加拿大华人论坛 加拿大房产[新闻]美国5月份成屋销量下降,销售价格连续第十个月下降。ZT


美国5月份成屋销售下跌至近四年来的最低水平,与此同时,库存增加,销售价格连续第十个月下降。全美地产经纪商协会(National Association of Realtors)周一公布,5月份成屋销量折合成年率降至599万套,较4月份修正后的601万套下降0.3%。4月份初步数据为599万套。5月份成屋销售价格中值为223,700美元,较上年同期的228,500美元下降2.1%。4月份成屋销售价格中值为219,800美元。这已是成屋销售价格连续第十月较上年同期下降。5月份599万套的销量与华尔街的预期相符,同时也是2003年6月份达到594万套低点以来的最低水平。全美地产经纪商协会经济学家Lawrence Yun表示,似乎潜在的买家只有在看到更多反映市场形势走稳的迹象之后才会出手。Yun指出,考虑到强劲的就业及经济增长、适宜的抵押贷款利率以及持平的房价等诸多积极的基本面因素,住房市场的表现无疑落后于其他领域。部分私人机构的分析师认为,住房市场的滑坡将继续牵制经济的增长。5月份的新屋开工数较4月份有所下滑,凸现出建筑商对当前这个库存积压严重的市场仍感到信心不足。上周发布的官方数据显示,美国5月份新屋开工数下滑了2.1%,为四个月来首次出现下降。了无生气的住房市场已经连续六个季度拖累了经济增长,而且成屋市场库存空置量的增长表明这种情况还将继续。次级抵押贷款市场的困境更是为住房市场雪上加霜。现在银行正在不断收紧信贷,而且鉴于有迹象表明以风险最高的去年发放的次级抵押贷款为基础的证券市场前景已出现恶化,银行有可能进一步收紧信贷发放。联邦住房贷款抵押公司(Freddie Mac)公布的数据显示,5月份30年期抵押贷款利率平均为6.26%,高于4月份的6.18%。截至5月底成屋市场库存空置量增加5.0%,至443万套,库存空置指标为8.9个月,高于4月底的8.4个月,后者未经修正。分地区看,5月美国四个地区成屋销售情况表现不一。中西部地区成屋销量增长0.7%,东北部地区下降5.8%,西部和南部则分别下降0.8%和3.4%。Jeff BaterExisting-Home SalesAnd Prices DeclineBy Jeff Bater From The Wall Street Journal Online Existing-home sales dipped during May to their lowest level in nearly four years, while inventories climbed and prices fell a 10th straight time.Home resales fell to a 5.99 million annual rate, a 0.3% decrease from April's revised 6.01 million annual pace, the National Association of Realtors said Monday. April's rate was originally estimated at 5.99 million.The median home price was $223,700 in May, down 2.1% from $228,500 in May 2006. The median price in April this year was $219,800. The 2.1% drop marked the 10th consecutive year-over-year price decline.Related Links Use our interactive chart to track home inventories across the U.S. Join a reader discussion on the U.S. housing market. The May resales level of 5.99 million was in line with Wall Street expectations. It was the lowest pace of demand since 5.94 million in June 2003.NAR economist Lawrence Yun said would-be buyers appear to be waiting for more signs of stability. "The market is underperforming when you consider positive fundamentals such as the strength of job creation, economic growth, favorable mortgage interest rates and flat home prices," Mr. Yun said.Some private analysts think the housing slump will keep restraining the economy. Builders broke ground in May at a lower rate than the month before, confirming their loss of confidence in a market bloated with inventory. The government reported last week May housing starts fell 2.1%, the first drop in four months. The lifeless housing market has reduced economic growth for six consecutive quarters, and a bulging supply of unsold homes suggest further drag. Another thorn in the side of the industry is the subprime loan market mess. Lenders have tightened credit -- and might do so further amid evidence that the outlook for securities backed by the riskiest subprime loans made last year has deteriorated.The average 30-year mortgage rate was 6.26% in May, up from 6.18% in April, according to Freddie Mac.Inventories of homes rose 5.0% at the end of May to 4.43 million available for sale, which represented an 8.9-month supply at the current sales pace. There was an 8.4-month supply at the end of April, which was unrevised from a previous estimate.Regionally, existing-home sales were mixed. Sales rose 0.7% in the Midwest and 5.8% in the Northeast. Demand fell 0.8% in the West and 3.4% in the South.

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