加拿大华人论坛 加拿大房产2008年10月上半月,多伦多房价下降15%,成交量萎缩21%
2008年10月上半月,多伦多(416地区)房价下降15%,成交量萎缩21% 大多伦多(905地区)房价下降8%,成交量萎缩16% Toronto Real Estate Board: Changing GTA resale housing market reflects economic times. Activity in the Greater Toronto Area resale housing market moderated considerably during the first half of October with 2,700 homes changing hands, Toronto Real Estate Board President Maureen O’Neill announced today. Sales volumes in the GTA decreased 18 per cent compared to the first half of October 2007, when 3,297 transactions were recorded and are down 10 per cent compared to the same period in 2006 when 3,007 sales took place. In the City of Toronto 1,140 sales took place in the first half of this month. This represents a 21 per cent decline from the 1,446 sales that took place in the same period a year ago and a 13 per cent decrease from the 1,312 transactions recorded in the first half of October 2006. In the 905 Region there were 1,560 sales in the first two weeks of this month, a 16 per cent decrease from the 1,851 transactions that took place during the same time frame in 2007 and down eight per cent from the 1,695 homes sold during the first half of October 2006. House prices declined throughout the GTA during the first half of the month. The average price of a GTA home is currently $353,772, down 11 per cent from $399,013 recorded the comparable period in 2007. In the City of Toronto the current average price $375,804, a 15 per cent decrease from the $441,878 average recorded at mid-October 2007. In the 905 Region the average price of a home is currently $337,671. This represents an eight per cent decline from the $365,527 average recorded during the first half of October 2007. With 27,559 properties currently listed on the TorontoMLS system, there is now 30 per cent more available stock from which to choose as compared to a year ago when 21,182 homes were listed. “More choice can mean slightly longer wait times for sellers whose homes are now on average, selling after 34 days on the market as compared to 29 days a year ago,” said Ms. O’Neill. “The list to sales ratio is 97 per cent of the list price.” Increased sales activity was noted in specific pockets located throughout the GTA.Sales in Oshawa (E16) increased 15 per cent compared to the first half of October 2007, based mainly on solid sales of detached homes. In Brampton West (W24) sales in the first half of October increased 21 per cent compared to the same period a year ago mainly due to strong attached row house sales. Downtown East (C08) experienced a 16 per cent overall increase in activity compared to mid-October 2007 primarily as a result of condominium apartment sales. Newmarket saw a 17 per cent increase in sales compared to the first half of October 2007 as a result of strong condominium apartment and semi-detached home sales.Previous news releases have incorporated 2006 comparisons. This was necessary in order to place the market statistics in a broader context. We will be referencing 2006 in its entirety at the end of the month when it will be more relevant. “While we continue to watch the economic picture globally, it is the local real estate climate that will determine our market place,” said Ms. O’Neill. “After the 2007 record highs, 2008 is an encouraging market for buyers.”
回复: 2008年10月上半月,多伦多房价下降15%,成交量萎缩21%2008 is an encouraging market for buyers
回复: 2008年10月上半月,多伦多房价下降15%,成交量萎缩21%我们9月底下的定金,11月底结帐拿房。不知道后市如何,反正需要就买了
回复: 2008年10月上半月,多伦多房价下降15%,成交量萎缩21%独立HOUSE的房价还是涨了很多,我朋友的房子政府来的估价信,现在比几年前又贵了几万刀。没地的房子旧了就开始贬值了,有地皮的房子根本就不需要担心什么下降,GTA是大城市,地皮就是黄金,所以买房子一定要买有地皮的。
回复: 2008年10月上半月,多伦多房价下降15%,成交量萎缩21%都是供楼的,经济不好就意味高失业率,到真正缺钱的时候就会大批的人亏本卖楼了.
回复: 2008年10月上半月,多伦多房价下降15%,成交量萎缩21%有涨有跌
Montréal 超赞 赏 Luck Li 0$(VIP 0) 2,3032008-11-18#7 回复: 2008年10月上半月,多伦多房价下降15%,成交量萎缩21%核心地区不可再生,永远是块宝。
不后悔的抉择,我的生活我做主。 超赞 赏 sinotour“新政号”飞船 0$(VIP 0) 1,7132008-11-18#8 回复: 2008年10月上半月,多伦多房价下降15%,成交量萎缩21%每月下15%,俺2年后登陆,不是白给还要倒贴?顶!
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