加拿大华人论坛 加拿大房产有没有搬家用的给Manager的样本通知给一个阿?
KM-BJ-SD-NR-Vancouver 超赞 赏 萌加晴 0$(VIP 0) 5462009-12-30#2 回复: 有没有搬家用的给Manager的样本通知给一个阿?哈哈,自己找到一个,填了填交给Manager啦!贴在这里给其他同志参考吧!30 Day Notice to LandlordDate (dd/mm/yyyy): _____________________Landlord's Name: _______________________Address of Rental Unit:______________________________________________________________________________According to the terms of my lease requiring a 30 day notice, you are hereby advised of my intent to vacate the premises on or before this date __________. I will be cleaning the apartment as to leave it in a good condition. Please send me any specific move out cleaning instructions if you have any. I will remove my personal belongings and turn in my keys on or before __________. Please send me an invoice for the prorated rent amount that will be due on __________.I would appreciate the return of my security deposit within 30 THIRTY days after I have vacated my apartment. The forwarding address for the return of my security deposit is:______________________________________________________________________________If you have any questions, please phone me at ____________________._________________________Tenant’s SignatureTenant's Name: _________________________
KM-BJ-SD-NR-Vancouver 超赞 赏 K km2007 0$(VIP 0) 4052009-12-31#3 回复: 有没有搬家用的给Manager的样本通知给一个阿?留个记号。
回复: 有没有搬家用的给Manager的样本通知给一个阿?这个好象不是给管理公司的, 而是给租客的通知.其实最简单你可以发email或电话给管理公司, 联系方式在会议记录中都有.一般要提前1-2周通知为好, 否则, 有些管理公司可能要收加急费.Happy New Year!Princess
回复: 有没有搬家用的给Manager的样本通知给一个阿?这是谁要写给谁的东西啊?如果现在我要从租的公寓中搬出去,需要写这个吗?前段时间公寓的管理公司已经给我信,让我写上搬家时间了,我还需要写这个吗?
回复: 有没有搬家用的给Manager的样本通知给一个阿?DateNameAddressDear xxx,This letter serves as a one-month written notice of our intention to vacate xxx(current address). We will vacate on or before xxxx (date). We will be cleaning the apartment as to leave it in a good condition. Please send me any specific move-out cleaning instructions if you have any. I will remove my personal belongings and turn in my keys on or before xxx(date).I would appreciate the return of my security deposit within fifteen (15) days after I have vacated my apartment. The forwarding address for the return of my security deposit is:xxxx (new address)If you have any questions, please contact me at xxx-xxx-xxxx.Thank you for your courtesy and services during the period of my lease.Sincerely,
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