加拿大华人论坛 加拿大房产大多伦多 - Kipling 地铁站 独立屋 半地下室一间
帮我的房东发的信息,他们家不懂中文。信息如下:Room for rent Located close to (Kipling Station). ($460)Available from February 2011. Room is Fully Furnished (Bed, Dresser, Computer, Computer Desk, Closet...) Ready just have your Clothes and Move in. All inclusive, (laundry, high speed internet, cable, TV, air conditioning, All Kitchen dishes and goods and many more...), Separate entrance, bathroom and kitchen and laundry are shared with only one other Student. 24 hours TTC access (5 min walk to Kipling station), 24 hour TTC exactly in front of the house, GO train station, Mississauga bus and shopping within walking distance. Also close to Humber College south and north campus. Ryerson, York, U of T, George Brown are easily accessible with Subway. This place is perfect for a young professional or student that is looking for a quiet and peaceful place to live, and feel like home. Please call 416 236-9119. SARAOR[FONT='Times New Roman','serif']Email: [FONT=arial, sans-serif][email protected][/FONT][/FONT]补充:Kipling 地铁站旁边,也有GO火车站和去missisauga的公交车。家门口就是TTC公交车站,交通非常方便。有家具,分门进出。与另外一个学生合用洗衣机,浴室和厨房,厨房里锅碗瓢盆都有。房租包括水电,网络,电视,空调。距离Humber College North Campus和Lakeshore Campus都很近,附近就有购物中心和超市。非常适合学生,而且房东一家超爱干净的。希望租房子的人也是喜欢干净的人。2月就可以入住了。
回复: Kipling 地铁站 独立屋 半地下室一间自己顶
回复: Kipling 地铁站 独立屋 半地下室一间请问什么时候可以入住。谢谢
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