from March,2011.As it is a double decker in the living room, living with a guy in the living room, correspondingly, the price is as low as $250 per month, details will be listed below.)The guy live with you in the living room is a graduate student in Concordia University, harmoniously to get along with and seldom, usually twice a week at home(as go to girlfriend’s place), so in the most time of a week, you live by yourself in this living room with this low price.The location is in the 16 floor, St-marc 2125.Why you choose:1.Two minutes to the Metro Guy-Concordia, five minutes to the Concordia University. Super Market like PA and Provigo only several minutes to go.2.As in a high floor and location(the building is not in the arterial streets), so the noise here is really slight. Much slighter than, for example, 1645 or 1625 near Maisonneuve Street.3.The floor board is renovated in October, 2009. Clean and tidy now.Rent per month: $225 covers Electricity Fee, heating fee and water fee. Network fee: $25. So it’s $250 in total.Rent Date: from March, 2011. The lease ends at August 31,2011. You can choose re-sign or not at that time. Note: We want the tenant do not smoking.If you are interested, contact me at: lee.irvin.li@gmail.com--------------------------------------------中文版------------------------------------------------Downtown 三半客厅超低价格转租, $ 225/月本人3月份离开蒙特利尔,决定将房子转租出去,具体如下:Downtown核心地区2125 St-Marc街,走路两分钟到Guy-Concordia地铁站, 距离Concordia 大学走路仅五分钟路程。周围有西人超市PA, Provigo, DollarMa, 华人超市盛唐,你好。距离最繁华的商业街St-catherine, Sherbrook, Maisonneuve都近在咫尺,方便购物。位于16楼,绝无马路嘈杂声。客厅去年10月份翻新过,整洁美观。月租金为$225/月,水电暖全包,网费另付,大约$25/月。租期为2011年3月1日到8月31日,可以与房东续约。欢迎留学生和新移民,因为客厅中双层床的下铺出租,所以仅限男生一名。 室友是安静整洁的研究生。希望租客干净整洁,不吸烟,不养宠物,少喝酒。欢迎看房,如要预约, 请电: 小张,514-813 3396, [email protected]谢谢关注。

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