加拿大华人论坛 加拿大房产温尼伯工作好找吗?我想在那买房,大家说怎样?
2001.6FN 2004.11.Me----------------5 2004.12.07所有资料补齐 2004.12.24---------------122005.7登录加拿大至今 超赞 赏 俸禄xz酒要少吃 事要多知 0$(VIP 0) 4,1632007-06-06#2 回复: 温尼伯工作好找吗?我想在那买房,大家说怎样?温尼伯是马尼托巴的省会...就知道这些了...
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] 超赞 赏 T tony3000 0$(VIP 0) 742007-06-06#3 回复: 温尼伯工作好找吗?我想在那买房,大家说怎样?The weather is horrible;Difficult to find a good job;Goods are expensive than toronto.you may also feel unsafe here;The insurance of car is cheaper than toronto(but higher than many other citys);Chinese are not very much so it might be helpful to improve your english;in some good area, the average price of house(per sqf) is higher than north york.if you come here, you will find many chinese will never want to buy a house in other area.
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