加拿大华人论坛 加拿大房产求助:关于第一次买房的报税问题:
enter your home buyer's amount (maximum 5000) 是第一次买房子的都可以有5000呢?还是有什么限制条件?谢谢
回复: 求助:关于第一次买房的报税问题:明白了,是对买新房 的
回复: 求助:关于第一次买房的报税问题:明白了,是对买新房 的点击展开...不是
Carpe Diem 不是点击展开... 不是?
回复: 求助:关于第一次买房的报税问题:对于第一次置业人士。You can claim an amount of $5,000 for the purchase of aqualifying home made in 2011, if both of the followingapply:■You or your spouse or common-law partner acquired aqualifying home.■You did not live in another home owned by you or yourspouse or common-law partner in the year of acquisitionor in any of the four preceding years (first-timehome buyer). You must intend to occupy the home or you must intendthat the related person with a disability occupy the home asa principal place of residenceno later than one year after itis acquired.The claim can be split between you and your spouse orcommon-law partner, but the combined total cannot exceed$5,000.When more than one individual is entitled to the amount(for example, when two people jointly buy a home), thetotal of all amounts claimed cannot exceed $5,000.
我们是永远不变的――永远的年轻,永远的热泪盈眶。 超赞 赏 nicole_lee有阴影的地方,必 0$(VIP 0) 2,1922012-04-19#6 回复: 求助:关于第一次买房的报税问题:查 Canada Revenue AgencyGeneral Income Taxand Benefit Guide2011这上面都有
我们是永远不变的――永远的年轻,永远的热泪盈眶。 超赞 赏 galaxy 0$(VIP 0) 1,7552012-04-19#7 回复: 求助:关于第一次买房的报税问题:不管是新房还是二手房,只要是第一次买房,都可以有5000块的抵扣。
[font=仿宋体]我不去想是否能够 [/font][font=仿宋体]既然选择了远方便只顾风雨兼程 我不去想能否赢得爱情既然钟情于玫瑰就勇敢地吐露真诚 我不去想身后会不会袭来寒风冷雨既然目标是地平线留给世界的只能是背影 我不去想未来是平坦还是泥泞只要热爱生命一切,都在意料[/font]不是?点击展开...不用非得是第一次买房, 之前五年内没买过房就行.
Carpe Diem 对于第一次置业人士。You can claim an amount of $5,000 for the purchase of aqualifying home made in 2011, if both of the followingapply:■ You or your spouse or common-law partner acquired aqualifying home.■ You did not live in another home owned by you or yourspouse or common-law partner in the year of acquisitionor in any of the four preceding years (first-timehome buyer). You must intend to occupy the home or you must intendthat the related person with a disability occupy the home asa principal place of residence no later than one year after itis acquired.The claim can be split between you and your spouse orcommon-law partner, but the combined total cannot exceed$5,000.When more than one individual is entitled to the amount(for example, when two people jointly buy a home), thetotal of all amounts claimed cannot exceed $5,000.点击展开... 不是指2011年建的房子吗?
回复: 求助:关于第一次买房的报税问题:不管是新房还是二手房,只要是第一次买房,都可以有5000块的抵扣。点击展开... ?
回复: 求助:关于第一次买房的报税问题:不是指2011年建的房子吗? [/left]点击展开...不是home made in 2011,是purchase ... made in 2011
Carpe Diem 不是home made in 2011,是purchase ... made in 2011点击展开... 谢谢啦, 明白了!
回复: 求助:关于第一次买房的报税问题:和大家确认一下, 真的在上一年度买的在加拿大的第一套房, 能获得5000的返回吗?
回复: 求助:关于第一次买房的报税问题:对于第一次置业人士。You can claim an amount of $5,000 for the purchase of aqualifying home made in 2011, if both of the followingapply:■ You or your spouse or common-law partner acquired aqualifying home.■ You did not live in another home owned by you or yourspouse or common-law partner in the year of acquisitionor in any of the four preceding years (first-timehome buyer). You must intend to occupy the home or you must intendthat the related person with a disability occupy the home asa principal place of residence no later than one year after itis acquired.The claim can be split between you and your spouse orcommon-law partner, but the combined total cannot exceed$5,000.When more than one individual is entitled to the amount(for example, when two people jointly buy a home), thetotal of all amounts claimed cannot exceed $5,000.点击展开...
回复: 求助:关于第一次买房的报税问题:晕, 报过了还能改吗?没有报上一年度买的房哦
回复: 求助:关于第一次买房的报税问题:ding
回复: 求助:关于第一次买房的报税问题:不用非得是第一次买房, 之前五年内没买过房就行.点击展开...请问是之前五年内在加拿大无住房,还是在全球无住房?
回复: 求助:关于第一次买房的报税问题:请问是之前五年内在加拿大无住房,还是在全球无住房?点击展开...加拿大
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