加拿大华人论坛 加拿大房产[评论]中国投资移民以外 毒贩成温哥华高房价幕后推手


新闻:《中国投资移民以外 毒贩成温哥华高房价幕后推手》的相关评论温哥华房价的高企似乎已成为了全加拿大乃至国际性的话题,很多人把原因归结为海外游资和来自亚洲特别是中国大陆的投资移民,这也许只说对了话题的一半答案,那么推升这里房价的还有点击展开...为了钱,什么都可以,肯定是不对的。

回复: [评论]中国投资移民以外 毒贩成温哥华高房价幕后推手看到标题,第一个念头是...温哥华毒贩很多么?

回复: [评论]中国投资移民以外 毒贩成温哥华高房价幕后推手BC Hydro: 18,000 grow-ops suspected Nearly 18,000 homes in B.C. -- about the same number of residences as in all of West Vancouver -- use suspiciously high amounts of electricity, often a telltale sign of a marijuana growing operation.

个人主页: www.van001.com www.vanbbs.com 超赞 赏 玄 玄武六 0$(VIP 0) 952011-11-22#5 回复: [评论]中国投资移民以外 毒贩成温哥华高房价幕后推手B.C. Hydro is getting ready to tell the utilities commission that it's losing $100 million worth of stolen electricity to grow ops every year. The Crown corporation is including the estimate as part of its justification for spending spend $930 million on smart power meters for customers. The meters should make it easier to detect theft, it says.That $100 million figure should tell us something about the foolishness of our current drug policies.It's big money, equivalent to the electricity used by 77,000 homes, B.C. Hydro told delegates at the Union of B.C. Municipalities convention this month.

个人主页: www.van001.com www.vanbbs.com 超赞 赏 玄 玄武六 0$(VIP 0) 952011-11-22#6 回复: [评论]中国投资移民以外 毒贩成温哥华高房价幕后推手ztBC Bud worth an estimated $6 billion annuallyhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BC_Bud#cite_note-3 From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia BC Bud Dried bud of BC Bud Scientific classification Kingdom: Plantae Division: Magnoliophyta Class: Magnoliopsida Order: Rosales Family: Cannabaceae Genus: CannabisL'Hér. Species Unknown BC Bud is a generic term for several varieties of potent cannabis grown in the Canadian province of British Columbia. The term has almost become a brand name, especially in California, Oregon, Alaska, Idaho and Washington, to where most of the province's cannabis is exported. The United States Drug Enforcement Administration considers BC production to be a major problem, given the porous United States-Canada border,[1] and has launched several major initiatives to cut down on its flow, including collaborative operations targeting marijuana activists such as Marc Emery.[2] It has even been discussed in the documentary, The Union: The Business Behind Getting High which chronicles the distribution, production and economics of marijuana. A study released on October 4, 2006 by the University of Victoria Centre for Addictions Research of BC and Simon Fraser University Applied Research on Mental Health and Addictions indicated Cannabis use is more widespread among British Columbians than the rest of Canadians.[3] However, a high tolerance for cannabis use in BC and an awareness of the role of it as an export cash crop (worth an estimated $6 billion annually[4]) has tended to make it difficult for Canadian or American authorities to intervene effectively. This remains a significant point of contention between the US and Canada, and is one of many US-Canada border problems driving changes to both nations' policies.[5] Further, there is little, if any evidence that the police and the courts in British Columbia have charged persons for money laundering the multi-billion-dollar profits of BC Bud, and it is conceivable that the profiteers may now own a significant amount of British Columbia's legitimate property and businesses[6] and thus significantly influence politics at various levels in BC.[7] The early history of cannabis production was centred in hippie communities in the Gulf Islands and Kootenay area, in climate conditions perfect for outdoor growing. It is believed that much of the cannabis currently sold for export originates from hydroponic grow-ops in the Lower Mainland, with significant amounts still added by outdoor growers throughout the province.[8] BC has many compassion clubs, head shops and activists challenging the current legal and social views on cannabis. Larry Campbell, a Canadian senator and Vancouver's former Mayor, has called for the decriminalization,[9] and even legalization,[10] of cannabis in British Columbia. From a commercial point of view, the fact that many growers in BC informally cooperate to keep quality high, while competing fiercely in an illegal business, is of interest to some in the agricultural economics community, as well as students of trademarks, agricultural policy, black markets, and agorism. British Columbia is increasingly known for the premium quality of its marijuana.[11]

个人主页: www.van001.com www.vanbbs.com 超赞 赏 R rabbit 0$(VIP 0) 2,5212011-11-22#7 回复: [评论]中国投资移民以外 毒贩成温哥华高房价幕后推手怎么富豪变毒贩了?真瞎扯,扯到毒贩身上去了。

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