加拿大华人论坛 加拿大房产温西地产经纪卖掉自住房,建议大家趁跌幅还不大,赶快卖房兑现
Time to Cash Out:by Keith Roy on Wed, Jul, 4, 2012 11:06 PMIs the Vancouver real estate market heading for another crash? I’m a REALTOR and I sold my own home 4 weeks ago. It wasn’t too big or too small. It’s only 6 years old and still feels new. I sold because in 6 months my home will be worth less than it is today. I think its time to cash out! Let me explain.....To ignore the truth doesn’t change the truth. And so it is in the Vancouver real estate lately. Far too often the real estate industry, of which I am obviously a part, makes excuses for slow sales periods, declining prices and difficult negotiations. These excuses are self serving. The facts are simple; real estate is easier to sell when prices are going up, realtors are happier when more houses are selling and open houses are more fun when buyers come to look. However, the good times pass like the bad ones do. I would suggest that good times have passed in the Vancouver real estate market, at least for the foreseeable future... (全文见 http://keithroy.com/blog.html/time-to-cash-out--1976393 ) (Keith Roy is an award winning REALTOR at Macdonald Realty in Vancouver, BC. He has been ranked in the top 10% of all Greater Vancouver REALTORS for the last 5 years. Keith sold his own home 4 weeks ago based on these numbers. )
GreaterFool 大傻的温哥华房市分析站 First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win. 超赞 赏 david77 0$(VIP 0) 2,3692012-07-04#2 回复: 温西地产经纪卖掉自住房,建议大家趁跌幅还不大,赶快卖房兑现普遍吗?
回复: 温西地产经纪卖掉自住房,建议大家趁跌幅还不大,赶快卖房兑现不是抬杠啊,最后一段说这厮销售业绩好,和丫卖房正确与否应该没有必然的关系,个人意见。
回复: 温西地产经纪卖掉自住房,建议大家趁跌幅还不大,赶快卖房兑现精明,卖了才说,一年后会回头说他预料准,给自己打广告了。
回复: 温西地产经纪卖掉自住房,建议大家趁跌幅还不大,赶快卖房兑现the reason you haven't seen a RUSH of sales of people trying to buy before the deadline is because the information (true information) is getting out there via the internet and blogs etc.So Real Estate agents can no longer pull the wool over buyer's eyes and lie to them. Right before the mortgage rules change is the WORST time to buy. Why would you expect people not to know this and instead believe your lies about it being in their best interest to buy before mortgage trends in their favour kick in? You agents have driven the prices too high for too long and Buyers are FED UP. They start to read online blogs and figure out that they should instead Rent and wait for a housing correction and stop being the greater fool just so greedy agents like you can get a big fat commission check.
When you judge another person, you do not define him or her, you define yourself.the reason you haven't seen a RUSH of sales of people trying to buy before the deadline is because the information (true information) is getting out there via the internet and blogs etc.So Real Estate agents can no longer pull the wool over buyer's eyes and lie to them. Right before the mortgage rules change is the WORST time to buy. Why would you expect people not to know this and instead believe your lies about it being in their best interest to buy before mortgage trends in their favour kick in? You agents have driven the prices too high for too long and Buyers are FED UP. They start to read online blogs and figure out that they should instead Rent and wait for a housing correction and stop being the greater fool just so greedy agents like you can get a big fat commission check.点击展开...我觉得另外一个因素是买家已经对高房价感到疲劳了。温哥华的一些经纪朋友观察到的现象是今年买家突然消失了,而且这不是季节性的现象。
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