加拿大华人论坛 加拿大房产大多伦多 - Downtown 中区唐人街 近多大主校区 一室一厅 $1500 出租
现有中区唐人街,近多大主校区,全新装修的一室一厅(房间都带窗户)半地下室出租,适合年轻夫妇,两学生合租,陪读人群。租期从12月22日起,可短租8个月,包水电上网。如您有兴趣,可致电或短信联系 玛丽 6478589168Located in Chinatown of Core downtown, near UofT St. George campus, brand new, half-basement, 1room+1den (each room has window) is available for rent from December 22nd, cable& all utilities are included, eight months term is acceptable.Call or text message to Mary 6478589168 for details.
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