加拿大华人论坛 加拿大房产刚才收到保守党来的捐款信,我不客气地回了他们
I have been a supporter of Conservative party for many years, especially on your free-market economic policy. But after I talk with my friends about your immigrant policy, I changed my mind. Now, I believe, compared with Liberal government, Conservative party's immigration policy has more racism and anti-Asian components . My friend told me that since Conservative party controlled the federal government, Asian people , especially Chinese community in Canada are facing much more discrimination than they were in previous Liberal government. Chinese parents, husbands and wifes have to wait much much longer time than ever before to reunite with their family members in Canada. Many Chinese parents can not even get a visit visa to see their children in Canada. Those immigration and visa regulations are totally inhuman and do not comply with Canadian value at all.If Conservative party can not change the situation, I will not vote for your party. Instead, I will tell the truth to all other Chinese-Canadian and vote for the party who will support Canadian multi-culture value and who will strengthen the cultural and economic relationship between Asia and Canada.Sincerely大家觉得怎么样?
回复: 刚才收到保守党来的捐款信,我不客气地回了他们gelivable!!!!
回复: 刚才收到保守党来的捐款信,我不客气地回了他们...Instead, I will tell the truth to ...点击展开...Very good. Just this sentence, it seems imply that you may or may not tell truth based on some conditions.
回复: 刚才收到保守党来的捐款信,我不客气地回了他们bad english.it's better to have your elder kid to look at it if applicable.
回复: 刚才收到保守党来的捐款信,我不客气地回了他们I have been a supporter of Conservative party for many years, especially on your free-market economic policy. But after I talk with my friends about your immigrant policy, I changed my mind. Now, I believe, compared with Liberal government, Conservative party's immigration policy has more racism and anti-Asian components . My friend told me that since Conservative party controlled the federal government, Asian people , especially Chinese community in Canada are facing much more discrimination than they were in previous Liberal government. Chinese parents, husbands and wifes have to wait much much longer time than ever before to reunite with their family members in Canada. Many Chinese parents can not even get a visit visa to see their children in Canada. Those immigration and visa regulations are totally inhuman and do not comply with Canadian value at all. If Conservative party can not change the situation, I will not vote for your party. Instead, I will tell the truth to all other Chinese-Canadian and vote for the party who will support Canadian multi-culture value and who will strengthen the cultural and economic relationship between Asia and Canada. Sincerely大家觉得怎么样?点击展开...非常好!
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]London Ontario[FONT=楷体]中国人对现实里很多不公平有一种难以理解的接受能力,然后成为社会的规则,最后成为文化的一部分。[/FONT][FONT=楷体]三个要饭的故事[/FONT][FONT=宋体][FONT=楷体]看一个社会的好坏有一个很简单的办法:富人是否大量移民。[/FONT][/FONT] 超赞 赏 P pcdoctor 0$(VIP 0) 2,2292010-12-08#6 回复: 刚才收到保守党来的捐款信,我不客气地回了他们有意思
回复: 刚才收到保守党来的捐款信,我不客气地回了他们大家觉得怎么样?点击展开... 我觉得,也许有几个句子时态需要调整一下。 从政治上说,有个关于自由党的笑话: 今年夏天叶礼庭在记者招待会上咋呼要大选的时候,有个记者问他:“要大选首先要有政纲。我访问了保守党的网站,里面有保守党竞选的政纲;我访问了NDP的网站,里面也有政纲;可我访问了自由党的网站,在哪里也找不到您的政纲。你们连政纲都没有,又如何让选民判断该不该投你们的票呢?” 叶礼庭拿出笔记本电脑登陆自由党网站看了一下,发现确实没有政纲。于是他在键盘上敲了几下,抬头对记者们说:“现在你们在看看,我的政纲已经有了。” 记者们登陆自由党的网站一看,发现上面果然多了个链接本党政纲,不由得暗自佩服这liberal boss果然强悍,这么快就把政纲弄出来了。 等记者招待会散了,记者们回到旅馆开始写报道了。他们点开那“本党政纲”一看,原来这个链接打开的是保守党网站的政纲的页面.... I had been a supporter of Conservative party for many years, especially on your free-market economic policy. But after I talked with my friends about your immigrant policy, I have changed my mind. Now, I believe, compared with Liberal government, Conservative party's immigration policy has more racism and anti-Asian components . My friend told me that since Conservative party controlled the federal government, Asian people , especially Chinese community in Canada have been facing much more discrimination than they were in previous Liberal government. Chinese parents, husbands and wifes have to wait much much longer time than ever before to reunite with their family members in Canada. Many Chinese parents can not even get a visit visa to see their children in Canada. Those immigration and visa regulations are totally inhuman and do not comply with Canadian value at all. If Conservative party can not change the situation, I will not vote for your party. Instead, I will tell the truth to all other Chinese-Canadian and vote for the party who will support Canadian multi-culture value and who will strengthen the cultural and economic relationship between Asia and Canada. Sincerely
移民科幻小说《种秧帝国崛起之后》弘扬主旋律传播正能量的饥饿游戏版《红旗颂》 超赞 赏 yzdy2009 0$(VIP 0) 1592010-12-08#8 回复: 刚才收到保守党来的捐款信,我不客气地回了他们支持
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