加拿大华人论坛 加拿大房产大多伦多 - 安大略省圣凯瑟琳市(St. Catharines)学生房出租
学生房出租圣凯瑟琳市区学生房出租,临近公车总站,屋后有公车上落点。交通,购物,便利。新铺木质地板,壁橱衣柜储物空间宽敞。房内陈设齐全,书桌,椅子,床铺,床头柜,梳妆镜。窗外为花园,环境宜人优雅。厨房煮食器具一应俱全,大冰箱,炉子烤箱,微波炉;地下室有洗衣机干衣机任君使用。一楼:中房两间月租加币分别425元(Room A,Room B),大房一间月租加币450元(Room C),水电上网全包在内。二楼:(1)大房加小客厅月租加币750元,(2)小房一间月租加币400元;水电上网全包在内。租约,8个月或者1年。首月除月租外需另附押金,作于最后一个月房租。屋主为加拿大人,退休老师,为人和蔼亲切。虽然屋主不同住,但是一直喜欢安静的租客,所以以往都将房子租给中国学生。有意租房的同学,可以发英文电邮直接向房东咨询(邮箱地址:[email protected])下面是屋主写得英文招租广告:Large rooms near bus stop, shopping, clinic. Newly renovated room with new wooden floor and captain bed. Excellent mattress. Lots of closet space. Everything included: kitchen with large fridges, stove with oven, microwave, all cooking equipment, dishes. Free Internet. Free Laundry room with washer and dryer. We have had many happy students stay with us and references in Chinese can be sent to you from them. 8 month or 1 year agreements available. 1 month deposit required which is used as final month's rent.
回复: 安大略省圣凯瑟琳市(St. Catharines)学生房出租接上二楼单元
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