加拿大华人论坛 加拿大房产大多伦多 - Upper Vista in Muskoka River安省第一度假胜地Muskoka, 两层经典独立屋 65* 150大占地,90万起 2023年交房 价格和户型图


Upper Vista in Muskoka River安省第一度假胜地Muskoka,​两层经典独立屋 65* 150大占地,90万起 2023年交房 价格和户型图​Upper Vista Muskoka|两层经典独立屋开售度假屋季节仅10万左右首款可购置一套位于安省最美观赏枫叶胜地美名9 Gainsborough Rd Bracebridge, ON P1L 1W安省第一度假胜地Muskoka, 独立屋楼花!at 9 Gainsborough Rd, Bracebridge 65* 150大占地Semi-Detached to Detached Homes Now AvailableLocated on 9 Gainsborough Rd, BracebridgeExpected Occupancy: Spring 2023By Evertrust Development Group Canada Inc.安省秋季最好观赏枫林尽染的度假胜地Muskoka 独立屋项目引荐给您Upper Vista Muskoka Located at Gainsborough Rd & Santas Village Rd, 共10%订金分三次付清23年的春季即可入住再也不会错过四季的变幻流转之美 4个卧室—4个卧室室内空间在1277—2637尺左右Single Family at 9 Gainsborough Rd, Bracebridge舒适大平层独立屋经典二层设计独立屋65*150 超大的私家占地可选择后院装置 泳池可要求精装设计地下室部分背靠绝美静谧峡谷Deposit Notes$10,000 with OfferBalance to 5% in 30 Days2.5% in 120 Days2.5% in 180 DaysUPPER ISTA MUSKOKA--价格和户型图UPPER ISTA MUSKOKAThe perfect getaway address! Upper Vista Muskoka is an exciting new community comprised of Townhomes and Detached Homes coming soon to the heart of Northern Ontario. Residents at Upper Vista Muskoka will have ample opportunity to enjoy a fantastic assortment of activities from Dining, Shopping, Golfing, Provincial Parks, Watersports, Winter Sports, Hiking, Cycling and so much more that Muskoka has to offer!UPPER VISTA MUSKOKA完美的度假勝地!Upper Vista Muskoka是一個令人興奮的新社區,包括即將到安大略省北部心臟地帶的聯排別墅和獨立式住宅。Upper Vista Muskoka的居民將有足夠的機會享受各種各樣的活動,包括餐飲,購物,打高爾夫球,省立公園,水上運動,冬季運動,遠足,騎自行車等等,Muskoka還提供許多其他活動!OccupancySpring 202341' Detached Bungalows Starting From the Low $600's41' Detached 2 Storey Homes Starting From the $1 Millions* Voted One of the Best Places to Live in Canada ** 2 Hours From Downtown Toronto * * Minutes From Historic Downtown Bracebridge * * Close to the Muskoka River and Plenty of Green Space *Upper Vista Muskoka is an exclusive collection of 41 detached homes and 60 townhomes nestled away in the beautiful town of Bracebridge, conveniently situated just 2 hours away from the hustle and bustle of downtown Toronto.This historic town offers the peaceful beauty of the Muskoka River, nearby parks, golf courses, and conservation areas. The area offers a wide variety of recreational activities and some urban amenities within its downtown core.Deposit Structure$10,000 with OfferBalance to 5% in 30 Days2.5% in 120 Days2.5% in 180 DaysOccupancy: Spring 2023Phase 1: 41 Detached Homes60’ wide lots with large spaces for BBQ, pool, gardening as well as entertainingBungalows with loft option or two storey homesOption for poolSome units backing onto ravineRoundabout drivewaysAll homes come with the option for a finished basement with a separate entrance,especially for multi-generational families or for additional rental incomeStarting in the low $600,000sPhase 2: 60 TownhomesMany future phases at Upper Vista to be released overthe next several years.HighlightsUpper Vista is approximately 2 hours from TorontoInternationally recognized beautiful countrysideHome to some of the most luxurious as well as expensivecustom properties in CanadaThe large seasonal provincial vacation marketSeveral golf courses nearbyMany celebrity homes (Tom Hanks, Steven Spielberg,Cindy Crawford, Kurt Russel andeven Kate Hudson’s Goldie Hawn)Bracebridge Sportsplex: Built-in 2006,this multi- million-dollar sports facility offers pools,fitness centre, outdoor track, as well as volleyballArts at the Albion is a co-operative galleryin the heart of Gravenhurst, Muskoka,showcasing the work of 20 diverseand unique local artists and craftspeoplein a heritage building.Fish in Lake Muskoka with the Muskoka Guided Fishing Tours.Enjoy the beautiful trails and naturein Bracebridge Bay Park.Shopping, Schools, as well as Hospitals nearby for healthy,happy living for all members of the family.Santa’s Village amusement park – especially funfor children and familiesBungalows starting from the low $600,000’s2 storey homes starting from $1 millionOnly 10% deposit before occupancyVarious options for upgrades as well as customizationsLot premiums may applyWhy Invest in Bracebridge, Muskoka1. Aging population drives increased demandfor cottage country properties2. Limited supply of existing homesat an affordable price3. The Loonie discount: Favourable exchange rateswhile attracting foreign investors acceleratingcapital appreciation購買理由一次又一次被《國家地理》,《 Frommer’s》和《 Reader’s Digest》等出版物評為加拿大最佳遊覽地之一!居民將被許多大型商店包圍,例如:Canadian Tire,LCBO,沃爾瑪超級中心,Staples,Home Depot-所有這些商店都在不到10分鐘的時間內即可到達!Bracebridge距多倫多市中心和北灣僅兩個小時,位於Muskoka河上,俯瞰著著名的Bracebridge瀑布,對於那裡的高爾夫球手來說,馬斯科卡(Muskoka)擁有許多高爾夫球場,從9洞球場到具有挑戰性的18洞球場。南Muskoka冰壺和高爾夫俱樂部,Muskoka高地高爾夫球場,Bracebridge高爾夫俱樂部和練習場等等,距離Upper Vista Muskoka僅有片刻路程!距Bracebridge歷史悠久的市中心僅一小段車程,那裡擁有眾多令人難以置信的餐廳,商店,精品店,咖啡館等等Upper Vista Muskoka的居民可以輕鬆地度過一天的時間,探索Muskoka提供的眾多省級公園之一,例如:阿爾岡昆公園,哈迪湖省級公園,衣衫Falls的瀑布省級公園等等。布雷斯布里奇(Bracebridge)全年提供各種各樣的戶外活動,例如:棒球,沙灘排球,觀鳥,划船,劃獨木舟,皮划艇,露營,越野滑雪,碟形高爾夫,釣魚和冰釣,高爾夫,遠足,山地自行車,滑冰,雪地摩託等等!David Zhu(647) 202-867651新楼花专家 美资房企高管 懂房子懂投资 精研学区房 新楼花 豪宅买卖微信:zliquan89 约克钻石经纪1.点击查看-资深楼花专家2.点击查看-精研房产买卖3.点击查看-专家租赁团队提供独立屋 镇屋 公寓 新房和现房投资、买卖、全方位市场推广团队提供专业贷款顾问,为您解决贷款疑难问题 个性化房屋销售策略提供商业贷款申请、商业计划方案商业保险以及市场推广提供3D全景看房服务+专业摄影 、装饰咨询专家,验房专家 精通房地产的大律师专业Home Staging顾问,高档次房屋售前装饰服务,为您解决卖房租房疑难问Email Us​Register Now​资深楼花专家 精研房产买卖 专家租赁团队 多伦多最新楼花网(每日更新)添加我的微信点击展开...立即咨询新房入住前验房PDI常见的问题有哪些?验房时有哪些注意事项?点击展开...点击查看PDI常见的问题你所需要知道的以及完税的步骤:非税务居民出售加拿大房产点击展开...推荐阅读:Hillsborough – 户型图, 价格, 评论 – 51找房 – 新房楼花频道50 Scollard Condos 顶级社区Yorkville 成功人士专享的奢华公寓,稀有,所以珍贵,一席尊天下的多伦多地标公寓 价格和户型图 – 51新楼花新房专家置业网 (davidzhu.ca)点击展开...Brightwater最新一期公寓 最新一期镇屋开始预订 绝对稀缺,户型图和价格coming soon 优先内部签约 内部价格 – 51新楼花新房专家置业网 (davidzhu.ca)Union -village 第二期-B 最新豪华独立屋 开盘在即 New Detached Homes 全部户型图在手 下周即将有价格信息 – 51新楼花新房专家置业网 (davidzhu.ca)89 AVENUE ROAD CONDOS公寓 钻石般的品质 极尽奢华 而且落落大方 450万至2500万 每层仅4个单元(都是concer户型) – 51新楼花新房专家置业网 (davidzhu.ca)33Yorkville Condos 多伦多市中心最尊贵地段 象征着这座城市最上流的豪寓 地位等同于纽约的第五大道 价格和户型图   – 51新楼花新房专家置业网 (davidzhu.ca)Concord Sky 一種在城市璀璨之上,環幕皆景的愜意自在 傲立雲端的天際線 95层 多伦多未来的新地标 2028入住 价格和户型图 – 51新楼花新房专家置业网 (davidzhu.ca)UnionGlen持续更新中:七大建筑商联手打造著名社区Unionville!价格&户型图coming soon点击展开...UnionCity condos 万锦豪華公寓 华人最爱的小区 5栋楼花 總體規劃的城中城——於人村 太古池 約克大學萬錦校區 比爾克羅瑟斯中學 一个都不能少 价格和户型图点击展开...AVGS 爱神谷南村2025交房 Walkout 地下室 独立屋 镇屋 价格和户型图-发布43 Lot的户型 – 51新楼花新房专家置业网 (davidzhu.ca)NO. 31 Condos- 2% 现金折扣 首付15% 最新户型放出 多伦多市中心湖滨的地铁公寓 未来的浦东陆家嘴 上海新外滩 无敌湖景和City View – 51新楼花新房专家置业网 (davidzhu.ca)点击展开...

从容不仅是一种气质,而且也是一种行为方式! 超赞 赏 David Zhu大多新房专家*家园赞助商 3$(VIP 0,#266) 7,4422022-02-02#2 Upper Vista in Muskoka River安省第一度假胜地Muskoka, 两层经典独立屋 65* 150大占地,90万起 2023年交房 价格和户型图David Zhu, (647) 202-8676davidzhu.ca

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