加拿大华人论坛 加拿大房产加拿大联邦房贷公司 新闻:三月"打房"政策已见初步成效
CMHC (加拿大联邦房贷公司)新闻:三月"打房"(减低家庭负债)政策已见成效Aug 29, 2011 - CBC news今年三月才祭出的政策主要有三项。1. 缩短最长偿还期,从35年至30年。2. 减少re-financing 重新贷款的借款比例,从90%至85%3. 政府停止保险HELOC 房屋净值抵押贷款伴随着自己开始下滑的房市,至六月底,re-financing 下跌40%。房贷保险申请数量下跌 5%。但平均偿还期从23.9年(6/2010) 升至24.6年(6/2011) 。http://www.cbc.ca/news/business/story/2011/08/29/cmhc-results-housing.htmlIn March, Finance Minister Jim Flaherty unveiled the latest round of tweaks to Canadian mortgage rules designed to make it harder for Canadians to bite off more debt than they can withstand.All Canadian home purchases where the buyer puts up less than 20 per cent as a downpayment require CMHC insurance. The two main rule changes implemented in March were a reduction of the maximum amortization time to 30 years from 35, and a reduction in the maximum amount a homeowner is allowed to refinance to 85 per cent of the value of the home, down from 90.By the end of June, the impacts of those rules were already being felt, with the CMHC seeing an instant 10 per cent reduction in the number of mortgage insurance applications. That figure rebounded somewhat, but by the end of June, it was still five per cent below the level it was prior to the changes.The move to 30-year amortizations was expected to somewhat reduce the number of new buyers. But the refinancing change has had a much more significant impact.At the end of June, refinancings were down by 40 per cent, CMHC said Monday.The agency has only recently started posting its quarterly results, because of changes to Ottawa's Financial Administration Act, which were laid out at the same time as the new mortgage rules came into play.Despite the slowdown in new applicants, the total value of CMHC's loan portfolio was $536 billion at the end of June, a 9 per cent increase from $490 billion at the same point last year.点击展开...这几个月来的房市放缓的程度已经超过了夏季的季节性变化。
GreaterFool 大傻的温哥华房市分析站 First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win. 超赞 赏 Greater Fool 0$(VIP 0) 1,0812011-08-29#2 回复: 加拿大联邦房贷公司 新闻:三月"打房"政策已见初步成效double post
GreaterFool 大傻的温哥华房市分析站 First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win. 超赞 赏 E EB5AEB5Guest 0$(VIP ) 2011-08-29#3 回复: 加拿大联邦房贷公司 新闻:三月"打房"政策已见初步成效
回复: 加拿大联邦房贷公司 新闻:三月"打房"政策已见初步成效事实就是LZ说得那样。希望LZ继续发帖。
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