加拿大华人论坛 加拿大房产大多伦多 - 【MILA】二期即将来袭 一个位于士嘉堡Midland/Lawrence的大型规划社区 包括镇屋和独立屋单位 价格和户型图
MILA二期即将来袭 一个位于士嘉堡Midland/Lawrence的大型规划社区包括镇屋和独立屋单位 价格和户型图Midland Ave and Lawrence Ave 地铁盘!完全无管理费! 好学生”可遇不可求:集交通/地铁/未来轻轨/多大/环境/于一身!MILA Homes是由开发商Madison Group推出的最新豪华:镇屋/SEMI/独立屋士嘉堡大型规划社区MILA镇屋/SEMI/独立屋里-机会难得集交通/地铁/未来轻轨/多大/环境/于一身!独立屋和半独立屋项目位于多伦多世嘉堡的Bendale社区,士嘉堡大型规划社区MILA著名建筑商Madison Group打造Phase 1 - Midland Ave & Norbury Crest预计将发售110个近地铁站和未来轻轨还近401高速周边生活设施完善、近学校/医院和各式娱乐场所楼盘位于Midland Ave/Lawrence Ave E 结合多方标准综合考量评分指数%相当高,近地铁LRT未来轻轨,非常适合家庭居住升值回报率更为理想!近Midland Ave和Lawrence Ave EMILA共发布4款户型设计室内空间从1,787-3,353.Sq.ft 设计概念采用最精致砖石结构融合现代元素 包含采光最好落地窗MILA位于士嘉堡Bendale社区,非常适合家庭居住。项目投资潜力大!结合多方标准综合考量评分指数%相当高!楼盘位于Midland Ave & Lawrence Ave E,步行可至地铁站,LRT,GO TRAIN,401高速,市面上出行最便利的Townhomes社区,地铁未来轻轨LRT使交通超级方便,好位置成熟社区会让升值回报率更为理想MILA士嘉堡大型规划社区MILA首次曝光著名建筑商Madison Group打造位于士嘉堡Midland/Lawrence近地铁站和未来轻轨还近401高速周边生活设施完善,近学校/医院和各式娱乐场Toronto, ON | 211 Towns, Semis & Singles3种类型产品提前预订 City Towns:1,787尺起 Street Towns:1,917尺起 (半)独立屋:1,843尺起城市网络交通0.4公里 抵达TTC Line 3 - Lawrence East Station2.1公里 抵达TTC Line 2 - Kennedy Station2.1公里 抵达Eglinton Crosstown LRT以及GO Connection7分钟车行前往Highway 40115分钟车行前往Don Valley ParkwayMILAMaster-plan社区本期共发布四款户型产品整个项目有9个Block,第一期将沿着Midland Avenue建造,第二期沿着Lawrence Avenue建造,。设计概念会采用最精致传统的砖石结构,融合现代元素,包含采光最好的落地窗,现代门和车库门。2740 Lawrence Avenue East, Toronto,ON M1P 2S7Located at Midland Ave & Lawrence Ave E, Toronto.成熟社区配置分钟步行David and Mary Thompson Collegiate Institute分钟步行Thompson 公园分钟Scarborough Town Centre 分钟到全国连锁超市百货等分钟Scarborough Civic Centre以及中心图书馆分钟UofT士嘉堡校区分钟Centennial College分钟车行Scarborough Bluffs 悬崖公园A clean slate. A fresh start. A chance to create something beautiful. Mila by Madison is the place where inspiration begins. 教育配置马路对面的David and Mary Thompson Collegiate Institute, Lord Roberts Junior Public School, Winston Churchill Collegiate, Jean Vanier Catholic High School以及Lonview Public School10分钟左右抵达多伦多大学Scarborough分校以及Centennial College,3万名师生员Top 5 Reasons to Invest in MILA Townhomes Location – MILA will be situated in a family-friendly suburban neighbourhood. Taking up space that had once been a school ground, MILA will be surrounded by other homes and amenities. Madina Academy, Donwood Park Public School, are nearby, and soon, two other schools, Bendale Technical Institute on Midland, and David and Mary Thomson Collegiate Institute will both be folded into a new school, Lawrence Midland Secondary. This brand new school will be right next to the development, and will be a bright, modern new place for students to learn and grow very close to home! Just minutes down Lawrence Avenue is the beautiful Thomson Memorial Park. This midsize park is on the site of the Scarborough Historical Museum, which features historical houses of the founding family of Scarborough. This park has an outdoor baseball diamond and soccer field, plus tennis courts, picnic areas, playgrounds, wading pools, and dog parks. A gorgeous place to spend a sunny afternoon, Thomson Memorial Park will make for the perfect escape from the hustle and bustle. There are plenty of local amenities and entertainment. Charming cafes, restaurants, and pubs are all within walking distance, and within just a short drive, residents will have access to the Toronto Climbing Academy, Cineplex Cinemas, and the Ontario Science Centre. Plenty of family-friendly activities are just a short drive away, making this area perfect for raising a family. Across the street, residents will have quick access to a Top Food Supermarket, and the Midland Lawrence Plaza, which features many takeout options, and a FreshCo, are just a few minutes away, making for easy errands just steps from your home.Amenities – This exciting development will consist of 211 homes, most of which will be detached homes and some will be townhouses. These low-rise homes will run along 9 blocks of land and will one day be next to a new school in the area. Each home will feature 2 stories with a range of between 2,036 to 2,413 square feet of living space that will feel even larger, thanks to their open-concept layouts, and bright, expansive floor-to-ceiling windows. In addition, every home will have a one-car garage and will feature a stylish brick and stone exterior that blends modern and traditional aesthetics. Currently, floor plans and amenity lists have not yet been made available. To receive more information about features and finishings as soon as they become available, make sure to register now with MyCondoPro.Transit Options – Scarborough is directly connected to the rest of Toronto by the world-class TTC transit system. Along with extensive bus line grids, Scarborough is at the eastern terminus of Line 2 Bloor-Danforth, with stations Victoria Park, Warden, and Kennedy. Further, Line 3 Scarborough continues on throughout the borough, running north and east towards Scarborough City Centre. Metrolinx, the Ontario-owned parent company of the TTC, plans to extend this line within the next decade, and a new Light Rail Transit line is currently in construction, with plans for connections to Kennedy Station. With many bus lines and stops nearby along Lawrence avenue, transit in the area will be easy, since connections to TTC stops will be relatively simple. Commuters looking for other options will be pleased to know that like most other communities within the GTA, Scarborough is well-connected by the GO Transit lines as well as York Region Transit. Buyers will be pleased to know that both Kennedy GO station and Eglinton GO Station are both within ten minutes drive from MILA. This means that commutes into the city will be simple.The Developer – Madison Group is a multi-faceted company dedicated to building vibrant, modern communities. They specialize in both low-rise master-planned communities, as well as high-rise projects. Based in Toronto and New York, this group develops homes with a unique aesthetic. Blending modern and traditional exteriors, Madison creates homes that feel timeless. Whatever your style, this developer will have something that suits your tastes. Everything with Madison Group is about elevation – they acquire ideal locations, design striking, beautiful homes, and bring finishing touches and amenities that uplift the home experience, making every aspect of the home livable, comfortable, and stylish. Recent projects have included Jefferson Forest in Richmond Hill, Unionville Estates in Markham, and now MILA Townhomes in Scarborough.Investment Opportunities – Scarborough is a dynamic area, with a wide array of开发商:王牌资历50多年的开发历史 每个项目都值得期待Madison Group(麦迪逊集团)自1960年成立以来一直深耕在GTA的社区建设中。该公司目前专注于高档住宅项目市场。他们以其巨大的品牌价值,卓越的客户服务,细节和创新的设计,优质的品质而赢得声誉,这些品质为公司赢得了众多的奖项,并获得了安大略省新房保修计划的极高评价。David Zhu(647) 202-867651新楼花专家 美资房企高管 懂房子懂投资 精研学区房 新楼花 豪宅买卖微信:zliquan89 约克钻石经纪1.点击查看-资深楼花专家2.点击查看-精研房产买卖3.点击查看-专家租赁团队提供独立屋 镇屋 公寓 新房和现房投资、买卖、全方位市场推广团队提供专业贷款顾问,为您解决贷款疑难问题 个性化房屋销售策略提供商业贷款申请、商业计划方案商业保险以及市场推广提供3D全景看房服务+专业摄影 、装饰咨询专家,验房专家 精通房地产的大律师专业Home Staging顾问,高档次房屋售前装饰服务,为您解决卖房租房疑难问Email UsRegister Now资深楼花专家 精研房产买卖 专家租赁团队 多伦多最新楼花网(每日更新)添加我的微信点击展开...立即咨询新房入住前验房PDI常见的问题有哪些?验房时有哪些注意事项?点击展开...点击查看PDI常见的问题点击展开...推荐阅读:Hillsborough – 户型图, 价格, 评论 – 51找房 – 新房楼花频道50 Scollard Condos 顶级社区Yorkville 成功人士专享的奢华公寓,稀有,所以珍贵,一席尊天下的多伦多地标公寓 价格和户型图 – 51新楼花新房专家置业网 (davidzhu.ca)点击展开...Brightwater最新一期公寓 最新一期镇屋开始预订 绝对稀缺,户型图和价格coming soon 优先内部签约 内部价格 – 51新楼花新房专家置业网 (davidzhu.ca)Union -village 第二期-B 最新豪华独立屋 开盘在即 New Detached Homes 全部户型图在手 下周即将有价格信息 – 51新楼花新房专家置业网 (davidzhu.ca)89 AVENUE ROAD CONDOS公寓 钻石般的品质 极尽奢华 而且落落大方 450万至2500万 每层仅4个单元(都是concer户型) – 51新楼花新房专家置业网 (davidzhu.ca)33Yorkville Condos 多伦多市中心最尊贵地段 象征着这座城市最上流的豪寓 地位等同于纽约的第五大道 价格和户型图 – 51新楼花新房专家置业网 (davidzhu.ca)Concord Sky 一種在城市璀璨之上,環幕皆景的愜意自在 傲立雲端的天際線 95层 多伦多未来的新地标 2028入住 价格和户型图 – 51新楼花新房专家置业网 (davidzhu.ca)UnionGlen持续更新中:七大建筑商联手打造著名社区Unionville!价格&户型图coming soon点击展开...UnionCity condos 万锦豪華公寓 华人最爱的小区 5栋楼花 總體規劃的城中城——於人村 太古池 約克大學萬錦校區 比爾克羅瑟斯中學 一个都不能少 价格和户型图点击展开...AVGS 爱神谷南村2025交房 Walkout 地下室 独立屋 镇屋 价格和户型图-发布43 Lot的户型 – 51新楼花新房专家置业网 (davidzhu.ca)NO. 31 Condos- 2% 现金折扣 首付15% 最新户型放出 多伦多市中心湖滨的地铁公寓 未来的浦东陆家嘴 上海新外滩 无敌湖景和City View – 51新楼花新房专家置业网 (davidzhu.ca)点击展开...
从容不仅是一种气质,而且也是一种行为方式! 超赞 赏 David Zhu大多新房专家*家园赞助商 3$(VIP 0,#266) 7,4422021-12-21#2 MILA二期即将来袭 一个位于士嘉堡Midland/Lawrence的大型规划社区 包括镇屋和独立屋单位 价格和户型图 – 51新楼花新房专家置业网 (davidzhu.ca)
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