加拿大华人论坛 加拿大房产CIBC Firstline 房贷规则改变: 新移民,自雇者将更难拿到房贷 - 2月1日讯
CIBC 在1月31日晚间发表新闻,将停止接收 "Stated Income" 无法证明收入的自雇者的房贷申请。同时,CIBC 将设房贷申请上限于 $1 Million. 这改变可能与 加拿大房贷公司 (CMHC) 濒临法定房贷担保上限 600 Billion 有关。 其他银行有可能跟进。Self-employed, new immigrants may find getting a mortgage tougherPublished On Wed Feb 01 2012It’s going to be tougher for the self employed, new immigrants and higher-risk borrowers to get a mortgage as concerns continue to mount over the state of Canada’s housing market.CIBC’s wholesale mortgage arm, FirstLine, quietly announced Tuesday that it will no longer accept new applications from “stated income” homebuyers who can’t prove they have the annual net income to qualify for home loans.FirstLine also set a $1 million cap on what it will lend for a home purchase.The major change in policy, which is bound to pique the interest of other major lenders, came on the same day it was revealed that the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corp. could be forced to cut back on the mortgages it insures.The moves are seen as among the clearest indications yet that Canada’s hot housing market and record levels of household debt are a concern far beyond just the Ottawa offices of Finance Minister Jim Flaherty and Bank of Canada Governor Mark Carney.That’s despite a Bank of Montreal report this week that says Canada’s housing market is more balloon than bubble and more likely to deflate than pop.“The signs are there that everyone is worried, with the exception of BMO. It’s not like there is just one person saying there is a problem with the housing market,” said Jason Friesen, a mortgage consultant with the Callum Ross Team.“It’s impossible to know, given all the doom and gloom in the rest of the world, what will happen over the next three months or the next six months, but lending institutions are looking for ways to protect themselves.”http://www.thestar.com/article/1124...a-self-employed-new-immigrants-housing-market
GreaterFool 大傻的温哥华房市分析站 First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win. 超赞 赏 W weihua.ca 0$(VIP 0) 1,9252012-02-01#2 回复: 银行房贷规则改变: 新移民,自雇者将更难拿到房贷 - 2月1日讯其实,没有税单的才是有偿还能力的有钱人。加拿大银行很傻。。。。。。
回复: 银行房贷规则改变: 新移民,自雇者将更难拿到房贷 - 2月1日讯先不论傻不傻, 若 Royal Bank 或 TD 跟进,那对加拿大房市将有相当的负面影响。
GreaterFool 大傻的温哥华房市分析站 First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win. 超赞 赏 千姿 0$(VIP 0) 1,6042012-02-01#4 回复: 银行房贷规则改变: 新移民,自雇者将更难拿到房贷 - 2月1日讯认同。发现加拿大的打压房价是静悄悄的啊,要细细体会才能恍然大悟。然后又不知道误到的对不对,只好反复琢磨反复求证,各琢磨各的各求证各的,房市缓慢步入下行通道~
超赞 认同。发现加拿大的打压房价是静悄悄的啊,要细细体会才能恍然大悟。然后又不知道误到的对不对,只好反复琢磨反复求证,各琢磨各的各求证各的,房市缓慢步入下行通道~点击展开...我们现在正处于极为巧妙,多年来少见的一个经济环境...无论结果如何,都是值得从中学习的。大家现在的共同目的 是要保护资产。
GreaterFool 大傻的温哥华房市分析站 First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.楼主没有看懂这条新闻,或者别有用心。这条新闻讲的是CIBC的全资附属公司Firstline改变部分贷款政策。与5大银行无关,与政府的政策无关。点击展开...看来大家都在担心,除了 BMO.“The signs are there that everyone is worried, with the exception of BMO. It’s not like there is just one person saying there is a problem with the housing market,” said Jason Friesen, a mortgage consultant with the Callum Ross Team.点击展开...政府政策还未改变,GF 从没有提到过 "CMHC/财长 改变房贷政策".这 "CIBC Firstline" 改变贷款规则, 虽不是RBC/TD/BMO 等大银行,但我们在近日应睁大眼睛, 看看其他银行有无类似举动。CMHC 濒临法定贷款担保上限,这算是三天来最popular 的财经新闻之一。GF 个人认为,CMHC 房贷担保的600B 上限应该会在2012春被再次提高 (除非政府真的狠下心来要极大幅度打击房市,但那是不大可能,也是不太符合逻辑的事), 但是在政府提高CMHC总担保额的同时,有极大可能会一并发表新一轮的房贷缩紧政策 (提高首付/减少最长偿还期/减少re-finance 时可重新贷款的百分比/设定CMHC每宗贷款的上限/让银行承受更多的风险,以缩小纳税人的风险, 等等)。有空读读 Covered bond issuance by banks hits record, taxpayers on hook 及 Looser lending standards by Canadian banks raise concern CMHC Insurance Limits: A Wake-up Call for Lenders
GreaterFool 大傻的温哥华房市分析站 First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win. 超赞 赏 L longzhang 0$(VIP 0) 1082012-02-01#9 回复: 银行房贷规则改变: 新移民,自雇者将更难拿到房贷 - 2月1日讯能谈谈这篇文章吗?说老实话,看这些文章还真的很难理解,如果没有专业知识的话。Mortgage pullback hints of housing crisis in Canadahttp://www.moneyville.ca/article/1125067--mortgage-pullback-hints-of-housing-crisis-in-canada
回复: 银行房贷规则改变: 新移民,自雇者将更难拿到房贷 - 2月1日讯楼主没有看懂这条新闻,或者别有用心。这条新闻讲的是CIBC的全资附属公司Firstline改变部分贷款政策。与5大银行无关,与政府的政策无关。点击展开...
回复: 银行房贷规则改变: 新移民,自雇者将更难拿到房贷 - 2月1日讯这些新闻,你读了也不懂或装不懂。 中小金融机构,把首付超过20%的按揭贷款也拿去CMHC投保,目的是将来出售按揭贷款。如果把已经做好的按揭贷款全部放在资产负债表上,会被监管当局要求追加资本金。这些中小金融机构,不断投保,出售,套现后再做新贷款。目前CMHC的担保总额已经接近上限,所以这些中小金融机构很难再获得保险并出售按揭贷款。因此,像Firstline这样的金融公司必须收缩战线。 这种情况与地产,以及政府政策没有太多关系。 有些人天天在网上搜索负面消息,一知半解地翻译过来耸人听闻,有意思吗?点击展开...wrong, 大银行也作同样的伎俩, 在不必须的情况下与CMHC 申请保险,以降低银行自身的风险度,同时提高这些房贷的品质, 让银行可以把它包装成 Covered Bonds, 转卖给其他机构。 把自身的风险转移给其他机构及纳税人。 BMO 最近才被报导,最近卖出去了好几个Billion 的 Covered Bond, 所以风险转移后便有能力去推出短期的5年-2.99% 的固定利息deal. 现在据报导5大银行中只有RBC 作 没有CMHC保证 的 covered bond. 只找负面消息? 随便在 google news 上查查 "CMHC" 吧。没空? 我帮你http://www.google.ca/search?hl=en&g...l=989l1459l0l2746l4l4l0l2l2l0l148l276l0.2l2l0
GreaterFool 大傻的温哥华房市分析站 First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.目前CMHC的担保总额已经接近上限,所以这些中小金融机构很难再获得保险并出售按揭贷款。因此,像Firstline这样的金融公司必须收缩战线。 这种情况与地产,以及政府政策没有太多关系点击展开...作了一些research,CIBC/Firstline Mortgages 在2011年-6月是加拿大市场占有率最大的 mortgage lender说他是"必须收缩战线的中小金融机构"可能稍稍不正确As per market share, the top mortgage lenders in Canada currently look like this:#1 FirstLine Mortgages#2 Scotia Bank#3 First National#4 TD Bank#5 MCAP Service Corporation#6 Street Capital#7 National Bank#8 Macquarie#9 ING#10 Merixhttp://www.canequity.com/blog/2011-06-who-are-canadas-top-mortgage-lenders/点击展开...Firstline Mortgage (CIBC)Firstline Mortgage (CIBC) offers a full line of products, from the standard fixed term to unique products such as the double presidential (lined up with the presidential elections in the US when rates usually drop). CIBC Mortgages, through its brokerage arm, Firstline Mortgage, is the largest lender in Canada's brokerage industryhttp://www.mortgagebroker-canada.com/lendingnetwork-cibc.php点击展开...现在 Firstline Mortgage 市场占有率是第二大。FirstLine’s announcement is “a pretty substantial change in thinking” from the second-biggest mortgage lender in the country, said Friesen.The question is whether other institutional lenders will follow suit.http://ca.finance.yahoo.com/news/mo...QDBHBzdGNhdAMEcHQDc2VjdGlvbnMEdGVzdAM-;_ylv=3点击展开...
GreaterFool 大傻的温哥华房市分析站 First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win. 超赞 赏 Greater Fool 0$(VIP 0) 1,0812012-02-02#13 回复: 银行房贷规则改变: 新移民,自雇者将更难拿到房贷 - 2月1日讯Yahoo Finance 头条: "Mortgage lending tightens for self-employed, immigrants"It’s going to be tougher for the self employed, new immigrants and higher-risk borrowers to get a mortgage as concerns continue to mount over the state of Canada’s housing market.While a CMHC spokesperson insisted this “does not affect the availability of CMHC’s mortgage insurance for qualified home buyers and will not impact the cost of buying a home,” the federal housing company may inevitably be forced to take a harder look at who it insures down the road, housing experts say.That’s led to speculation that CMHC, too, could back away from self-employed home buyers who often need insurance to get a mortgage.FirstLine’s announcement is “a pretty substantial change in thinking” from the second-biggest mortgage lender in the country, said Friesen.The question is whether other institutional lenders will follow suit.Maintaining the cap could have a dampening effect on demand for housing, but would be “an indirect way of making it tougher to get a mortgage,” she said.Ottawa has raised concerns about record levels of household debt, fuelled by high-spending baby boomers and historically low interest rates.But restricting CMHC “is a bit trickier,” said Gulati, than having Ottawa tighten up mortgage rules yet again by insisting on higher downpayments and shorter amortization periods.http://ca.finance.yahoo.com/news/mo...QDBHBzdGNhdAMEcHQDc2VjdGlvbnMEdGVzdAM-;_ylv=3
GreaterFool 大傻的温哥华房市分析站 First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.#1 FirstLine Mortgages#2 Scotia Bank#3 First National#4 TD Bank#5 MCAP Service Corporation#6 Street Capital#7 National Bank#8 Macquarie#9 ING#10 Merix 这些金融机构,你知道几个?看看还有几个大银行在和贷款经纪有业务往来?点击展开...
回复: CIBC Firstline 房贷规则改变: 新移民,自雇者将更难拿到房贷 - 2月1日讯贷款JJ骗人?这样说同行不好吧。 从Greater Fool帖子的数据和高点击率来看,人家更靠谱。
回复: CIBC Firstline 房贷规则改变: 新移民,自雇者将更难拿到房贷 - 2月1日讯#1 CIBC FirstLine Mortgages#2 Scotia Bank#3 First National#4 TD Bank#5 MCAP Service Corporation#6 Street Capital#7 National Bank#8 Macquarie#9 ING#10 Merix 这些金融机构,你知道几个?看看还有几个大银行在和贷款经纪有业务往来?点击展开...
GreaterFool 大傻的温哥华房市分析站 First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.能不能不展示你的无知点击展开...这般态度面对不持己见的客户,可能不太 professional 哦。No need to be so defensive.所以这个 List 是贷款经纪最常用的Lender.能处于前1-4名,也不算小公司了,是不?November 16, 2011Lender Market Share SurprisesThe Big 31) Scotiabank 17.7% market share, +1.5 pps YOY 2) First National 14.0% market share, +1.4 pps YOY 3) TD Bank 12.2% share, +1.7 pps YOY 4) FirstLine 5) MCAP 6) National Bank 7) Street Capital 8) Home Trust 9) ING Direct Source: D+H (Davis + Henderson) puts out an excellent report called Lender Insights which compiles lender market share data in the mortgage broker industry. We receive data from that report via 3rd party sources and have quoted it here. http://www.canadianmortgagetrends.c...ds/2011/11/lender-market-share-surprises.html
GreaterFool 大傻的温哥华房市分析站 First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.能不能不展示你的无知。你看的网站全是贷款经纪自己搞的网站,BMO,RBC, CIBC,HSBC根本就不接受贷款经纪。 贷款经纪说FIRSTLINE市场占有率排名第二,你自己信吗? 原来觉得你分析的东西多少靠点谱,现在看来,你的research是最主观的。连贷款经纪用来骗人的东西都用上了。 无知不是你的错,出来丢人就是你的错了。点击展开... 真的不敢相信穿着西装的白领专业人士能说出这样刻薄的言语。
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