加拿大华人论坛 加拿大房产大多伦多 - 密西沙加中心区域,豪华独立公寓(家电齐全,拎包入住, 只需$1900)


密市3525 Kariya Dr, 最大的购物中心SQUARE ONE附近,一室一厅,一车位,独厨独厕,刚重新整修完毕,独立公寓面向学校,视野宽阔,天气好时,可以看到远处的安大略湖。家具、电器齐全,房屋干净、整洁,景观优美。并有健身房,游泳池,24小时保安,拎包入住。 楼下是8路,3路公交站,也可步行10分钟可达密市SquareOne公交枢纽,华人超市,go station。 适合单身和小家庭,欢迎长租和新移民短住。长租1900/月,短租80/天,有意者请联系 416-8807410, 或微信 15611011816(请注明要租房)。 [email protected] for a respectable, responsible and NON SMOKING, NO PETS,student /single to live in my clean unite.Furnished with bed, desk & chairs, couches, nightstands, also include built-in closets. the requirement: No smoking, no pet, first and last month rent, credit report, job letter.My Email is [email protected] Unit -- 16th FloorOne Bedroom and One BathStainless Steel Appliances -- Fridge, Stove, Dishwasher, MicrowaveIn-suite LaundryGranite Counter TopsFloor to Ceiling Windows (with window coverings included)BalconyParkingLockerNear Janpaness Garden, Square One, City Hall, Celebration SquareElectric, Internet, and cables TV not included (around $100 per month for this unit)This open concept, one bedroom one bathroom, condo is perfect for a couple or a single person. All the appliances are like-new, and the kitchen is furnished with granite counter-tops.The balcony, which can accommodate a small patio set, has an amazing view of Celebration Square and part of the Square One mall.The Building Features- 24-hour concierge and security- Two fully-furnished hotel-style guest suites- Pool - indoor and usable year-round- Hot Tub - indoor and outdoor, privately screened and usable year-round- Sun Deck- Spa Lounge- Sauna and Steam Room- Gym - includes treadmills, elliptical trainer, and much more.- Change rooms with lockers and separate showers- Party Room opening onto the landscaped courtyard- Studio kitchen includes, fridge, stove, microwave, dishwasher- Communal BBQ- Convenient Free Wi-Fi/Internet hot spots in all common areas- Children's play area located in courtyard- Theatre - media room equipped with large screen TV, DVD player and digital surround sound system- Boardroom- Three high-speed elevators- Mailbox on ground floorThe NeighborhoodMississauga City Centre is vibrant and alive with a world of possibilities for those who choose to live here. Square One, the largest shopping center in Ontario, offers a vast array of stores, restaurants and services. The Living Arts Centre provides a year-round calendar of musical concerts and performing arts. City Hall, the Library and YMCA are all just steps away, as well as Celebration Square. It is a happening place with exciting events. Walking distance to multiplex theatres and Playdium, public transportation, with easy access to the GO and major thoroughfares including the 400 series highways (the 403 and the 401) and QEW.The condo is also a few minutes walk away from:- a few bars and clubs- a Tim Hortons- the Sheridan College campus- Student ID / Letter of Employment, Credit Check (Including score), photo ID,Rental Application Form, References, etc.- NO PETS, NO SMOKING and NO LOUD MUSIC! No exceptions!

enjoy 加拿大的冬天


  ·生活百科 Engie太阳能优势试验。
·生活百科 Esy Sunhome电池



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