加拿大华人论坛 加拿大房产考虑提早还清房贷? 新规则3月5日实施,银行将清楚告知罚款数量计算法
加拿大政府3月5日新规:各银行贷款机构将陆续公开罚款数量计算法CBA Welcomes New Rules for Mortgage Prepaymentshttp://www.marketwatch.com/story/cba-welcomes-new-rules-for-mortgage-prepayments-2012-03-04Improved Penalty Disclosures On The Wayhttp://www.canadianmortgagetrends.c...improved-penalty-disclosures-coming-soon.htmlThe government has just announced a brand new mortgage “code” that requires federal financial institutions:“…provide more information on how prepayment charges are calculated.”“…explain the differences between mortgage products, including ways to pay off a mortgage faster without incurring penalties.”These improved disclosures have been eagerly anticipated by consumer groups。Indeed, the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada (FCAC) says it “has observed a significant increase in the number of complaints it has received related to mortgage prepayment penalties,” especially interest rate differential (IRD) charges.官方原文:CG-8 MORTGAGE PREPAYMENT PENALTY DISCLOSUREhttp://www.fcac-acfc.gc.ca/eng/industry/commissioner/guidance/cg-8/index-eng.asp
GreaterFool 大傻的温哥华房市分析站 First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win. 超赞 赏 S silverkw 0$(VIP 0) 1,0912012-03-05#2 回复: 考虑提早还清房贷? 新规则3月5日实施,银行将清楚告知罚款数量计算法嗯,免得以为只需要还 3 个月利息,结果要换几年的利息差价。
回复: 考虑提早还清房贷? 新规则3月5日实施,银行将清楚告知罚款数量计算法罚款不是小数目
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